RangerBoo Tortures Herself Playing The Frontier

Again, Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls fanboys made this. Look at the way the Enclave was presented in Fallout 3. There was no humanity, no place like Navarro, nothing. They were presented as evil mustaches twirling villains who wanted to wipe out all life in the Capital Wasteland. They were just made as another target for the shooting gallery.

Well, shit, why I am not surprised?

P.S. RangerBoo, I don't know if anyone has mentioned it before, but may I have suggestion for your game list, the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series beginning from Shadow of Chernobyl, it is not necessarily shitty but janky as hell.
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Again, Fallout 3 and Elder Scrolls fanboys made this. Look at the way the Enclave was presented in Fallout 3. There was no humanity, no place like Navarro, nothing. They were presented as evil mustaches twirling villains who wanted to wipe out all life in the Capital Wasteland. They were just made as another target for the shooting gallery.
I'd argue that you're giving 3's Enclave a bit too much credit here. Eden wanted to wipe out all life, but Autumn and the rest wanted.... to take over? This is bad because... they shoot people when they feel like it...? They're evil still, I guess. Idk I think a terminal somewhere might have said Autumn needed the labor force.

Bethesda's Enclave is by far the least fleshed out of all the antagonist factions. It's to the point where I don't think even they had a good idea of what they were doing. And by "they", I mean the devs. Much like the Institute years later.
The thing is that fantasy shouldn’t reflect reality. That is a problem with a lot of fiction today. It takes away from the escape. Entertainment is suppose to be escapism. For a few hours a day people would like to not be reminded that the real world is awful.

I think that's silly.

Mind you, it's also doubly bizarre because you're arguing that against my point that the factions shouldn't be taken as themselves not analogs for RL.
There are black and Latino legionaries in the game. Ulysses is black, the Cottonwood Cove Centurion is Latino. In Fallout none of the factions care about race as the world seemed to move beyond such pettiness..

I always thought the Legion should have had a decent majority of Native American Legionaries considering so many of the four corners tribes are descended from reservation survivors intermingling with others. If I were an artist and drawing the Legion, I'd portray them as mixed race Native/White or Native/Latino. I think that would add interesting dimensions to them too rather than being an army of fascistic white people. Although equally I think the NCR from Fallout 2 onwards should have played up the Hindu influence that Shady Sands had going on. What happened to Dharma and the middle eastern musical tones of the Hub?

I always liked the idea that in Fallout the amount of people who are racially indigenous actually increased in percentage of the population compared to our own world. Just because the Reservations were sources of survivors in untouched rural areas.
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I think that's silly.

Mind you, it's also doubly bizarre because you're arguing that against my point that the factions shouldn't be taken as themselves not analogs for RL.
The thing is Fallout is suppose to be a satire. However, one shouldn't get their views or bases for real life people from a work of entertainment. Otherwise you get a bunch of adult children who compare their fantasy video game or book to real life. Look at how irritating the people who compare everything to Harry Potter. There has to be a clear separation from reality and fantasy. Then again the people who do compare their favorite media's to real life aren't exactly the most mentally well people I have come across. That is just me though.
The thing is Fallout is suppose to be a satire. However, one shouldn't get their views or bases for real life people from a work of entertainment. Otherwise you get a bunch of adult children who compare their fantasy video game or book to real life. Look at how irritating the people who compare everything to Harry Potter. There has to be a clear separation from reality and fantasy. Then again the people who do compare their favorite media's to real life aren't exactly the most mentally well people I have come across. That is just me though.

You're slightly contradictory in this. Satire is kind of meant to be something that you draw real life messaging from, that's the point. Fallout was a condemnation of the Cold War zeitgeist it was parodying and the arms race paranoia it was playing for horror. The basic premise of the series itself is a dire warning about non-renewable energy. You can't draw real life as the comparative source of the joke and make a statement in doing so then go "haha it's just a joke" when by its nature, it is saying something.

As an example, I played MGS as a teenager and it actually roped me into learning about nuclear weapons and the post-cold war treatment of them. It provided basic knowledge to which I then ended up reading about with MGS as my base and forming my own opinions. I doubt I would have even bothered to make opinions on nuclear weapons had it not been for the messaging of MGS.

That's for satire and dystopian fiction though. That doesn't apply to people comparing real life situations to stuff like Harry Potter as you say.
You're slightly contradictory in this. Satire is kind of meant to be something that you draw real life messaging from, that's the point. Fallout was a condemnation of the Cold War zeitgeist it was parodying and the arms race paranoia it was playing for horror. The basic premise of the series itself is a dire warning about non-renewable energy. You can't draw real life as the comparative source of the joke and make a statement in doing so then go "haha it's just a joke" when by its nature, it is saying something.

