The Art of Video Games Smithsonian Exhibit

Voted Minecraft over SC2 for the lulz. Also nice to see Okami and Shadow of the Collossus made it, these would probably be my #1 and 2 choices for best video game art, ever.

And Gears of Brown 2/Blando 3 better not beat Bioshock in the art department. I mean, seriously.
PlanHex said:
Wow, they've got E.T. for the Atari up there.
Isn't that universally hailed as the shittiest game ever?

Wouldn't that be like showing a crappy stick figure I drew in the Louvre?

edit: Ha, they've got Michael Jackson's Moonwalker too!

They also have the original PacMan game for the Atari VCS. I don't know if you've ever played it, but it's absolute trash. Especially considering how good Ms. Pac Man is, for the exact same system. I'm talking worlds of difference. If it was Ms. Pac Man I would have voted for it, as it is I'm voting for Haunted House. That game is great anyway.


EDITx2: Most of these are really crappy choices, though. About 1/3, at least, of the Atari VCS games are ripoffs of arcade titles, and many of the Intellivision games are ripoffs of Atari VCS games. It seems odd to choose those games over ones which, you know, have an original art direction.

And where the hell are all the Imagic games? Those games are clearly the most artistic, they are hella polished.

TRIPLE EDIT: Also, Carnival for the Colecovision? Really? Out of all the sophisticated titles for that system, they chose one which is just a straight port of an Atari VCS title? And it's a crap game anyway.

QUADRUPLE EDIT (Aka I am way too excited about computer games from this era): MARBLE MADNESS? AFTER BURNER!? Those are arcade titles! Come on, people. For Christ's sake! Just make an "arcade games" category! Stop trying to use the half-baked knockoffs for the home systems!
Wow, they included Life Force, I thought no one knows that game existed.

There are some interesting choices to say the least. Some interestingly bad choices.
I voted ET,

It's shittiness and unplayability means it has no purpose other than being art.
Little Robot said:
TRIPLE EDIT: Also, Carnival for the Colecovision? Really? Out of all the sophisticated titles for that system, they chose one which is just a straight port of an Atari VCS title? And it's a crap game anyway.
Well, they've got a bunch of multiplatform titles and ports in the later eras too, so at least they're consistent? :shrug:

I gotta say though... Funniest bit has to be the fact that it has Metroid Prime 2 in the Gamecube section and the Metroid Prime Trilogy (which includes MP2) in the Wii section.
You'd think they could figure out that Metroid Prime 2 would be part of the fucking Metroid Prime Trilogy if not by the name, then by looking at the damn box.
I mean, my problem with Carnival is that the Atari VCS is by far an inferior system to the Colecovision-- especially due to the graphics of the games. And Carnival was one of the crappiest titles for the VCS, even graphics-wise.

Basically, this is the comparison (graphics and processing-wise) between the Intellivision and VCS.

Considering that the Colecovision is even better than the Intellivision in these respects, it makes no sense to put an Atari VCS game as one of the contenders for best Colecovision game.
warsaw said:
Atomkilla said:
And it's brutal that you have to choose from Fallout and Command & Conquer.

Uh... you don't?

You choose 1 game per genre, not 1 game per platform.

Just ran through the poll the first time to see the games - didn't actually pay attention to how it is separated by genre, and not only consoles, so my bad. Didn't vote infact, except for Fallout and few other games.
And I'm glad - two of my favorite games got votes :)
Wow, this is going to be one shitty exhibit. Clearly the Smithsonian no longer cares about being taken seriously...
PlanHex said:
Wow, they've got E.T. for the Atari up there.
Isn't that universally hailed as the shittiest game ever?

Wouldn't that be like showing a crappy stick figure I drew in the Louvre?

edit: Ha, they've got Michael Jackson's Moonwalker too!

Art through adversity!
rehevkor said:
No hand held titles? At all? Oh dear.

Well, this too. FFTA is much more vibrant artistically than FFT and yet the latter gets included :roll: Also virtually no obscure/niche titles. But one could go on and on about the games that should have been on the list that aren't. Not a single Castlevania title? Oh boy.
well at least they didn't cram it with horrible Final Fantasy shit, just imagine the future generations being inspired to make characters with pants with a boot larger than the other, and a bunch of tape coming from nowhere coupled with emo haircuts.
Not ALL FF character design is horrible. A lot of it is actually quite good (FFIII/IX) or very original/exciting (FFTA/FFXII, love it). None of those are on the list though. I've never much liked their approach to sci-fi as well.
FF sucks after 7, and seven isn't even as AWESOME SACUE!!!111oneone as most jrpg idolizers say, still good.
But you know what Jrpg art should be there (I have not checked the lists) some Kaneko (shin Megami Tensei).
Walpknut said:
well IX and XXII were going for a more return to the clasic desing of the first 6 games.

IX yes, it's basically same design as III, but XII? Not so sure... In any case, they should do more fantasy settings and less sci-fi, they do fantasy a lot better. Last Remnant was great, too.

FF sucks after 7

Lies, VIII, IX, FFTA2 are all great games.

What SHOULD be on the list from J-games is Ys series' art, since it's absolutely amazing. And also Chaos legion and ARC SYSTEM WORKS games.
I really think future generations need Huge Green Pensi Monsters, and Ctlhulu with a Penis Tounge, or that wierd Nyarlantotep formed of gimpifed versions of the kids parents from Persona 2.
My earliest memory of gaming is playing Munch Man and Parsec for my Ti99/4a. If a pacman clone, and a space shooter that tries to talk to you isn't art, I'm not sure what is! ;)