VG247 interviews Pete Hines

Needless to say I agree with everyone here in that Hines is lying jerk. Thought it true F3 was slightly less buggy for me on realse when new vegas, atleast new vegas's bugs are getting fixed, bethesda never fixed many quest bugs in F3 like say the robots in bigtown. I wish one of these so called "journalists" would have the balls to call them on stuff like that.
KillerBee256 said:
Needless to say I agree with everyone here in that Hines is lying jerk. Thought it true F3 was slightly less buggy for me on realse when new vegas, atleast new vegas's bugs are getting fixed, bethesda never fixed many quest bugs in F3 like say the robots in bigtown. I wish one of these so called "journalists" would have the balls to call them on stuff like that.

The civilization is constructed entirely from lies. The "leaders" lie, the media lies, the corporations lie, and history lies. If he told the truth, he would be creating an exception to the rule.
Ok, I think that people are focusing too much on his dumb statement on FO3's bugginess (Beth is dumb, old news) when he gave a response about using Obsidian for future games which, to me, didn't sound too hopeful. Maybe he is just trying to avoid committing himself, but if I was at a job where "my future at the company was being discussed," I would already be packing my things.
Brother None said:
*tries to hold back rage at people going "oh doi but I didn't encounter any bugs" as if that's meaningful in any way*

When I pressed the turbo button on my computer it made Fallout 3 crash. :/
Makagulfazel said:
Brother None said:
*tries to hold back rage at people going "oh doi but I didn't encounter any bugs" as if that's meaningful in any way*

When I pressed the turbo button on my computer it made Fallout 3 crash. :/
Odd... when I pushed the turbo button it made KITT jump over the train car. Well, YMMV, as they say.
Dario ff said:
Brother None said:
Fallout 2 was special.
Playing Fallout 2 without any patches is hardcore.

There should be some kind of event with that as a requirement. :D

*Clicks on the World Map* waaaAAAHHH SPEEEEED!!

I remember doing this waaay back in the day when internet was hard to come bay (and I was just a little kid and thus couldn't play for net) and encountering a bug that made the load times for the game longer and longer as you progressed. I could actually do productive things in between loads and get shit done. That was a horrible issue.
ZeusComplex said:
encountering a bug that made the load times for the game longer and longer as you progressed. I could actually do productive things in between loads and get shit done. That was a horrible issue.

Haha. Same here.
Loading could take forever. Never kept me from playing tho.
Not sure how productive I was between loads. I usually went outside and shot small birds with my scoped air rifle.

Never knew that was a bug. Thought it was because I was playing on a shit P100
Little Robot said:
Ok, I think that people are focusing too much on his dumb statement on FO3's bugginess (Beth is dumb, old news) when he gave a response about using Obsidian for future games which, to me, didn't sound too hopeful. Maybe he is just trying to avoid committing himself, but if I was at a job where "my future at the company was being discussed," I would already be packing my things.

Hines is if memory doesnt fail me responsible for community work and some form of PR manager (I think). So is it any surprise here ?

Bethesda is sadly to say that not different to any other company. As like many would simply admit that they have released a unfinished product (thats what buged games are in my eyes).
Crni Vuk said:
Little Robot said:
Ok, I think that people are focusing too much on his dumb statement on FO3's bugginess (Beth is dumb, old news) when he gave a response about using Obsidian for future games which, to me, didn't sound too hopeful. Maybe he is just trying to avoid committing himself, but if I was at a job where "my future at the company was being discussed," I would already be packing my things.

Hines is if memory doesnt fail me responsible for community work and some form of PR manager (I think). So is it any surprise here ?

Bethesda is sadly to say that not different to any other company. As like many would simply admit that they have released a unfinished product (thats what buged games are in my eyes).

Even J. E. Sawyer got a bit defensive over the unfinished state of NV. He even used the "well it didn't happen to me when I played it" excuse.
Well, it's understandable. As a devloper, you sooner or later get blind for your stuff and can't see errors and bugs anymore. That's why there are beta testers after all. You as one can't play the game in every possible way... or let's say it's pretty unlikely.
We did release one or two updates for Fallout 3, but given the size and scope of that game it was a really well-done, stable, fairly bug-free experience.

Wait, what? Pete must be playing an entirely different game than I was. I played all three versions of FO3 and all where pretty damn terrible in the bug department.
Try this out .
Enter VATS with minigun in half water level , knee should be in the water at least . Fire it in VATS .
I never new if this was a bug , but i got killed because of it .

Funny thing that minigun works in water and no bullets come out from it . I assume they don't get in either , just make a splash .
We did release one or two updates for Fallout 3, but given the size and scope of that game it was a really well-done, stable, fairly bug-free experience.


