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  1. J

    Movie-based Games

    Aside from the same mechanic being used to gauge your effectiveness in a drug deal and difusal of a bomb, the scarface game was pretty good. Consoley as fuck, but entertaining for long enough that i didn't feel cheated.
  2. J

    Xbox Live/PS3 Marketplace Continuity

    Some of the 360 arcade games have been removed, however you can still play them if they're on your hard drive.
  3. J

    Which movie did you recognize in the game?

    Kane and Lynch obviously borrows from movies like Collateral and Heat, the street shoot out and nightclub missions coming to mind in particular.
  4. J

    MTV Multiplayer, Pete Hines and DLC

    Sucks to own a PS3 indeed. I know I'd be crushed if i couldn't get my hands on some that high elven brahmin armor.
  5. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Gripping yet painful. Counter Strike / 10
  6. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    10 Lovely colours, and reminds me of home, from an environmental stand-point.
  7. J

    Fallout 3 first footage

    It looks like a brilliant mod. Loving the oblivionish close combat with the shotgun, that was depressing to watch.
  8. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    Evil smile / 3 birds. 7/10 for making me look at it a while.
  9. J

    Rate the avatar above yours.

    If i remember correctly, it comes from the arsenal stages of MGS2. I enjoyed the trippy codec sequences in there enough, so you get an 8.
  10. J

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    I'd say a soldier, they are the most rounded offensive class. Heavy may seem tempting but they are way too slow and attract a lot of attention.
  11. J

    Sporepedia goes online

    So the creature creator doesn't come with the actual game, and I'm going to have to buy it separately? Just to clarify.
  12. J

    Movies that don't suck

    Give This Is England a go. Great film about skinheads, the blurry lines of racism, and 1980s England in general.
  13. J

    It`s Miroslav time! And a pic from you too!

    Wow thats just... Monstrous.
  14. J

    History of open-world games

    For a west coast drug engineered by one man who gets stabbed, jet sure does travel far.
  15. J

    General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

    Just finished Shadowgrounds Survivor, was 75 percent off on Steam. A fun two and a half hours indeed. Shame the survivor mode is a little limited.
  16. J

    Scariest game

    I just replayed bioshock, and found something strangely frightening. At the point near Andrew Ryan's offices, "play dead" splicers start popping up. Though easily identifiable by the fact that they are clutching their guns, and indeed that i could remember many of their locations, i was still...
  17. J

    Most memorable area's in games.

    1. Thief 3 - The Overlook Mansion 2. Deus Ex - DuClaire's Chateu 3. Bioshock - Fort Frolic 4. Hitman Blood Money - Suburbia 5. Call of Juarez - Outskirts of the villa in Juarez
  18. J

    [fan art] Scream

    Gota say, I'm not a fan, but glad to see your not dead phomax, you've produced some of me favorite fan art on this forum.
  19. J

    Gary Gygax is dead

    Well thats a critical miss and a half.
  20. J

    another which one is worth playing thread

    Can you not just use one mega "Tell me what to enjoy" thread? If oblivion bored you, so will morrowind. Never played Lionheart or dead man's hand. Desperados 2 is great, although i often have to wrestle with the temptation to play it like an action game, like my first play through...