Maybe I shouldn't have phrased it quite that way. I suppose what I intended to say was that Pete can be a jerk and a blight on the games industry, at least in an official capacity (I'm sure he's probably alright in person), but if he wasn't around then Bethesda would very well have a similar person with a similar attitude in his place. His attitude is not unique - Todd Howard at Bethesda and plenty other ZeniMax higher-ups exhibit exactly the same perspective and "philosophy" towards their customers, game design, the industry as a whole, etc.
I wouldn't even necessarily call him an outright liar - sure, he can misrepresent things all he likes, he seems quick to gloss over Bethesda's failings and won't own up to the mistakes made, and so on, but that's not really abnormal behaviour, especially for someone who's riding high on a millions-sold game and a journalism industry that's eager to fellate him and his cohorts. That makes him ignorant, self-absorbed and unlikely to change his ways, and I'd much prefer a more competent and genuinely considerate person in his role, but that doesn't mean this needs to be personal, as if Pete Hines is the only guy in the games industry like this. And let's not forget that Valve, Blizzard and others are just as liable to make these sorts of PR gaffes as well... we just don't call them out on it because the quality of their products makes it worth putting up with all the lying they do.