Is there a mod that adds repair or shows visible weapons when holstered?
These two kinda bother me a lot.
I agree on the visible weapons, but do you actually want a repair system? I for one hated it in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I think the old games did it right. There's no gun that breaks apart after 100 shots.
I hated to see it go; having to use weapons that have been in poor repair for decades, are likely rusted and near breaking, was the ONE thing/system Bethesda added that made the Fallout 3 game world feel post-apocalyptic versus a mildly dangerous walking-sim slash spelunking simulator. Get rid of it, and even a rifle you built from lead pipes, broken wood, wire and spit will do just as well as a basic .308 rifle.
I'm gonna say that this one takes the cake for the best Fallout 4 mod so far:
Released just a few minutes ago...
Too soon?
I didn't see it, but I would've used the Postal 2 shouts if the choice was offered. And Postal Dude's responses as your responses for killing someone.