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  1. brfritos

    Without clues, Dishonored was too difficult I noted in general section a thread about "gun owners". Someone can land me one or shoot me in the head? Thanks in advance! :shock:
  2. brfritos

    Red Alert: C&C Generals 2 Has No Single-Player

    <blockquote>EA recently announced that Command & Conquer: Generals 2 is going to be free to play under the umbrella of an online series known simply as “Command & Conquer.” Bioware Victory general manager John Van Caneghem told me last week that Generals 2 will ship without a single player mode...
  3. brfritos


    This is the most fuck up shit I read in a long time! :lol: :drummer: ====================================== Brethren and Sistren, Recently, my little sister called me up and asked my advice on a problem she's been having. I know she's always looked up to me, considered me to be an...
  4. brfritos

    Ubisoft forbids changing your own hardware!

    This just gets better and better... You know, I'm starting to think that Cory Doctorow is not entirelly wrong about his views on copyright and copyleft. The main point is not trying to protect the intellectual property of artists or to boost profits for companies, but to create restrictions...
  5. brfritos

    Our children is our future...

    ...or not.
  6. brfritos

    [Fallout 2] Luck and gameplay questions

    I'm in my fourth F2 playthrough and noted something regarding Luck. According to the wiki and some searchs on the forum, Luck influence the critical hit chance, gambling and the actual chance on the game dice roll. But that's the catch, my previous character had 9 LK and 75% on lockpick and...
  7. brfritos

    [Fallout 2] Wich trait should I get?

    OK, Gifted is regarded as the universal best trait and bla bla bla, but I want to try something different for the game. Yes, I know is one point in every one of your attributes in exchange for some skill points, but the trade-off is hugelly minimized by the advantages. But honestly? Sometimes I...
  8. brfritos

    Are you up for something challenging?

    You're naturally strong and can take some serious punishment (the booze helps with that somewhat). The booze over a long time has made you a friendlier person and people enjoy your drunken exploits, you've learned how to make the booze loosen you up instead of making you stumble everywhere...
  9. brfritos

    Talk to your brain

    Anyone tried talking to your brain and actually failing the various skill checks that permate the conversation? It's friggin' hilarious and very inspiring. The failed dialogs are BETTER than when you pass the speech checks and the conversation lasts a lot more. Don't worry, you can...
  10. brfritos

    Should I left Lily dead?

    This happened to me when fast-travelling to Jacobstown. The Cazador that usually spawn next to Marcus this time appeared next to Lily. Needless to say, she fighted the beast with melee weapons and actually kill it, but since she was stinged a couple of times, she died. My intent was to do the...
  11. brfritos

    Yup, we are trully f***ed...

    Gosh, more than 25 years waiting for another terrific experience like Tie-Fighter and this is the best they can do? No wonder the icing on the cake today is Angry Birds.
  12. brfritos

    Jet arrives at Brazil

    Who needs an apocalypse to produce a powerfull drug that addict the user in the first use? I understand the desire to drug yourserlf or use drugs like tobacco, alcohol or marijuana for relaxing, but kerosene or gasoline + chalk + cocaine powder??? Creepy...
  13. brfritos

    Mass Effect 3 discussion

    BioWare is in the process of realigning its Mass Effect franchise to appeal to a larger audience, according to EA boss John Riccitiello. Speaking during an investor Q&A today, Riccitiello explained that Mass Effect 3 will boast greater mass appeal than its two predecessors. "One of the...
  14. brfritos

    Here lies Cass...

    I'm roleplaying FNV with a cowboy courier and one decision of this build is when companions are killed, they stay dead! That's it, no reload or second chances. This make me very carefull when engaging creeters or enemies and also make the game a little bit more tactical, because you need to...
  15. brfritos

    Your "WTF" moments in NV playthroughs

    In your firsts NV playthroughs do you remember your "WTF" moments or decisions you made? One funny thing that happened to me is I didn't saw that fucking monument the first time I reached Mojave Outpost. :lol: Yes, I passed right through it. I usually explore the location before entering...
  16. brfritos

    Where's Wally (in New Vegas)?

    Yeah, the title isn't the most imaginative one and also the art isn't for everyone, but I like this kind of fun with characters of games, movies, music, etc. :cool: If anyone find an higher resolution version, feel free to drop a note. From Bethesda Blog
  17. brfritos

    The BoS is a bunch of losers or what?

    I was at level 21 in my Guns/Unarmed build, with Beautifull Beatdown perk, 27 DT, 90 in Unarmed skill and with Pushy. I was doing ED-E quest, recieved the message from Lorenzo, picked the mission disc at Reppcon Headquarters and runned to Hidden Valley. I was without Veronica and I knew they...
  18. brfritos

    Glitches that you love/hate.

    I see a lot of people complaining about the random encounters in New Vegas, but how could they say that?! I was on level 12 of my melee build taking Veronica to Hidden Valey, when out of nowhere the friggin' Alpha Male Deathclaw from Quarry Junction spawnned between some rocks, right next to me...
  19. brfritos

    The Followers positive/negative endgame (HUGE SPOILERS!)

    This topic has huge spoilers about the entire game and his end, be warned. Why everyone assumes that a more positive end for the Followers not present if you side NCR is a bug? For what I've seen until now in FNV, the Followers and NCR don't look in the eye anymore, having a mixed feeling...
  20. brfritos

    Is Charisma needed?

    This is bugging me from some time: is Charisma really needed? The game states that the charisma skill will influence how other people will react to you, along with the associated skills (barter and speech) and the nerve of your companions. I finish two NV playthroughs, one with a 6 charisma...