As an example, I played MGS as a teenager and it actually roped me into learning about nuclear weapons and the post-cold war treatment of them. It provided basic knowledge to which I then ended up reading about with MGS as my base and forming my own opinions. I doubt I would have even bothered to make opinions on nuclear weapons had it not been for the messaging of MGS.

That's for satire and dystopian fiction though. That doesn't apply to people comparing real life situations to stuff like Harry Potter as you say.
I meant fantasy. Satire and dystopia is different in that it is inspired by real life and dystopia raises the question "what if". What I don't like is people trying to inject real life stuff into fantasy. I feel like that is a problem fantasy faces today. A lot of Twitter weirdos are like, "We want fantasy to tackle things like LGBTQ issues", when I am just like, "I would rather have a fantasy story were a character happens to be LGBTQ but defeats the evil dragon and necromancer" that sounds much more fun.
My opinion is that fiction inherently says SOMETHING even if it's dirt stupid. This isn't something bad about it. It's just a lot of writing that says something is written shittily and people have become gunshy about it as a result. They're so terrified of being lectured that they don't actually want to engage with material that might have opinions told well as part of the narrative.

Caesar's Legion is a pretty good rebuttal to the idea of valorizing the past and the ideas of resurrecting a kind of mythical Golden Age when men were men and women were property. In a way they actually are a good in-universe rebuttal for the Brotherhood of Steel and even House and the NCR as they show looking backward instead of forward is horrifying.

All of the factions but, potentially, the Courier are driven by "Old World Blues." The NCR is the least horrifying because it's trying to rebuild an idealized democratic USA.

House is trying to rebuild the ACTUAL USA of Fallout, which was a shitty oligarchy.

Caesar is ironically rebuilding an idealized and completely incorrect ancient Rome, divorced of all the actual civilization that Arcade Gannon points out existed as having.

Part 4 of this fetish fuel of a mess. In this episode I come across the snake people and kill them all with the cleansing flame of a flamer. Fun story about the snake people that I bring up in my livestream. According to a poster over at the r/MenWritingWomen sub Reddit, she auditioned to voice the snake queen and according to her the devs left out all mention of sexual content in regards to the snake queen Juno in the audition lines and info. That right there is just scummy.
You missed the bobblehead snek :(

Whole thing was really trippy. Sssstupid lisssp, coomers, junkies and other weirdos. And it wasn't FUNNY at all.

You missed the bobblehead snek :(

Whole thing was really trippy. Sssstupid lisssp, coomers, junkies and other weirdos. And it wasn't FUNNY at all.

I kept him alive so he would tell others what I did! He can live knowing that he is the last of his kind. A fate worse then death.
I get the feeling that most of the dev team are autistic. People with autism usually have a hard time understanding what is and isn't appropriate with other people. Remember that they thought that snake and deathclaw fucking is funny and sexy and not weird and gross. Only someone who is autistic would think that kind of stuff is appropriate to show to other people or normalize.
My opinion is that fiction inherently says SOMETHING even if it's dirt stupid. This isn't something bad about it. It's just a lot of writing that says something is written shittily and people have become gunshy about it as a result. They're so terrified of being lectured that they don't actually want to engage with material that might have opinions told well as part of the narrative.

Caesar's Legion is a pretty good rebuttal to the idea of valorizing the past and the ideas of resurrecting a kind of mythical Golden Age when men were men and women were property. In a way they actually are a good in-universe rebuttal for the Brotherhood of Steel and even House and the NCR as they show looking backward instead of forward is horrifying.

All of the factions but, potentially, the Courier are driven by "Old World Blues." The NCR is the least horrifying because it's trying to rebuild an idealized democratic USA.

House is trying to rebuild the ACTUAL USA of Fallout, which was a shitty oligarchy.

Caesar is ironically rebuilding an idealized and completely incorrect ancient Rome, divorced of all the actual civilization that Arcade Gannon points out existed as having.
I wanna argue with you about the Legion but to be honest I do that with everyone and I’m DTing hard these days, so I’m going to tell you that I disagree and then not elaborate.
The Legion is an excellent idea ruined by being underveloped. It was the part in New Vegas that turned me off the most. The presentation, the writing it all just didn't felt very well done. The fact that the game engine was so ridiculous and dated didn't help much either.
At the end of the day it's just a typical slaver army "sold" as something intelligent. But that wasn't the intention. If this is how the game actually presented them I think it would have been great. But they tried to hard to make the Legion into something "philosphical" or some shit. Hell what really makes me angry here is that they did a much better Job with the Khans for example where it actually felt natural.
Fuck yall