Bethesda: Thanks and Updates for Fallout 4


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Bethesda has thanked fans for the successful launch of Fallout 4 and has provide a few details of the upcoming game patches.

Semi acknowledgment of the seemly lack of many in hints on the various systems, although some details are buried away in the in game help menu:

For some, the freedom the game offers can be overwhelming. We know the game throws a lot on you at once, so take your time. There are many moments of “How does this work? What do I do to survive?” and that’s how your character should be feeling as well. Those that push through should be able to look back at who they were when they stepped out of the Vault and say, “I made it. I understand this world now and it’s mine.”

Patch plans:

Our process for updating the game will include releasing a beta patch on Steam, followed by full release on PC, then release on the consoles. This process has worked well for us in the past and allows us to get more fixes out faster. Expect to see more updates, that are smaller and more frequent, than a few big ones. This allows us to make sure each fix is working right, as any change can have unintentional side effects in a game this huge. We expect the first beta patch to be up next week.
They should also patch in an option to send the Companions to their original homes, makes it really dumb that Nick would abandon his Agency forever after traveling once with you. They should also implement the "teleportation" thing New vegas patched in for Companion dismissal, that prevented them getting stuck in terrain, which is what the "phisicaly walk there" method causes so often.
Still waiting for a patch to do this with Fallout 4



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For some, the freedom the game offers can be overwhelming. We know the game throws a lot on you at once, so take your time. There are many moments of “How does this work? What do I do to survive?” and that’s how your character should be feeling as well. Those that push through should be able to look back at who they were when they stepped out of the Vault and say, “I made it. I understand this world now and it’s mine.”
Some people must really be retarded.
For some, the freedom the game offers can be overwhelming. We know the game throws a lot on you at once, so take your time. There are many moments of “How does this work? What do I do to survive?” and that’s how your character should be feeling as well. Those that push through should be able to look back at who they were when they stepped out of the Vault and say, “I made it. I understand this world now and it’s mine.”
Some people must really be retarded.

You mean the people who wrote this, the people who agree, or both? :)
They should also patch in an option to send the Companions to their original homes, makes it really dumb that Nick would abandon his Agency forever after traveling once with you. They should also implement the "teleportation" thing New vegas patched in for Companion dismissal, that prevented them getting stuck in terrain, which is what the "phisicaly walk there" method causes so often.
Well, apparently you can exit the settlement send menu using tab and it should send them to their original location. Emphasis on should, this is Bethesda we're talking about.
Who found the game "overwhelming" and "difficult to survive" and "too much at once"??

Why didn't they just throw in "dialogue too complex" "intellectualism too rampant" and "story too original and eventful"
Lets see how many patches they need for the broken patches they'll likely dish out or new bugs they'll introduce into the game.

Why are you so critical? It's not like Interplay/Obsidian were ever good at releasing bug free games. In fact Fallout 1 & 2 are borderline unplayable if you don't bother getting all the official & unofficial patches.
Lets see how many patches they need for the broken patches they'll likely dish out or new bugs they'll introduce into the game.

Why are you so critical? It's not like Interplay/Obsidian were ever good at releasing bug free games. In fact Fallout 1 & 2 are borderline unplayable if you don't bother getting all the official & unofficial patches.

And they get shit all the time for it. Why should Beth be free from that criticism?
Lets see how many patches they need for the broken patches they'll likely dish out or new bugs they'll introduce into the game.

Why are you so critical? It's not like Interplay/Obsidian were ever good at releasing bug free games. In fact Fallout 1 & 2 are borderline unplayable if you don't bother getting all the official & unofficial patches.

Have you played Fallout 4 at all? I've had more bugs in the 54 hours i've played then ANY other game released by them. Hell I encountered almost no bugs with FNV, but hey lets say fuck it and let Bethesda get away with ANY criticism since it's Bethesda.When it comes to New Vegas lets trash Obsidian! I enjoy hearing about them double standards, have a nice day.
I had both Fallout 1&2 in the first months they were released and they were not anywhere near the level of unplayable that Bethesda's offerings have been.

I played the crap out of both on an early pentium comp and it was just fine. Even better on the p2 333mhz I got a couple years later.

On a machine these days (way higher speeds/specs than they were made for) you might not see many map encounters due to the way the code handles it, but almost all of the quests can be finished and all of the main ones without anything more than the official patch.

Most of the crashes I've seen on these titles since then were due to changes in Windows, not the software that predated that version of windows by many years. Emulate windows 98 or XP and a slow CPU, and you can see the difference clearly.
The bugginess of Fallout 4 seems to vary from person to person I noticed. One said that they've played for 45 hours and the only major bug they had was Murphy getting stuck in the roof of a workshop. Another said they've played for 80 hours and only had a few freezes. Then of course are the issues people are having here with bugs everywhere. I guess it just varies.