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  1. H

    Fallout 2 mod Unofficial MIB88 MegaMod Gameplay Help

    *sigh* Well, I've spent hours looking and having tried several things I cant seem to get this to work. Ok, so I just got fallout 2 again and then the megamod and found out that the version of F2 I had wasn't the right one so I got the patch but even with the patch megamod was telling me I...
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    city patch for FO1?

    I havent been able to find one. Do any of you guys know if there even is one.
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    Fallout on diablo

    Maybe this is just me, but I have seen some pretty extensive mods of diablo...why not make a fallout for diablo. Of course some of the featured would go missing but maybe that could be fixed too. Or maybe diabloe has the coding wich might enable realtime battles in fallout. This is just...
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    What can and what cannot be done

    EXE? And how would you recommend going about editing the exe? Please bare in mind I am new to all this so I might be a little slow but hey, at least I'm trying right? :P Anyway! I use reshack, what do you use?
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    Fallout scripts

    so the IPP or IIP, whichever one it was. EIther way, I opened the other ones with notepad and it made sense, the only problem is I didn't really see anything I was looking for. either way, thank you for your help.
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    Fallout scripts

    Do I have to decompile a script before it will make any sense in notepad? Also, notepad cant seem to read scripts from fallout 1. Any ideas what I can use to read and edit these scripts?
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    Sorry to hear that I'm sorry to hear about that...I personally think the idea was a good one and I would have loved something other then notepad. especially since I am new to fallout mods.
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    Fallout 1 Inventory editor

    Anyone know where to get one of these [other then falled]. Or if now I wouldn't mind helping make one. Mind you I don't know any programing but hey...I'll do whatever I cant to help right :P
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    Odd NPC's in fallout1

    Thank you. It just seemed rather odd to me to talk in and have them all freak. especially when I had hear you could fight him one/one to free the girl.
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    Odd NPC's in fallout1

    Between her and the gunrunners right? Or am I just being stupid agian :P Also...whats the deal with the raiders and looking like the guys father? I've looked around but none the NPC's seem to explain anything about that.
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    Odd NPC's in fallout1

    Now, I keep messing up part way through the game so I have a save game which has me just finishing Shady Sands. Anyway, this time I have taken the quest to kill the woman who is the leader of the people who are hooked on nuka-cola [cant remember who she is]. Anyways, I took that quest...