Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

Most recent WTF moment. I had rex on kill anyone you see, walked him into that building in Fiend territory, and he wiped out the entire group without losing a health point.

Fiends kept saying "So you want to see your own blood?" And then you hear Rex tearing their limbs off. Seriously, I didn't even get a shot off, and Lilly just hung back.

I am so glad he's such a good natured pooch.
Yamu said:
Look for old vets that've continued to serve despite the mounting hardships of age. The Vault Wiki has more info, if you were interested in spoilers.

Oh ok, he did have a long story about his past after I talked to Loyal in the Boomer's Base, but it did not seem like it was going anywhere.

And I just killed Corporal Sterling to get his unique rifle, so I hope he was not one of the guys I was supposed to talk to. From what you guys told me, Raul's side-quest seems pretty pointless, so I don't think I will try to pursue it.

I'm sure it will end up with me saying WTF.
A fair few for me.

My first playthrough for one. I had been getting friendly with the NCR for ages. I had offed Mr House and caesar, and was pretty much idolized by anyone associated with NCR. Then I got the mission to protect the president, but instead I took a spot a short distance away and gunned him down with my sniper rifle.

This was before I even knew Yes man existed (don't ask how, I don't know myself), and for a while I was left wondering how I was going to complete the game after killing all the faction leaders.

Then there is my recent playthrough. I decided to go very hard for once (which I regret not doing in the first place, makes the experience much better). I got Boone killed for nothing early on.

I saw a secluded clearing with some shallow graves, and I thought there might be some good loot to be had. Unfortunately, there were giant radscorpians about and they killed Boone after a long fight. He distracted them whilst I went to get the loot, but it turned out I didn't even have a shovel to dig up the graves.
Now this is a WTF moment with a semi-permanent effect on my game: Somehow, I ended up with Raul's .44 magnum revolver in my inventory!!

I was near Raul's Shack and a young deathclaw came up to us, and I noticed Raul trying to fight it with his fists instead of shooting it... I thought that was odd, but then I looked in my inventory and saw a .44 magnum revolver that was not there before.

I tried to equip it, but I could not shoot it because it said I had no ammo. I know I have .44 magnum ammo; so I double-checked, and sure enough I have 192 rounds. But then I looked at the ammo needed for the gun and it just says "MCA 0/0" and of course I have no MCA ammo...WTF! (Magnum Companion Ammo?)

When I go into a trade inventory menu (like with Raul, or a vendor, or a container) the gun does not appear in my inventory, so I can't get rid of it that way. And if I drop it, it won't let me pick it up again. There is a red "steal" icon on it, but pressing the button does nothing. And the worse part is, it's taking up 4 pounds of my weight capacity!

What can I do? I am playing on PS3.
outofthegamer said:
I tried to equip it, but I could not shoot it because it said I had no ammo. I know I have .44 magnum ammo; so I double-checked, and sure enough I have 192 rounds. But then I looked at the ammo needed for the gun and it just says "MCA 0/0" and of course I have no MCA ammo...WTF! (Magnum Companion Ammo?)

Of course not. It means you don't have Avellone in your inventary. :wink:
Actually my WTF moment right now is that those grannies have pretty good legs.. actually if you put a bag of their heads... maybe.....

(nice pic, but can you reduce the size a bit).
Also not really a WTF moment I was still surprised.

I quick traveled to a Ranger Outpost and bumped into NCR Ranger in one of those black uniforms.
He said "Hello" to me in the Ghoul gravely voice and I thought this was some kind of error at first.

Then I saw a piece of his helmet was missing and in the opening the back of a Ghoul head.
So I decided to talk to him again and it is indeed a Ghoul veteran NCR Ranger.

My respect for the NCR suddenly jumps up several notches.
I know the NCR are a fictional government organization but after all the tiresome debates of how much better the post apocalyptic US would have been under Enclave rule as debated in other topics I just run into an example why the NCR is still moralistic superior.

They don't discriminate that much and Ghouls can actually join their military forces and even become high ranking members.
Unlike the Enclave who would shoot them on sight.

Ending my rant now.
The Dutch Ghost said:
They don't discriminate that much and Ghouls can actually join their military forces and even become high ranking members.

It seems more likely to me that he became a ghoul after already being a Veteran NCR Ranger... like from being exposed to high levels of radiation at Camp Searchlight or some other similar area.
outofthegamer said:
The Dutch Ghost said:
They don't discriminate that much and Ghouls can actually join their military forces and even become high ranking members.

It seems more likely to me that he became a ghoul after already being a Veteran NCR Ranger... like from being exposed to high levels of radiation at Camp Searchlight or some other similar area.

Does it really matter that there is some kind of background story?
I just like that there are Ghoul veteran NCR Rangers around, makes the NCR resemble more a civilization made up of the various parts of the wasteland.
I had a WTF moment during my second playthrough. On the road to Nipton there's a derelict car near the remains of a house. While I was walking suddenly the car flips a few meters in the air :shock: for apparently no reason at all.
Later I found out the reason. Below the car there's a briefcase and evidently the physics engine glitched.

drn_lvs_lnt said:
welsh said:
(nice pic, but can you reduce the size a bit).

Yeah, I would, but how?

Resize the pic, reupload it and edit the message. Or put the pic under spoiler.
Heh, I had a funny WTF a couple of days ago.
I was playing the FNV campaign from the start again and I had just completed a couple of quests.
I went back to the Mojave Outpost to the NPC Ghost to tell that I had checked out Nipton.

Not a second after I got the 'Quest completed' text and the message that the NCR now liked me, I saw that ranger that brings you the emergency radio fall out of the sky in the distance. (that slope that leads to the Mojave desert)

Honestly laughed out loud when I realized what was going on.

BTW not the first time something with him happened, in another gaming session after he gave me the radio he ran into a skirmish between NCR troopers and Fiends near McCarran and got himself vaporized.
I'm playing a dumb courier with 1 INT, the Wild Wasteland trait and forgot how much funny this is.

When I was in Boulder City solving the hindrance between the NCR and Khans concerning the release of the hostages and the orders received, guess what the justification my courier gave to Lt. Monroe for letting the Khans go?
"The Great Khans were nice. You have to be nice too." :shock: :lol:

Great way to win a war, hun?
The Dutch Ghost said:
BTW not the first time something with him happened, in another gaming session after he gave me the radio he ran into a skirmish between NCR troopers and Fiends near McCarran and got himself vaporized.

For me he was running into a cazadores nest. I liked it, because then I could get fancy ranger clothes as well.
The Gommorah side quest where you have to recruit backup to get the hookers to escape.

Big Beard: I know what you want! You want to know how I grow my beard so thick!!!
Me: Sure, whats the secret.
Big Beard: Trade secret.
Me:......well Carlito says hes here to collect his chips
Big Beard: Ok, I understand.
Me: What kind of debt do you owe him in the first place?
Big Beard: Lets just say it had to do with beards, and end it at that.

Is this guy supposed to be Chuck Norris or something?
The Suave Gambler said:
The Gommorah side quest where you have to recruit backup to get the hookers to escape.

Big Beard: I know what you want! You want to know how I grow my beard so thick!!!
Me: Sure, whats the secret.
Big Beard: Trade secret.
Me:......well Carlito says hes here to collect his chips
Big Beard: Ok, I understand.
Me: What kind of debt do you owe him in the first place?
Big Beard: Lets just say it had to do with beards, and end it at that.

Is this guy supposed to be Chuck Norris or something?

This dialog is very inspired...

"We don't trade beard secrets, end of story". :clap: :D