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  1. O

    Melee Character help

    Chance's Knife kicks ass!! Thanks again guys. I had no trouble getting it -- when I got to the grave, I went from [HIDDEN] to [CAUTION] but never saw any cazadores. But on a side note, I ran into a cazador by the tumbleweed ranch and had very little trouble killing it with Chance's Knife -...
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    Melee Character help

    Thanks for the tips guys. It seems like getting Chance's Knife is the way to go. I have read about that weapon, but never knew where the location was -- I don't think it's a marked location, so... Avoiding the cazadores shouldn't be too difficult for me, as I just ran through scorpion gulch...
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    Melee Character help

    So I just started a melee-focused game, and so far I am getting my ass handed to me by geckos and mantises. I haven't died yet, but it's a little frustrating fighting stuff with a knife and a shovel. Where can I find some good melee weapons real early in the game? I was thinking about...
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    New vegas map grid question

    Not sure how on topic this is, but I am very content with the size of the map in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas. It usually takes quite a while to walk across the entire map; and it very rarely feels like I am running into dead ends or invisible walls.
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    It seems more likely to me that he became a ghoul after already being a Veteran NCR Ranger... like from being exposed to high levels of radiation at Camp Searchlight or some other similar area.
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    What I miss in New Vegas

    In Fallout 3, I would make a point to turn on radios that were off... In Fallout New Vegas, I turn off every radio I see -- because they are ALL on! And the music sucks.
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    My followers exhibit symptoms of a severe Poison allergy...

    What companion perks are really worth it? The only thing they seem really useful for is carrying my extra stuff. The ED-E perk to see red dots on my map seemed useful at first, but most red dots are for enemies that are so far away, that it becomes stupid... idk, maybe it's just me.
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    I don't get the reference. what is the joke?
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    My followers exhibit symptoms of a severe Poison allergy...

    This is why I avoided using any companions while playing on Hardcore. Most of the time, they are way too un-cautious. Like if i see Cazadores in the distance, I crouch down and try to snipe them; they just run forward and do a full-frontal attack. this is fine for regular mode, where they...
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    Which would you rather see?

    I think the top screen could show the gameplay and the bottom screen could show the text for dialogue options, and such. Then you could just touch the dialogue option you want.
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    Chinese Stealth Armor

    Who tells you about the stealth armor?
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    Im considering to buy NV but there are some things...

    I would look on for an english version of the game. As for bugs, I have the xbox360 version and the PS3 version. The 360 version was virtually bug-free for me. the only issue was that after 4 or more hours of playing the game had a small chance of freezing. And sometimes your...
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Now this is a WTF moment with a semi-permanent effect on my game: Somehow, I ended up with Raul's .44 magnum revolver in my inventory!! I was near Raul's Shack and a young deathclaw came up to us, and I noticed Raul trying to fight it with his fists instead of shooting it... I thought that...
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    Chinese Stealth Armor

    And a 9mm SMG if you have a repair skill of 25 or higher.
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    Chinese Stealth Armor

    Not sure how common this knowledge is, but it's a pretty rare find in this game, so I thought i would let y'all know where it is. Go to Hoover Dam, but don't go in the visitor center, just keep walking down the path until you come to the 2nd tower on the right. Go in that door and make your...
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Oh ok, he did have a long story about his past after I talked to Loyal in the Boomer's Base, but it did not seem like it was going anywhere. And I just killed Corporal Sterling to get his unique rifle, so I hope he was not one of the guys I was supposed to talk to. From what you guys told me...
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Really? Tell me more... How does one trigger it and what do you have to do?
  18. O

    What level does Ranger Combat Armor Start appearing?

    I just don't like that there is no quick way to heal. It was nearly impossible to take out the Brotherhood of Steel on Hardcore because of this. They would hit me with a gauss rifle and take 95% of my health, then I would be in constant retreat mode, using stimpaks to heal 6 hp per second or...
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    Companions cause so many WTF moments; I remember trying to do ED-E's side-quest and just getting random recordings that did not seem to mean anything for the most part. And then trying to trigger Arcade Gannon's side-quest is so ambiguous. There is no cut-and-dry method that I know of. It...
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    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    If I remember correctly, Festus stops interacting with you after you complete that quest. This reminds of a big WTF moment for me. Getting the Pew Pew. The damage numbers were pretty good, but it used 15 e cells per shot and each clip could only hold 30, so you had to reload after only 2...