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  1. 1Punman

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    Who knows, right? I definitely won't even bother pirating this.
  2. 1Punman

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    Well they can't corners on everything, right? If dwellers will be as annoying/vile as Iwish hobbits, I hope Enclave will get them errradicated in the story.
  3. 1Punman

    Got ass rape withdraw from the lack of Bethesda sodomizing Fallout? Amazon is going to fix it soon.

    They tried to shit on Tolkien, I bet they'll try to shit on this IP. I'm not expecting anything good from soul sucking corporation.
  4. 1Punman

    Fallout TV Series Begins Production

    If Halo show is anything to go by, don't hold your breath. Why corpos can't let this IP to rest. I pray Amazon or whoever doing this, will do the same as WB with Batgirl.
  5. 1Punman

    The Independent Fallout Wiki [A New Fallout Wiki With Blackjack and Hookers!]

    Jesus and I thought reddit mods were sissies with power trip.
  6. 1Punman

    Why do you guys hate f4 and 76? Here is a list of things 4 and 76 does better than 1,2 and NV.

    Not only drink water but also need to make a check up with the doctor, because brown pee could also be a symptom for hepatitis.
  7. 1Punman
  8. 1Punman

    Why do you guys hate f4 and 76? Here is a list of things 4 and 76 does better than 1,2 and NV.

    Because Bethesda don't and don't want to understand what made Fallout Fallout, now it fell out into the shitter.
  9. 1Punman

    RangerBoo Tortures Herself Playing The Frontier

    Well, shit, why I am not surprised? P.S. RangerBoo, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it before, but may I have suggestion for your game list, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series beginning from Shadow of Chernobyl, it is not necessarily shitty but janky as hell.
  10. 1Punman

    Man tries to start a new career but Nintendo had other plans

    And fans will defend them, even if Nintendo commits war crimes.
  11. 1Punman

    XD, you guys are the best!

    XD, you guys are the best!
  12. 1Punman

    Am I retarted or something if I broke the second pair of glasses in two months?

    Am I retarted or something if I broke the second pair of glasses in two months?
  13. 1Punman

    What is it GPU or something else?

    What is it GPU or something else?
  14. 1Punman

    Apathy is death?

    Apathy is death?
  15. 1Punman

    Just bought KOTOR and KOTOR 2, I assume what I'm in for, but I haven't finished New Vegas yet.

    Just bought KOTOR and KOTOR 2, I assume what I'm in for, but I haven't finished New Vegas yet.
  16. 1Punman

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Someone's waifu/10. Never played it itself, but I suppose it's a fun little puzzle game with harem as a cherry on top.
  17. 1Punman

    Best of luck, buddy.

    Best of luck, buddy.
  18. 1Punman

    Chris Avellone redeemed

    Best of luck.
  19. 1Punman

    Is my cat manipulating me to rub its belly or not?

    Is my cat manipulating me to rub its belly or not?
  20. 1Punman

    Ranger Boo Plays And Reviews

    I only have one question. What were everyone involved in it's development smoking and where I can get it?