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  1. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Impersonate/roast another NMA user on the thread

    "I'm Norzan! I HATE Fallout 3 and Bethesda! Here is why New Vegas's design is pure genius and why it's a TRUE RPG" "I'm Walpknut! I hate Colombia! rightwingers suck and take it up the ass more than my puppets!" "I'm Crni Vuk! These words echo with a sense of identity, strength, and perhaps...
  2. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    FPS RPG games and games similar to Fallout 1/2 and star control 2.

    I'm looking for more games that are FPS RPG hybrids, actual hybrids. IE more stuff like Fallout: NV, deus ex, TES 2 and 3, and System Shock 2. I'm also looking for science fiction RPGs that are based on exploration like the original two fallouts, and especially Star Control 2. Anybody know any...
  3. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Sequel to Star Control 2/Ur Quan Masters announced So, if you are unaware of what the Ur Quan Masters is. It's a science...
  4. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    I do not really understand ancoms politically.

    Alright, you've abolished the state overall, so what's stopping a person becoming a warlord and turning it into a feudalist condition? or how do the people in this new society defend themselves from outside threats?
  5. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    political test leanings?
  6. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    A new half-life game is coming out to VR

    It looks overall pretty great and it's going to take place between Half Life 1 and 2
  7. TheHouseAlwaysWins


    So can anybody tell me about the country of yugoslavia? so how was it before it collapsed as a country? So is the country average, good, or bad when it was around before the collapse of the 90's?
  8. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Fallout 1 or Fallout New Vegas?

    I've been browsing older posts on this forum and it seems the initial response to New Vegas was positive, but it's obviously soared over the years. I think NV is overrated in the sense it doesn't deserve literally thousands of threads across websites like Reddit but I enjoy it and it's...
  9. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So why did Chris want the wasteland nuked in lonesome road at the end of it?

    I heard the original ending had you nuke both the legion and the NCR and there was no way out of it. So can anybody tell me the purpose of this ending actually? Is it a meta way of obsidian saying theyre done with the IP?
  10. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Ideas for future Fallout games, A real Fallout 4 possibly?

    -The NCR faces an identity crisis at the loss of Hoover dam and decays into fascism. The new leader is the antagonist, inspired by the ideology of caesar but using the industrial power of the NCR for expanionistic conquest. -The legion has decayed into a neutral force of small kingdoms with...
  11. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    delete thread

    delete thread
  12. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So why can't Fallout have tank gangs in it?

    In Fallout, there are loads of things like pre war tanks in it. I would love a Fallout in a better engine where the player could see things like gangs that took tanks in bases. Or if we could see things like motorcycle gangs roaming the countryside.
  13. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    There is no such thing as canon

    I have come to the conclusion that there is no such thing as canon. "Canon" is just a spook used by companies to control the creative vision of an IP. You might initially see it as a good thing to have control over the objectively worse parts of your IP, but what happens when a company is only...
  14. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So why do games have to be political?

    Every game I play should be like Fallout: New Vegas, where I get the choice between status quo liberals and fascists. You may think that the legion are fascists, but I say you're wrong, You see, Caesar quotes Hegel, he's a genius. You might say "but thehousealwayswins, that's just rhetoric...
  15. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    alternate history with the Fallout IP having as many entries as Ultima IP

    Alright, let's imagine that Fallout was conceived in the 80's as itself and went on to make a new installment every 2 to 3 years with similar quality to Fallout 2, it would be possible considering this was before the effects of our economic system forever made the IP what it is today. So how...
  16. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    So how come people at NMA don't want to make their own kinda Fallout spiritual successor?

    Fallout as a materialistic IP is dead and nothing is going to ever bring it back to our standards, but it is not a thing that is just a problem we see in Bethesda, but the whole gaming industry at large. The best case scenario is Fallout is sold to a different studio who market the series...
  17. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    fallout 4 c-span prank call on national tv

    so somebody actually did this on live national radio (not television sorry can't edit the title for it)
  18. TheHouseAlwaysWins

    Space isn't safe from Ads According to Slate and other web sources. It seems that companies are testing out putting ads into the sky. So what do you guys at NMA generally think about this idea in...