Search results

  1. Ugly Kid

    What are some of your unpopular opinions?

    And I don't mean unpopular with the general public, I mean among those on this forum. My unpopular opinion is that Fallout 4 is actually way better than Fallout 3. In fact I believe Fallout 3 to be the worst entry in the series, even lower than PoS. I'm at work right now but I can further...
  2. Ugly Kid

    Stellaris-like Fallout setting

    I've been trying to imagine a Fallout game in space that features various "futures" for certain factions. The futures would all collide somehow and the factions would go to war. Let me try to explain better. There are several factions that have mentioned going to space (Enclave and House) and...
  3. Ugly Kid

    I want to cry over what Bethesda has turned this franchise into

    I'm very upset that Fallout will forever be remembered by the general public as :MARKETABLE: :BRIGHT COLOURS: :NUKA COLA: :DOG: :RUN DOWN SHANTY TOWN: This art is what Bethesda fans think when they hear Fallout (No shade to these artists, the art they make is great but I'm making a point): It...
  4. Ugly Kid

    Why do people hate Old World Blues?

    I read on here a while ago that there are people who genuinely despise this DLC. I don't understand why though. To some people it's not canon. I read that somebody doesn't like it because it's too silly, but that is kinda the point. I felt like it was a breath of fresh air, Wild Wasteland and...
  5. Ugly Kid

    Is there a PDF for J.E. Sawyer's Fallout Role-Playing Game?

    I've been looking online but the most I can find is the wikipedia page. I was hoping somebody here may have saved the PDF while it was still online.
  6. Ugly Kid

    Fallout 2 mod Does Fallout 1in2 overwrite the Fallout 2 game files?

    I mean, am I able to have to Fallout 2 and Fallout 1in2 installed at the same time and be able to play each game separately? I have a lot of mods for Fallout 2 installed and I don't want to have to reinstall each one. Sorry if this is a stupid novice question
  7. Ugly Kid

    How do you feel about New California?

    I'm surprised at the lack of New California threads here. At least I couldn't find any using the search bar. Before your take just know the mod was never finished due to burnout and lack of support. I think with that knowledge it's one of the best mods I've ever played. I can't imagine I'll be...
  8. Ugly Kid

    Stance on the 80 year gap between Fallout 1 and 2?

    Curious as to how others feel about it because I have a bit to say myself. Do you dislike it? Are you fine with it? Why yes and why no?
  9. Ugly Kid

    Fallout Apocrypha Not sure if this has been posted yet but Chris Avellone started the Fallout Bible 2!
  10. Ugly Kid

    Any other Fallout mods for other games?

    What I mean is things like Old World Blues for HoI4, Aftermath for ARMA 3. Are there more like these? If you didn't know about those two then you should definitely check them out, they are very cool.
  11. Ugly Kid

    Best mod manager for FNV?

    Title + specifically for using nexus and it's "manager install" option most mods have. I've used: Nexus Mod Manager, until New California said to use Vortex. Vortex, until literally the moment I've made this post, because... Mod Organizer 2, haven't used it but I'm watching a video and it...
  12. Ugly Kid

    Is Obsidian actually full of different people now?

    I keep hearing that but the only person who I've heard left is Chris Avellone. And not only that but Tim Cain and Leonard Boesrauruararsky have joined. I feel like most of the important people (for Fallout at least) are still there. Or is it that when people say Obsidian is a different company...
  13. Ugly Kid

    Where can I find good Fallout content?

    By "good" I mostly mean Black Isle Fallout. I consider Obsidian, inXile, and Troika, to be Black Isle as well. And this does extend to fan projects like Fallout 2 tc mods, and HOI4 Old World Blues. I ask because whenever I search Fallout on youtube, or instagram, or even Google images, all I...
  14. Ugly Kid

    Does anybody know what the UI mod is called?

    I've been looking forever and I cannot find it
  15. Ugly Kid

    Lenny won't join party

    I've had this problem previously and I wasn't able to fix it. I didn't even know why he wouldn't join me. I've figured out why he won't join me but I don't know how to fix it. Usually to recruit him you ask about the GECK and eventually he gets to talking about wishing he joined the Vault...
  16. Ugly Kid

    Does anyone remember the name of the 3D Fallout MMO fan project?

    I remember seeing someone talking about it and I even looked it up and thought it was cool. I know the map is fairly large and that it takes place in a desert. I think there are working vertiberds. And it's also on a completely new engine. That's all I can remember and I tried looking it up...
  17. Ugly Kid

    So who's excited for the Frontier?

    It comes out tomorrow but I don't see anyone talking about it here. I personally think it will be really fun but I don't think the story will be good. The NCR is the only faction that has a right to be in Oregon. The BoS maybe, but apparently these guys broke off from the Mojave chapter, and...
  18. Ugly Kid

    Rewriting the Fallout series

    I'd love to one day buy the Fallout IP. It'll never happen but a man can dream. If I could then I'd re-do Fallout 1, 2, Van Buren, New Vegas, 3, and 4. This thread, or alternatively a google document if you prefer, has some of the things I think I'd want to do. It's not great, it's still a rough...
  19. Ugly Kid

    What could've replaced intelligent deathclaws

    Sorry for 3 threads in 10 minutes but I just had these questions and would've forgotten otherwise. A lot of people don't like the intelligent deathclaws of vault 13. So I'm wondering what could replace them. Maybe even replace the whole predicament vault 13 is in. I love hearing ideas please.
  20. Ugly Kid

    What would you change about San Francisco

    Everyone can agree San Fran was unique in a bad way. I thought that there was a lot of potential though. I just wish that instead of nuking it like every bad idea Avellone has, he instead just tried to fix it. What would be better things that could've been added to the location?