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  1. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Styx : Shards of Darkness

    E3 trailer Gameplay video Co-op gameplay Just a thread on any thoughts towards the upcoming game or the original. Things I like: emphasis on stealth over action nice setting giant worm Things I don't like: "funny" 4th wall breaks crafting system
  2. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Disappointed with the Fallout 4 modding scene

    Anyone else disappointed with the lack of sex mods in Fallout 4? It seems like with Skyrim we were spoiled, because it's pretty much dead except for a few incels working with Bethesda's new animation software. With the Creation Engine and improved graphics, you would think that modding sex into...
  3. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Beautiful Game / best RPG of all time

    Oh my God the graphics are sooooo much better. Who's buying it? Looks pretty good.
  4. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Red Dead Redemption 2

    Just a discussion thread for RDR 2. Anyone else played the first one? I thought it was pretty good.
  5. SarcasticGoodGuy

    FacetiousFuckBoy's companion/romance rant

    I like ranting about stuff. Romance: If Bethesda want to attempt at giving you a spouse, maybe they shouldn't let you go around and bang singers and reporters 3 days after they're killed. Seriously this shit makes no sense. And to get people to like you, you have to do the most random shit...
  6. SarcasticGoodGuy

    SGG's DLC reviews

    This is mainly for convenience. I don't like repeating the same crap over and over when debating with CT Phipps or that anarchic? antichrist? The troll that begins with an 'a'. I'm covering every DLC for the 3d games F3, FNV and F4. Let's get right, into the reviews. Guys I want to say in...
  7. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Why Wasteland Workshop is AWESOME xDxD

    WW gets a lot of hate. Mainly from nostalgia haters that can't accept change and are salty that a better company is handling their games. I'm here to defend what is possibly the BEST FALLOUT DLC OF ALL TIME! Concrete: Holy crap those concrete walls were so awesome. We could build wood and metal...
  8. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Fav sarcastic lines

    So I love Toddie and Fallout 4, but Emil never gets enough credit. I know that there's an Emil appreciation thread and all, but I feel we need one based on his work. His idea to have "humorous" lines in Fallout 4 was genius- and it was an even better idea to not give the player any clue as to...
  9. SarcasticGoodGuy

    FacetiousF*ckBoy's Fallout 4 review

    Ignore my username, this is my serious review of vanilla Fallout 4, not another shitpost (I'm good at them though). After seeing CT Phipps review I learnt, no offense to CT Phipps, that opinions can be wrong. I'll be marking 10 categories out of 10 each, to give a score of 100- like Metacritic...
  10. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Fallout 5 shitpost thread with a stupid title

    It's been nearly a year since Toddie blessed us with the best RPG since Skyrim, and as the set of DLC has (unfortunately) finished, I think it's a time to look forward for the future of Bethesda's wasteland series. Here is my: Fallout 5 speculation. Fallout 5 : quests in New York The Plot...
  11. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Ratio of raiders to settlers

    UPDATED: Let's play spot the difference. I changed the colour of the raider groups. Added a couple I missed. A few minor "factions" now have their base marked. But the question remains- how do raiders sustain themselves? I made a comparison of the various faction strongholds. Good job Bethesda...
  12. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Thought I'd share this with you

    What are your opinions on the video? It's good It's not good (but it is) *Sarcastic* What video?
  13. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Please help me understand Bethesda's decisions

    Fallout 4's last DLC came out, and it got me thinking about the game again, and I realize there's so many problems with it. I'm not going into stuff like deep, complex storytelling or tough moral choices, but rather smaller nitpicks that either a) make no sense to me b) can easily be fixed by...
  14. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Cabot House Fanfiction

    Hey guys I was thinking you know the cancelled Fallout movie? I think it would be better if they made a new movie featuring those people the Cabots from the Cabot quest : the secret of Cabot house. Here's my synopsis. Basically Jack Cabot and Emogene Cabot are out doing stuff when their mother...
  15. SarcasticGoodGuy

    Nuka Rant

    New user, made an account just to rant about this POS. Didn't like Fallout 4. Far Harbour was decent but not worth £20. I hoped Nuka World would at least be fun. Spoilers: it wasn't. My experience (and everyone else's given how linear the game is): *The monorail is bugged like hell. Had to use...