Search results

  1. Serifan

    Star citizen is not a scam!

    That’s right Star Citizen is not a scam and to show that there is a functioning game being built I have started a video series to show what you can do currently in Star Citizen.
  2. Serifan

    Offical NMA find a friend.

    So seeing as this game really needs to be played with friends and I don’t have any send me an invite or list your username and we should group up. Username:Serifan Add me.
  3. Serifan

    Fallout 76 on pc

    Appears to be in fucking shambles, no ultrawide support, no text chat, no push to talk, common pc settings missing. Apparently the game breaks if you manage to get higher frames. Pretty disappointed in Bethesda but really I shouldn’t expect much. I will just have to cry in my collectors edition...
  4. Serifan

    Autist Homos dreams

    Every place has some filthy gutter trash that defies society's standards what type of hobo trash do you have? I have three that come to mind Pigeon lady Was this 40 year old women from Sweden, ok I have no idea if she was Swedish she had a euro accent and was blonde so it points to Sweden...
  5. Serifan

    Russian Nuclear Drill with 40 million people. Can anyone confirm if this is legit. I'm having a hard time finding decent sources?
  6. Serifan

    Who are all you people?

    I thought I would come out of the Order basement and check some of the NMA forums. What I find really interesting is that there are so many new people posting here. WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU HERE! No really I am very interested to know what made you come here and for the any old accounts what made...
  7. Serifan

    Just doing my duty.

    I would like to welcome our newest member Ack. Welcome bro. PUT FIST HERE.
  8. Serifan

    GTA Online

    If anyone is keen there is a No Mutants Allowed crew which has been setup. Feel free to send a request to join the more people the better an it will be fun bashing hookers with you guys.
  9. Serifan

    NMA Steam Card Exchange

    Ok I need some cards to complete my steam badge. I currently need the below cards Tomb Raider summer sale Card Dead Island Riptide summer sale card Bioshock Infinite summer sale card I currently have the below cards I am willing to swap for the above 2x Football Manager Cards...
  10. Serifan

    Ordertopia Minecraft Server

    ORDERTOPIA IS BACK! After a lot of fucking around and a new server later Ordertopia is back and now better than ever! Here is what you need to do. 1. Get the tekkit launcher here 2. Install the tekkit launcher and once installed select tekkit classic pack and then use your normal...
  11. Serifan

    world of warcraft!

    So the new expansion is due out on the 25th of September. If anyone has an account that has not had a subscription since April this year send me a pm and i will send you through a scroll of res which will give you a week playtime and a free character upgrade to level 80. Also if you have...
  12. Serifan

    Eve Online

    So I have been playing this now on and off for a couple of months wanted to know if anyone from NMA played? Also if you want to give it a go send me a PM with your email and I can send through a 21day trial service.