Mods you should install

I already did that but i'm still not getting a list just the full responses on the cross.
Oh, you downloaded the "lite" version that still has the cross, download the regular version (it's on the top of the download tab, under "main files") it should replace the version you have when you drop it into your data folder.
I already did that but i'm still not getting a list just the full responses on the cross.
Oh, you downloaded the "lite" version that still has the cross, download the regular version (it's on the top of the download tab, under "main files") it should replace the version you have when you drop it into your data folder.

I do have the main file but I still get the cross, I made sure I didn't take the Lite one.
Is there a mod that adds repair or shows visible weapons when holstered?

These two kinda bother me a lot.

I agree on the visible weapons, but do you actually want a repair system? I for one hated it in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I think the old games did it right. There's no gun that breaks apart after 100 shots.
I'm pretty okay with the repair system being gone, specifically because the originals didn't have them. How weapon maintenance could have happened in those games was easily handled by the skill descriptions and world map travel or other "off screen" time.

And I'd also like a mod that disables Power Armor breakage. OR, one that keeps the aesthetic of the armor on the frame even while "broken".
I'm pretty okay with the repair system being gone, specifically because the originals didn't have them. How weapon maintenance could have happened in those games was easily handled by the skill descriptions and world map travel or other "off screen" time.

And I'd also like a mod that disables Power Armor breakage. OR, one that keeps the aesthetic of the armor on the frame even while "broken".

It doesn't bother me much, but I guess it would have been better to just make the textures change on parts that damaged. Like if your left arm is Red it should look all shot up and stuff.
So there's a mod out there that makes VATS pause combat which I've been using (because I like having the time to look around and assess the situation before committing).

And apparently I can't post the link, it's called Classic V.A.T.S and it's on Nexus.
Is there a mod that adds repair or shows visible weapons when holstered?

These two kinda bother me a lot.

I agree on the visible weapons, but do you actually want a repair system? I for one hated it in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I think the old games did it right. There's no gun that breaks apart after 100 shots.

I didn't mind it personally. It was a simple mechanic that helped me with immersion and kept me aware about the status of my weapons. But then again, I am a super patient person and I always used mods that made the repair more viable and "realistic" (so no more 100 shots breakage and I could repair them with any random junk or spare parts that I could find - finally giving them some use).

It's an AAA 2015 game. They should have improved it instead of getting rid of it alltogether. Like visible holsters and the supposed "clipping". It just reeks of laziness that I don't really feel like excusing.

It doesn't bother me much, but I guess it would have been better to just make the textures change on parts that damaged. Like if your left arm is Red it should look all shot up and stuff.

Heh, I'd love that.
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Is there a mod that adds repair or shows visible weapons when holstered?

These two kinda bother me a lot.

I agree on the visible weapons, but do you actually want a repair system? I for one hated it in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I think the old games did it right. There's no gun that breaks apart after 100 shots.

I hated to see it go; having to use weapons that have been in poor repair for decades, are likely rusted and near breaking, was the ONE thing/system Bethesda added that made the Fallout 3 game world feel post-apocalyptic versus a mildly dangerous walking-sim slash spelunking simulator. Get rid of it, and even a rifle you built from lead pipes, broken wood, wire and spit will do just as well as a basic .308 rifle.

I'm gonna say that this one takes the cake for the best Fallout 4 mod so far:

Released just a few minutes ago...
Too soon? :D

I didn't see it, but I would've used the Postal 2 shouts if the choice was offered. And Postal Dude's responses as your responses for killing someone.
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Is there a mod that adds repair or shows visible weapons when holstered?

These two kinda bother me a lot.

I agree on the visible weapons, but do you actually want a repair system? I for one hated it in Fallout 3 and New Vegas, I think the old games did it right. There's no gun that breaks apart after 100 shots.

I hated to see it go; having to use weapons that have been in poor repair for decades, are likely rusted and near breaking, was the ONE thing/system Bethesda added that made the Fallout 3 game world feel post-apocalyptic versus a mildly dangerous walking-sim slash spelunking simulator. Get rid of it, and even a rifle you built from lead pipes, broken wood, wire and spit will do just as well as a basic .308 rifle.

I'm gonna say that this one takes the cake for the best Fallout 4 mod so far:

Released just a few minutes ago...
Too soon? :D

I didn't see it, but I would've used the Postal 2 shouts if the choice was offered. And Postal Dude's responses as your responses for killing someone.

Naaah repair systems always suck, no game has ever done them right. I dump them in the "hate" basket along with escort missions and forced stealth.

Sign my petition, dammit.
Another issue with the full dialogue mod, other than having to hear the protagonist speak the line you just read,is that it highlights that all four options are usually just minor variations that get you to the same result. So if you want to stay in blissful ignorance, stay away.
Can someone put ghouls in the game? I keep fighting these zombies like the ones laying down in a graveyard I was in just now and I thought to myself, what happened to ghouls after New Vegas?(This is all sarcasm but seriously can someone that isn't a monkey at Bethesda make ghoul models so I don't feel like i'm playing a zombie game?)
This is what Bethesda considers a "ghoul":



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Well I found out the reason I wasn't getting the list with the dialogue mod was due to not putting INTERFACE/ in its spot in /Fallout4/data/Fallout4.INI. I thought you only had to do that to the ini under documents/My Games/Fallout4/?
I now need a mod that restores a classical radio music channel to the radio. It was the only good one, I liked having it on the actual physical radios as I crafted and whatnot. Or I should have just not blown it up... still.