Dunno if he's including DLCs in his interview as the Pitt had to be redrawn because it had errors up the ying yang and one other did to. Broken Steel I think.
sea said:
...In any case, it's Pete's job to lie. He's in public relations after all, he gets paid for it. Don't blame him too much, if it wasn't him someone else would be saying the same things.
Sorry, but that's - wrong. I usually let this things to pass, but Pete is not innocent little creature unable to distinguish right and wrong and mean us no harm with his lies. He doesn't care about "us". He represents everything that's rotten in the game industry – all that notion that we are mindless drones and "PR" attitude without shred of honesty. And I blame him o so very much. He lies, he's insulting to anyone's intelligence, he intentionally saying things in a way that most of us will understand it differently that thing really are and he knows that.

He knows that.
Still, he persists.

To me, saying "don't blame him, it's the way they roll" is the same attitude like saying "don't blame Auschwitz guard for killing people in piles – that's the way things are done in that "industry", if he have not done that, we would lose his job!" Lose the job – don't be an asshole! There are still job to be had and not to be worst kind of man – women's reproductive organ.

Maybe someone think it's little to harsh to compare poor innocent Pete with some obersturmfuhrer, and probably it is (point still stands though), but saying that he is not to blame for telling the lie is something that flip my switch.

But I digress, it's not my intention to argue, it's just that I don't like to pardon that kind of people like this thing called Pete, is. Move on:)
sea said:
Maybe I shouldn't have phrased it quite that way. I suppose what I intended to say was that Pete can be a jerk and a blight on the games industry, at least in an official capacity (I'm sure he's probably alright in person), but if he wasn't around then Bethesda would very well have a similar person with a similar attitude in his place. His attitude is not unique - Todd Howard at Bethesda and plenty other ZeniMax higher-ups exhibit exactly the same perspective and "philosophy" towards their customers, game design, the industry as a whole, etc.

I wouldn't even necessarily call him an outright liar - sure, he can misrepresent things all he likes, he seems quick to gloss over Bethesda's failings and won't own up to the mistakes made, and so on, but that's not really abnormal behaviour, especially for someone who's riding high on a millions-sold game and a journalism industry that's eager to fellate him and his cohorts. That makes him ignorant, self-absorbed and unlikely to change his ways, and I'd much prefer a more competent and genuinely considerate person in his role, but that doesn't mean this needs to be personal, as if Pete Hines is the only guy in the games industry like this. And let's not forget that Valve, Blizzard and others are just as liable to make these sorts of PR gaffes as well... we just don't call them out on it because the quality of their products makes it worth putting up with all the lying they do.

I understand and agree with most of what you meant to say. As you know, does someone lie or not is open to definition in most cases. Lawyers know that best. To me, he is laying.

There are one (maybe two) things that are obvious that we have different look at: It should be personal. It should be so for many reasons, but that is different story too. I'm aware this is major disagreement. Second, never mind who is next in line for PR- if he/she is laying, "crucify" him/her also. That's probably only way you can force them to think twice next time, before you decide to buy the thing. After you buy the product, game is over. Don't forget - they have money, "game - press", blogs and all those tools to manipulate.
Ok, what is going on? Is this an elaborate prank? Am I living in topsy-turvy land all of a sudden? Because if not, why the hell is this discussion focusing on how buggy Fallout 3 was? Let me make this clear: the future of Obsidian-made Fallout is being discussed here. That's basically the future of "good" vs "bad" Fallout games, and right now I feel (as I said up top) like it's not looking good for Obsidian. Whether this is true or not, though, the future of the franchise is being revealed here. Could someone at least look past the awful argument of "was Fallout 3 buggy or not" and help me puzzle out what he means by his comments which directly relate to the future of Fallout?

(I am pretty tired so sorry if I'm too curmudgeonly in this comment)
The thing is if you want to blame Hines then you have to blame everyone. Its a standart practise in the gaming industry. Hell almost anything that has to do with marketing not just games in particular. Or when was the last time a company has been honest when their product was flawed ?

THing is I dont blame Hines even when he was lieing (which we cant know for sure by the way, but I think we can assume that hes not an idiot). What I blame though is the system in general. Just as like I dont blame a single person for lieing in a review as I blame the whole system behind it that is one way or another using a mild form of preasure and bribing to get gaming magazines and the media in general to love their games regardless how bad they are really.
Although I suppose you're right, I feel like the tone of "their future is being discussed" + "we were disappointed with the bugginess, it is not something we tolerate" is a little worrying. Eh, whatever. I guess that I am just tired. :shrug:
sea said:
their zombie RPG (forget the name) already

You're confusing Obsidian with DoubleBear.

EDIT: By the way, I agree Little Robot. I too got the distinct feeling that they were basically putting all the blame of the bugs on Obsidian's shoulders. While I'd agree that most of the blame is theirs, they still saw the game as it was and released it anyway so acting like that.. meh.