Out of all the games you've played which are the most memorable area's out of any games, say the name of the area then the game it was featured in.
For me.
1.Junktown(fallout 1)
2. Baulder's gate( Baulder's gate)
4.St-Louis( fallout tactics)
5. the den( fallout 2)
6.Athkatala(baulder's gate 2 first city as a whole)
7. last mission of starcraft protoss, the one where its humans and protoss vs zerg(starcraft)
For me.
1.Junktown(fallout 1)
2. Baulder's gate( Baulder's gate)
4.St-Louis( fallout tactics)
5. the den( fallout 2)
6.Athkatala(baulder's gate 2 first city as a whole)
7. last mission of starcraft protoss, the one where its humans and protoss vs zerg(starcraft)