Search results

  1. Morgan_

    Is there a mod to make all the raiders gay?

    Since men are more likely to be highwaymen/violent gangs in a lawless world, they are also most likely to be gay. Think of the spartans, pirates, navy, etc. Male majority groups tend to be gay (men are gay and violent). I read that in a history book once.
  2. Morgan_

    General Gaming News New ip announced by Blizzard. Has some nice art so hopefully they will manage to carry that over into equally good gameplay.
  3. Morgan_

    King Arthur is Gay
  4. Morgan_

    Favorite Obsolete Tech

    I could list off a whole bunch of stuff but that would ruin it for everyone else if I did so I'll just leave it as one for the first post. Feel free to list as many as you want since a lot of them can be tied together. Maybe there are still applications for old tech today, or in hobbies...
  5. Morgan_

    Bean Bag Rounds and Other Oddities

    I never knew this existed in New Vegas even though I probably have about 500hrs in it give or take. Makes me wonder what other things I could have missed. can't say I ever used shotguns though.
  6. Morgan_

    Beyond Thunderdome is the best Mad Max

    In your hearts you know it to be true.
  7. Morgan_

    Daddy, daddy, I want THAT one.

    Post your consumer desires here, whether they be real items, or fictional.
  8. Morgan_

    Halo Infinite announcements & discussion

    Art direction feels like reach and 3 mixed together so far. There's a new Warthog variant called the "Razorback". It has no chain gun and allows for weapon storage. Match updates about who has the flag and such will be delivered by personal ai that have customizable voices. "Millions of...
  9. Morgan_


    Holy fuckin shit did this game copy Halo or what? WTF!1? Not to mention they ripped off both MF Doom and Bionicle with the cover art: Just fuckin wow. Not one original idea with these guys, huh?
  10. Morgan_


    Would you dress up in a maid outfit and wipe Elon Musk's ass for 100K a year if he were hiring?
  11. Morgan_

    The Ideal Woman

    Should they be trad? Athletic? Quiet, or hard headed? Should they be smart and step on your balls? Body hair? Should they have a penis? Discuss lads.
  12. Morgan_

    Weeb Shit

    This is the thread for anything anime related no matter what it is. I may as well start this off with some of my favorite anime I grew up with. They also happen to be some of the best as well. My parents got most of these on vhs from the fye in our mall. Here they are in the order I thought of...
  13. Morgan_

    Hot takes

    I figured it a good idea to have a thread for this as opposed to posting these on my profile. Everyone should get some hot takes. Previous hot takes: - The best version of a song is always a remix. - A Scanner Darkly is Robert Downey Jr's best performance. - Escape from Butcher Bay is the...
  14. Morgan_

    The Legion was doomed from the start

    As an unenthusiastic, off/on NCR supporter I would just like to start off by saying that it is a terribly bad sign that the Legion's top military minds combined with some of their best military forces failed to unseat one of the most far flung, under funded, no training having welps of the NCR...
  15. Morgan_

    Recommended mods for Fallout games.

    Okay, so I am finally getting into modding for the first time and would like some recommendations and maybe tips to spare for a noob modder. I remember Postman giving me a list of mods he liked, but I am not able to find the list anymore when searching various threads. I have a good idea of mods...
  16. Morgan_

    Flex Thread

    Bought my first "true" pc recently. Saw a crack in the bottom right when I got the monitor out. Plugged it into the PS4 to see what was up. It got smashed on the way here, I assume. Had to send it back. The tower build went much better, even though everything took more force than it should in...
  17. Morgan_

    Hobbies and stuff

    I drove out to Salem here recently to get a new bike. Got lost on the interstate and ended up in Tennessee. Here's the bike: You all been up to much?
  18. Morgan_

    First donut and coffee (Blender)

    I'm making this thread to both share the process of making a donut and coffee in Blender as well as hold myself to getting the project done in a timely manner as that hasn't panned out. I'll update daily until complete. oops
  19. Morgan_

    Graphic Novels Thread - (What have you read, what do you want to read?)

    A few I've read: Read this almost 10 years ago. This paired with Dune gave me my 2 best dreams, fittingly. Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes Art/story= 7-10/10 Really liked this a lot as a teen. Need to finish the rest one day. Saga Art/Story= 8/7.5 Speaks for itself really :p Ghost in...
  20. Morgan_

    Beyond Good & Evil 2

    Is anyone else as excited for this as I am? This the only game my jaded ass has been genuinely excited for in 4 years. Being a huge fan of the first game I'm really looking forward to this coming out. Hopefully it doesn't get delayed for 10 more years. Apparently, the planets are genuinely to...