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  1. CT Phipps

    House of the Dragon

    Season 8 wasn't just bad, though. It was extraordinarily bad.
  2. CT Phipps

    House of the Dragon HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2×04 “THE RED DRAGON AND THE GOLD” is an answer to every fan who complained about House of the Dragon being too slow. It finally has one of those glorious battles between dragons that has been promised since Season One. There’s...
  3. CT Phipps

    House of the Dragon HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2×3 “THE BURNING MILL” is the third episode of the second season. As a huge fan of Game of Thrones, I’ve always viewed this series as something of an apology tour for the franchise after...
  4. CT Phipps

    House of the Dragon HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2x2 "Rhaenyra the Cruel" is the second episode of the second season of HBO's extended apology for the final season of GAME OF THRONES. Ha-ha. Just kidding, except not. Overall...
  5. CT Phipps

    House of the Dragon HOUSE OF THE DRAGON 2×1 “A Son for A Son” is the season premiere of the second season of House of the Dragon. While a big supporter of this series and a believer that it has done a lot to wipe...
  6. CT Phipps


    How? The former are all going to be dipped eventually.
  7. CT Phipps


    Yeah and he also created the Children of the Citadel to spy on people and serve as his operatives. The Master wants FEV mutants not gene spliced animal mutants.
  8. CT Phipps

    Master That's not how he operates. Except Seth and company are now his "allies" even if they don't have a choice about it. The Master doesn't engage in pointless murder. He's trying to end all conflict via mind control and transhumanism. He even planned to offer humans who didn't want...
  9. CT Phipps


    Why? They're mutants. The Master wasn't on a random genocide campaign. He didn't destroy Necropolis and it doesn't have any humans who can be turned into Super Mutants. What? You think he'd just go in guns blazing?
  10. CT Phipps

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    He killed Canadians! That's like Good Karma. It was probably a maple syrup smuggler or other dastardly evil doer. I have evil karma because I'm a quarter canadian on my mother's side.
  11. CT Phipps


    I mean unlike 32, the entrance to Vault 4 is actually hidden. There's no Vault door in the hospital. There's a trap door that they operate from below.
  12. CT Phipps

    So what do people think of the characters?

    I think that is absolutely what most people in the Wasteland would choose and it requires someone exceptional like Lucy to do otherwise.
  13. CT Phipps

    My complaints about the series

    Because they will be able to live in absolute luxury like the Sierra Madre and all of their enemies will be completely burned to ash. They will also be able to dictate the form of the new world.
  14. CT Phipps

    So what do people think of the characters?

    And yet it is you who are siding with the filthy mutants. I'd rather side with the Enclave in fiction than spend all my time with people who harass RL creators over perceived violations of canon.
  15. CT Phipps

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    I took that to be that was a compromise from the scientists. "We can't get it to work on all non-irradiated people but we managed to get a vaccine working."
  16. CT Phipps

    My complaints about the series

    I mean I assume Hank had their permission. NCR going down benefits Vault Tec.
  17. CT Phipps

    Chris Avellone examines the Fallout TV Series

    Well, you don't want the virus to kill pure humans like themselves.
  18. CT Phipps

    So what do people think of the characters?

    The best villains are ones you agree with on some level. Damn mutants.
  19. CT Phipps

    So what do people think of the characters?

    "Extremely naive and childish", really? :whatever: Unfortunately, Fallout has a history of softening the hard choices the Wasteland would really require. That's why the best ending was when siding with Gizmo saves junktown but they didn't want to offend people who wanted to play the big hero by...
  20. CT Phipps

    So what do people think of the characters?

    To save your Vault, the other Vault must die. It sucks but that's the Wasteland. I don't blame them for their choice even if I'd want to shoot them if I was living there.