Most memorable area's in games.


Still Mildly Glowing
Out of all the games you've played which are the most memorable area's out of any games, say the name of the area then the game it was featured in.

For me.
1.Junktown(fallout 1)
2. Baulder's gate( Baulder's gate)
4.St-Louis( fallout tactics)
5. the den( fallout 2)
6.Athkatala(baulder's gate 2 first city as a whole)
7. last mission of starcraft protoss, the one where its humans and protoss vs zerg(starcraft)
1.Fallout 1 demo - (Scrapheap) & Fallout 1 (The Glow)
2.Fallout 2 - (Sierra Army Depot,Modoc & New San Fransisco)
3.Arcanum - (Shrouded Hills)
4.The Longest Journey - (Newport - Venice)
5.Dreamfall : The Longest Journey - (Newport - Venice revisited*Possible Spoiler)
6.Blade Runner - (damn...really can't choose one area ...the game was so damn dark !!! loved it !)
7.Chronomaster - (Fortuna - Pyramid Casino and the Saloon)
8.The Legend OF Zelda : Majora's Mask - (Ikana Valley) ...I Could make a top 10 memorable areas in zelda games list but this will do i guess !
9.Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines - (Santa Monica beach)
10.Blood 1 - (Dark Carnival)
The lift to my apartment in Vampire Bloodlines.I dont know why but it was filled with a atmosphere i cant describe.
Sewers... in almost every RPG there are sewers... i hate them, that's why they're memorable. Huge sewers with zombies, goblins or rats...i hate those things.
Thief: Deadly Shadows - Shalebridge Cradle (!)
Fallout - The Glow
Fallout 2 - hmm, permanently paralyzed for the first time
AvP II - second Marine mission
Tomb Raider II - The Wreck of Maria Doria level
Also some Mafia, HL2 and Far Cry and Abe's Odyssey/Exodus passages
1. Thief 3 - The Overlook Mansion
2. Deus Ex - DuClaire's Chateu
3. Bioshock - Fort Frolic
4. Hitman Blood Money - Suburbia
5. Call of Juarez - Outskirts of the villa in Juarez
I thought Hells Kitchen was pretty cool in the original Deus Ex. Especially when you find the Majestic 12 operating in the sewers.
[PCE said:
el_Prez]I thought Hells Kitchen was pretty cool in the original Deus Ex. Especially when you find the Majestic 12 operating in the sewers.
I love the music for hell's kitchen.
Ohh good thread Cody...

1.) Star Craft... Opening map of Terran campaign
2.) Fallout2... The gatekeeper random encounter
3.) DiabloII... Rogue Encampment
4.) Deus Ex... Liberty Island (In Liberty Tower with the freedom fighters (or terrorists).
5.) Morrowind Elder Scrolls III... I don't recall the name but the city constantly being hit by sand storms in the Mid West.
Maphusio said:
5.) Morrowind Elder Scrolls III... I don't recall the name but the city constantly being hit by sand storms in the Mid West.


For me:
1) Fallout - The Glow
2) Diablo 2 - Arcane Sanctuary (so weird and out of place)
3) Fallout 2 - SMB
4) Okami - the final level (gave me the same vibe Arcane Sanctuary did)

1) The Glow
2) The first few levels of Bioshock, until you got used to the same kind of cut scenes (they thrilled the pants right off me, and still do).

Sewers... in almost every RPG there are sewers... i hate them, that's why they're memorable. Huge sewers with zombies, goblins or rats...i hate those things.

Um, me too, completely. Although, I think you are finding that memorable for all the wrong reasons :lol:
- Fallout, The Glow
- Half-Life, the pit tentacle
- Vampire: Bloodlines, the haunted house
- Bioshock, theater area
- Planescape: Torment, The Hive
Call of Duty 1 and the add-on had many cool cinematic moments, I played the hell out of that game.

Vampire:Bloodlines as whole.

The Suffering - the scene where you go out of your cell and the guard gets a sword in the head and is dragged into the shadows.
I really love Hong Kong in Deus Ex. The maps are so small, but are looking so big. Liberty Island was also really cool.
The Oil Fence, Oil Tanker, and Arsenal Gear Colon : MGS2

Blast Furnace, Radio Tower : MGS1

3rd level of The Lucky Money club, "Drunk Russian Sailors". :Deus Ex
1. The Glow
2. The Brotherhood of Steel bunker
3. The Hub
4. Shady Sands
5. Necropolis
6. Junktown
7. Vault in the Cathedral
8. The Boneyard
9. The Military Base
10. Vault 13

=> If I had to chose an order for my ten favorite places.

Only Fallout counts :mrgreen:
Let's see here:

Max Payne 2 - The Funhouse.

I loved all those warped dream-like sequences in both Max Payne games, and that one was by far the best.

Fallout - The Glow.

Brilliant. On my first play through, i was scared to even risk opening a door.

Deus Ex - Hong Kong.

Full of atmosphere and with great music.

Half-Life 2 - Ravenholm.

Only place in the game where the headcrabs are not only annoying, they are also scary. Not to mention the poison and fast zombies. And it's always great fun to kill some random monstrosities with all the traps set up by that nutty priest.

Thief - Constantine's mansion.

The most confusing level in the game, and i loved every second of it. :D

Kingpin - Skidrow

1. Fallout : The Hub
2. Fallout : Master's Vault
3. Fallout 2 : Broken Hills
4. Half-Life : Black Mesa
5. Earthworm Jim : Andy Asteroids?
6. Earthworm Jim : New Junk City
7. KoTOR : Kashyyk
8. MOHAA : Multiplayer map with the church
9. Fallout - Exterior of BoS bunker
10. NOLF : The Hotel with all them A-rabs, particularly the sniper segment and that bar
11. Jedi Outcast : The Academy
Drow city in BG2.

I really like the quiet small-town atmosphere and music in Modoc in Fo2.

Lighthouse, canals, mines and many other bits and pieces of Beyond Good & Evil.

The Hive and many other bits and pieces of Torment.

Last level of Populous: the Beginning when you've ascended and wreak divine retribution on your enemies.