General Gaming Megathread: What are you playing?

Grand Theft Auto 2. For those who don't know, you can download it freely. Got to admit that I had forgotten how great this game is.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines and EVE Online (trial)

Am enjoying both games very much although EVE has a very steep learning curve ...
Fallout 1 and Carmageddon 1. Can't play too fancy games at the moment since my main computer died last week but I don't care much about that since those two games are awesome.

Waiting for my freshly ebayed copy of Worms Open Warfare 2 to come...I hope it is as good as reviews say it is ! I'm getting a bit tired of Worms Armageddon.
Just finished Shadowgrounds Survivor, was 75 percent off on Steam. A fun two and a half hours indeed. Shame the survivor mode is a little limited.
Company of Hereos + Opposing Fronts

DoW:Soulstorm (with the Dawn of Skirmish SS AI mod, without it it's unplayable).
Replaying Perfect Dark for N64. I wish they still made games like this.(or consoles like the N64. Ive had 7 PS1s, 4 PS2s, but only one N64, which has laster 11 years.)
Total Annihilation. You don't know what a video game is until you play TA.