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  1. Little Robot

    A Blatant Example of Mass Media Manipulation

    Although I'm sure that there is quite a bit of spin on everything going out there, I think that your example is not that strong. There's a difference between a mostly white crowd protesting a black person-- a mostly white crowd who is very different than the "true" tea party members who...
  2. Little Robot

    Original FO/FO2 Polymeshes

    The walking seems weird to me, but maybe it's just the way I'm looking at it.
  3. Little Robot

    Bethesda vs Interplay hijinks continue

    Oh, oops. Sorry, Ausir. :oops: Actually, I don't know how to check the 2004 employment records of Interplay. I apologize for my ignorance-- see, this is why you have a Wiki and I don't.
  4. Little Robot

    Bethesda vs Interplay hijinks continue

    Yeah, I know. I know. But that doesn't mean that IPLY will do good things with the Fallout name-- I'm sure that Chris Taylor and Mark O'Green were there when they made BOS as well. I'm not a big fan of Tactics.
  5. Little Robot

    Bethesda vs Interplay hijinks continue

    Trank, part of the issue is how badly IPLY has abused the Fallout name. Tactics and POS, in particular. The really good Fallout guys are at Obsidian, including members of the original team and some of the people who were working on Van Buren. Just because Interplay used to make the games...
  6. Little Robot

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    :hatersgonnahate: / :hatersgonnahate:
  7. Little Robot

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Congratulations, Carib! I'm a little late but whatever.
  8. Little Robot

    The Art of Video Games Smithsonian Exhibit

    I mean, my problem with Carnival is that the Atari VCS is by far an inferior system to the Colecovision-- especially due to the graphics of the games. And Carnival was one of the crappiest titles for the VCS, even graphics-wise. Basically, this is the comparison (graphics and...
  9. Little Robot

    The Art of Video Games Smithsonian Exhibit

    They also have the original PacMan game for the Atari VCS. I don't know if you've ever played it, but it's absolute trash. Especially considering how good Ms. Pac Man is, for the exact same system. I'm talking worlds of difference. If it was Ms. Pac Man I would have voted for it, as it is...
  10. Little Robot

    The Art of Video Games Smithsonian Exhibit

    That's really cool, I wish that I could go see this exhibit. It's interesting that it seems to focus on home video games, specifically-- especially since the time period covers arcade games as well as home systems. Many arcade games had a lot of art put into the machine itself as well as the...
  11. Little Robot

    Fallout 1 mod Fallout Fixt - next release will be some time in Jan 2020

    Isn't the Easter Egg from the Fallout demo? I'm pretty sure that it was a little joke where (after the dialog you put in) it said something like "this game is fantastic, you really should go out and preorder it right now." Can someone else who has played the demo remember this? I always...
  12. Little Robot

    so what if Interplay wins back the Fallout ip?

    No, I don't think that IPLY would give Obsidian the chance to make any new games. They've fought too hard to get the rights, they wouldn't want to let anyone else get their hands on the games. It would end up being developed in-house, and it would probably be some rip-off of FO3 trying to ride...
  13. Little Robot

    VG247 interviews Pete Hines

    Although I suppose you're right, I feel like the tone of "their future is being discussed" + "we were disappointed with the bugginess, it is not something we tolerate" is a little worrying. Eh, whatever. I guess that I am just tired. :shrug:
  14. Little Robot

    VG247 interviews Pete Hines

    Ok, what is going on? Is this an elaborate prank? Am I living in topsy-turvy land all of a sudden? Because if not, why the hell is this discussion focusing on how buggy Fallout 3 was? Let me make this clear: the future of Obsidian-made Fallout is being discussed here. That's basically the...
  15. Little Robot

    Isn't FEV a bit dumb?

    Wow, thanks for the in-depth explanation. It certainly helped with all the assumptions (although it seems like this thread had just largely devolved into talking about smoke detectors :wink:).
  16. Little Robot

    VG247 interviews Pete Hines

    Ok, I think that people are focusing too much on his dumb statement on FO3's bugginess (Beth is dumb, old news) when he gave a response about using Obsidian for future games which, to me, didn't sound too hopeful. Maybe he is just trying to avoid committing himself, but if I was at a job where...
  17. Little Robot

    New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

    Hm, I think that this one looks most like Fallout. But since most of them are "modern" cities they break the feel a little. Here are some others that have a similar feel, I think-- although they might look a little strange. Car Probably NYC Probably NYC again This city is nice
  18. Little Robot

    Duke Nukem Forever

    I think that I sort of know what you mean, BN-- the original games were over-the-top insanity for its own sake, but it almost seems like the new one is saying "Ok, let's be over-the-top to imitate the other games, but we're basically just trying to copy them." That's how it seems to me, at least.
  19. Little Robot

    New Loading/Splash Images (and other cool post-apoc art)

    Did the original ones have so many exclamation points? I feel like it sort of makes them look weird, but it's been a while since I payed attention to the actual loading screens anyway. :shrug: I think that the both nuke ones look weird, though. And the screenshot from the beginning, with...
  20. Little Robot

    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim announced

    Actually I think that looks pretty neat. Not an Elder Scrolls dude, though, so don't beat me up... :look: