Search results

  1. Doctor 0

    "Kid In The Fridge" Quest = the stupidest quest ever.

    Not to mention that this kid didn't go insane, need to eat/drink, or use the restroom.
  2. Doctor 0

    So what lore has Bethesda done gone fucked up?

    They can say and do what they want, but since all they do is butcher the lore with every release, nothing they say or do will ever be canon in my eyes. Call it fanon or canon or whatever, I don't care.
  3. Doctor 0

    New Fallout spin-off title

    What's funny is, most "Fallout fans" will think this is legit.
  4. Doctor 0

    Your thoughts on Dogmeat

    Couldn't they name it something else? Why in Bethesda's mind is every dog in the wasteland named Dogmeat?
  5. Doctor 0

    In the future, will Bethesda be capable to...

    Was talking about New Vegas. Imagine if that game had 7 years and the same budget Failout4 had.
  6. Doctor 0

    The 'MrMattyPlays' Fallout 4 Review "A Near Perfect Game"

    Matty is well known as the ultimate Bethcuck. Ignore anything that piece of trash says.
  7. Doctor 0

    In the future, will Bethesda be capable to...

    It's amazing how much more this game could have been if they had the time.
  8. Doctor 0

    It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down.

    Gaming journalism is anything but professional.
  9. Doctor 0

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    Does this forum have an ignore function? I can't come here anymore if I'm going to be at risk of losing brain cells.
  10. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    The entire game is intelligence 1.
  11. Doctor 0

    bethesda shill?

    That's because they want to keep getting review copies and shit from Bethesda.
  12. Doctor 0

    so is there any good bonus to completing NV in hardcore?

    Also, make use of that special ammo.
  13. Doctor 0

    What could Obsidian do with FO4?

    I literally just watched that today, haha.
  14. Doctor 0

    It all comes tumbling down, tumbling down.

    Some people use sales to decide whether or not to buy a game?
  15. Doctor 0

    [POLL] Is Fallout 4 better than Fallout 3?

    Both are considered unplayable for me, so both are equally bad.
  16. Doctor 0

    Mods you should install

    Is that Nosferatu?
  17. Doctor 0

    Bethesda: Thanks and Updates for Fallout 4

    And they get shit all the time for it. Why should Beth be free from that criticism?
  18. Doctor 0

    Fallout 4 gameplay videos leaked, Bethesda starts taking them down

    I would imagine they would have to use multiple voices for the various races. I'm sure many people would be pissed to find that their Argonian sounds like an Imperial.
  19. Doctor 0

    Bethesda's Lore Recons

    Preparation? Like what? Shoehorning the Enclave in again?