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  1. Tagaziel

    An Open Letter to Bethesda on How to Fix the Fallout Franchise

    "Our position here at NMA", coming from a 2016 user. Yawn. It's funny how you instantly jump to othering me based on an opinion that dissents from what's accepted by the recent batch of users on NMA. Bethesda won't listen to you because you don't offer a coherent argument and you made the...
  2. Tagaziel

    An Open Letter to Bethesda on How to Fix the Fallout Franchise

    "Dissenting opinions". What next, you're going to go Gandhi and start a hunger strike over a game series? The problem is that it's not a well-constructed essay, but a retread of points that have been repeated on these forums for ten years. They do not matter. You would have a point if NMA was...
  3. Tagaziel

    Let's Talk About The FEV Virus

    Yes, because it's kind of difficult to have a conversation where you consistently refuse to acknowledge a single point I make, instead preferring to go off on a tangent about the Fiends being better written, when they're literally just throwaway raiders jumped up on chems. The problem here is...
  4. Tagaziel

    An Open Letter to Bethesda on How to Fix the Fallout Franchise

    Everyone thinks their ideas have merit. It's confirmation bias. The actual hard data for Fallout 4 suggests that the vast majority of people enjoy the changes and enjoy Fallout 4, but since some changes were not well received, Bethesda is likely to iterate based on the feedback. But in...
  5. Tagaziel

    An Open Letter to Bethesda on How to Fix the Fallout Franchise

    1. Looking at the sales figures of Fallout 4, this isn't a problem for Bethesda and Fallout is nowhere near being as grossly mishandled as C&C. 2. Sorry to burst your bubble, but nobody's going to make an AO AAA game, ever. 3. You are confusing the marginal opinions of NMA and like-minded with...
  6. Tagaziel

    If making up means "has citations for everything he says", then yeah, I am making it up. A lot.

    If making up means "has citations for everything he says", then yeah, I am making it up. A lot.
  7. Tagaziel

    Are Gain Stat or Skill Point Perks A Waste?

    These perks are a general waste of time, though not because of the Guidebook (it's post-endgame, so it's a non-factor). All the skill bonuses are useless due to the skill books, the sheer volume of skill points you gain, and the general absence of high level skill checks. Off the top of my head...
  8. Tagaziel

    Everything wrong with Fallout 4s writing

    Two decades of playing Fallout, starting when you were still learning to speak. Knowing the game's lore like the back of my hand. Countless discussions exploring the concepts presented in the game, which also provided me with an in-depth knowledge of the story structure and systems. I can ask...
  9. Tagaziel

    Let's Talk About The FEV Virus

    Glad we're on the same page. See, here's where I differ: I apply the same standards to Fo4 factions and they provide enough for me to answer any question I might have. The problem here is that you seem to ignore the different situations between the Mojave and the Commonwealth. One's a frontier...
  10. Tagaziel

    Everything wrong with Fallout 4s writing

    Yes, because arguing with what Fallout actually is, rather than someone's impression of what Fallout's supposed to be is... Somehow bad? Comparing an existing game to previous entries in the series is somehow bad? Or is it perfectly acceptable, as long as you are bashing Fallout 4? Point is...
  11. Tagaziel

    Strange arguments you had with other Fallout fans?

    It's not that I changed my mind (Fallout 3 is still a bad, bad Fallout game), but Fallout 4 showed to me that Bethesda does get Fallout (and after twenty years of playing the game, including countless playthroughs of Fo1/2, that was something my brain refused to admit at first, out of sheer...
  12. Tagaziel

    Does the super sledge make any sense?

    Mind you, I assume it's for demolition. Might also be for driving spikes, nails, rods, and so on with the right regulation. OSHA is a Communist invention getting in the way of American FREEDOM AND CAPITALISM. A true AMERICAN WORKER needs no OSHA to tell him how to work! If he wants exposed...
  13. Tagaziel

    Strange arguments you had with other Fallout fans?

    Call of Pripyat recycles almost the entirety of SHOC and CS, plus the graphics really show their age. Compare the foliage, the shadowing, the general sharpness of the image versus what I feel is the more natural, soft look of Fallout 4. I've stared at STALKER graphics for years on end...
  14. Tagaziel

    Strange arguments you had with other Fallout fans?

    Well, different standards... I kind of wish someone automatically appended "to me" to these statements. Anywhoo, the strangest argument I had was when I claimed that the Enclave's citizens weren't aware of the planned genocide, because I misinterpreted the verb "cover" in Richardson's State of...
  15. Tagaziel

    Does the super sledge make any sense?

    I agree with you in general, but we're talking about a nation engaged in total war. Explosives used in construction are explosives not going to the war effort. Psh, who cares about worker's health? Are you some sort of Chinese communist pinko unAmerican infiltrator saboteur...
  16. Tagaziel

    Let's Talk About The FEV Virus

    That's a very good point. Feel free to change it in a way that's consistent with other sources. I prefer to take the path of least assumption when reviewing sources. MARGoT suggests the sensors might be malfunctioning - and that's possible - but it also interprets feral ghouls as human. Of...
  17. Tagaziel

    Everything wrong with Fallout 4s writing

    I'm so sorry I have better things to do than watch rants about games. It was fun ten years ago. No, wait, it still wasn't.
  18. Tagaziel

    Everything wrong with Fallout 4s writing

    I can spend three hours of my life more productively than that. Perhaps by playing Fallout 4. I think I'll do that instead, yeah.
  19. Tagaziel

    Let's Talk About The FEV Virus

    Things change. Attitudes change. I wouldn't have liked Fallout 4 ten years ago. Now? I like it. I'm not good with names, but I can name you a good chunk of characters in Fo4. Most of the Brotherhood, definitely, because damn if they aren't awesome. What makes you think it's not intended in...
  20. Tagaziel

    Everything wrong with Fallout 4s writing

    You can put him on a display with Wasteland Workshop (I have the Season Pass, so it's a neat bonus). I'm actually curious at what I posted... Can't search that far. But the threads... So many familiar names. Ozrat. Montez. Popeye. *tear*