"Kid In The Fridge" Quest = the stupidest quest ever.


Wanamingo Breeder
I don't usually do this. but the quest "kid in the fridge" was so stupid, and so fkn cliche that I just had to save the game before the reunion conversation was over, go to nexusmods and DL killable children.

oh, Bethesda we get it. you love and respect children, I do too. but even for me the stupidity of that quest is so unbearable that it instantly made me hate that kid and whomever came up with that idea.

really? a kid gets stuck in the fridge for 200 fkn years? turns into a ghoul and just what? gets magically reunited with his parents who were living in the same house together for 200 fkn years? and the kid doesn't even have a ghoul voice.

well Bethesda, you did it this time. you pissed me off.


happy reunion dumbasses.
Oh hey a reused Skyrim woman model but with a different face and wrinkly skin. Am I the only one that prefers the way ghouls looked like from the other games like Set, Harold(the original Fallouts), as well as the New Vegas ghouls like Jason Bright(even if they sort of suffered from the Oblivion potato head issue)? Now they make friendly NPC ghouls in Fallout 4 look like people who stayed out in the sun for too long and now look like shriveled up rasins.
Am I the only one that prefers the way ghouls looked like from the other games like Set, Harold(the original Fallouts)

You're not the only one. Although if they added Ghouls like Harold/Set I think keeping the current ones in for variety showing how they change over the years could be good and add a little more diversity to Ghouls.

There could be heavily irradiated ones like Harold/Set for instance that have some of their bones exposed and Ghouls like that family there that are only lightly irradiated/"fresh" Ghouls.
well Bethesda, you did it this time. you pissed me off.

This, man, this!
For all its retardation, I actually played Fallout 3 "properly", for the very most part anyway.

Fallout 4 is the first game I bought, where I completely stopped giving a shit, and just started popping people who annoy me

Not to mention that this kid didn't go insane, need to eat/drink, or use the restroom.

And on a daily basis, he would respond to sounds outside, by going "Hello? Anybody there?" for two... hundred... years...
Talk about optimism

To his credit, it payed off in the end o_o
Oh hey a reused Skyrim woman model but with a different face and wrinkly skin. Am I the only one that prefers the way ghouls looked like from the other games like Set, Harold(the original Fallouts), as well as the New Vegas ghouls like Jason Bright(even if they sort of suffered from the Oblivion potato head issue)? Now they make friendly NPC ghouls in Fallout 4 look like people who stayed out in the sun for too long and now look like shriveled up rasins.

For all I know, the ones in Fallout 1 and 2 are ghouls. The ... creatures you see in Fallout 4 are radiation zombies. Seriously? Does Fallout 4 even have a lot of talking ghouls? I almost always see people just killing them, over and over again, where I always had the feeling that in F1 and F2 most of the ghouls ... actually had a purpose, you know, that you could interact with them. But I guess, Bethesda thought, they just make a great target practise for the player, just like Super Orcs.
Am I the only one that prefers the way ghouls looked like from the other games like Set, Harold(the original Fallouts)

You're not the only one. Although if they added Ghouls like Harold/Set I think keeping the current ones in for variety showing how they change over the years could be good and add a little more diversity to Ghouls.

There could be heavily irradiated ones like Harold/Set for instance that have some of their bones exposed and Ghouls like that family there that are only lightly irradiated/"fresh" Ghouls.

Hmmm yeah I can agree with that, the early stage ones should show little bits of skin missing with some minor hair loss with some of the nose missing. The feral ghouls don't look right to me either, they look like an impersonation of nosferatu with glowing eyes.
When it comes to Ghoul design, I really liked the ones in Fallout Tactics. Quite a bit of variety, some looked like slightly deformed humans while others had a half-melted face. Love it. Same with Super Mutants.
Someone asked Pete Hines about the Kid in the Fridge quest and his reply was: "not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls" which is basically like when Ben Affleck suggested it was unrealistic to train drillers to be astronauts in Armageddon and made more sense to train astronauts to be drillers and Michael Bay replied "Shut up."

Bethesda is the Michael Bay of writing and storytelling it seems. Which is sad because I thought that title went to Call of Duty.

The full conversation here: http://wccftech.com/bethesdas-pete-...ested-in-discussing-how-realistic-things-are/
Did that fridge even have a lock? I mean if it didn't then why didn't he leave or die from certain conditions depending on what was going on at the time after everything cleared up? Ugh this whole quest is so stupid it doesn't even make sense and some Nu-Fallout fanboy is defending this crap.
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Someone asked Pete Hines about the Kid in the Fridge quest and his reply was: "not interested in discussing how realistic things are in an alternate universe post-apoc game w/ talking mutants and ghouls" which is basically like when Ben Affleck suggested it was unrealistic to train drillers to be astronauts in Armageddon and made more sense to train astronauts to be drillers and Michael Bay replied "Shut up."

Bethesda is the Michael Bay of writing and storytelling it seems. Which is sad because I thought that title went to Call of Duty.

The full conversation here: http://wccftech.com/bethesdas-pete-...ested-in-discussing-how-realistic-things-are/

so how can a company expect others to respect it's product when the head of the company clearly doesn't? I mean, if the parent of a child sees their child doing something stupid, and instead of like...scolding or fixing their child they say something like "don't mind my child, he's stupid." then that's not gonna be very promising for the child.

I mean sure, there are some quests that have some goofy stuff to them. like the USS Constitution quest, I was quite meh about it but did it because of "cool factor" : a sentry bot wearing a navy hat and speaking like an old US admiral from the revolution era...ok cool.

using a flip switch to activate ship canons and watch all that gore...ok cool. and the ending was kinda funny too.

but , I'm not even sure what this quest is supposed to be...is it a pop culture reference? is it a goofy quest? serious? dark? what is it? no it's nothing, it's just a silly family reunion which is not interesting nor does it add anything to the game. from the second i open that fridge and see that boy the quest has STUPIDITY written all over it to the end. I can't even bear to hear the ending conversation, reloaded it another time and ended up killing everyone in that room including myself with a mini nuke.
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Did that fridge even have a lock? I mean if it didn't then why didn't he leave or die from certain conditions depending on what was going on at the time after everything cleared up? Ugh this whole quest is so stupid it doesn't even make sense and some Nu-Fallout fanboy is defending this crap.

It is one of those old school 50's fridges, with a latch and a handle. It couldn't be opened from the inside. Someone posted a link to wikipedia and according to the article, it was a real concern and the US government forced a design change that wouldn't allow for such a tragedy, as several kids died this way.