This ghoul has seen it all

I remembered one.
I was completing Birds of a Feather, I had the assigment of meeting some guy near one of the houses south of the sharecrooper, pretty simple. I was walking towards the map amrker and the green dot, then about 5 red dots appear, I had ED-E with me so I tought they were a good distance away, but then I see the green dot moving around and the red dots moving towards it, then PUM YOU FAILED BIRDS OF A FEATHER!!!! I had to rush there and kill the Golden Geckos that killed the guy, and of course reloda another file and try another path to get to the guy.
I was completing Birds of a Feather, I had the assigment of meeting some guy near one of the houses south of the sharecrooper, pretty simple. I was walking towards the map amrker and the green dot, then about 5 red dots appear, I had ED-E with me so I tought they were a good distance away, but then I see the green dot moving around and the red dots moving towards it, then PUM YOU FAILED BIRDS OF A FEATHER!!!! I had to rush there and kill the Golden Geckos that killed the guy, and of course reloda another file and try another path to get to the guy.