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  1. L

    Setting Fallout 4 Part 2 (of 2) – On The Road Again!

    Dunno why we need grand, huge, recognizable locales. I'd love a Fallout game set anywhere if it is was well-written with actually memorable characters.
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    Moments: Becoming A Wasteland Warrior In Fallout 3

    I had that problem myself. The most fun I've ever had in Fallout 3 was when I downloaded the Realistic Injuries + Primary Needs mod, along with Fook2 and FWE. Realistic injuries was the clincher, because you can remove almost all stimpacks found out in the game environment and it raises...
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    Your favourite New Vegas character?

    I liked all the companions, particularly: Boone (good to hear Jason Marsden's voice again), Cass (Cassidy's daughter!) and Arcade Gannon (humanized the Enclave -- so much better than in Fallout 3.) I also liked Daisy Whitman for the same reason. Doc Mitchell - salt of the earth. Christine -...
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    J.E. Sawyer releases his own Fallout: New Vegas mod

    I'm going to have to say yes. I'm really excited that this is coming to New Vegas...I recently replayed it a couple of months ago with all the current top gameplay mods and was disappointed that it still wasn't very difficult. I hit the level cap of 50 before I was even done with all DLCs. I'm...
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    J.E. Sawyer on FO3/NV save game-related slowdowns

    As I read it I kept thinking it was really nice of Sawyer to admit this is a problem and explain how it happened. And also that if he was a Bethesda guy, he'd just deny the problem existed and crow about how awesome his totally awesome game was instead. Then I scrolled through the comments...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I wasn't following Skyrim news at all and had no idea of the radiant quest stuff until I was actually 15 or so hours into the game. A lot of these boring fetch quests are actually randomly generated, I guess...lame. I've hit the typical TES wall where I just don't want to play any more, and the...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I'm pretty sure the vampire kid's (her name is Babette) voice actor also voiced half the kids in Little Lamplight in Fallout 3. And she is truly horrible at it. The character was interesting and occasionally funny, but the voice killed it. An interesting thing about her (Dark Brotherhood...
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    + Storyline is way better than Oblivion, although not as good as Morrowind. I wish they'd set a game somewhere as interesting as Vvardenfell again, instead of generic "stone castles, steel armor" fantasy crap, but they did a decent job with the whole Nordic culture vs. Imperial/Elf thing. +...
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    Bethesda going to be as mindful as Obsidian with Fallout 4?

    Skyrim is a major improvement over Oblivion, but it still doesn't match the complexity of FO:NV. Fallout 4 will probably be better than Fallout 3, but it won't be as good as it would be if Obsidian made it.
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    Something arrived in the mail today

    If you think about it, a post-apocalyptic Pipboy might look kinda janked up and be held together by shoelaces. They aren't exactly making more of those in the year 2281.
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    Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

    I'm glad I'm not the only one having this problem. The interface is HORRIBLE, so bad I'm not even going to bother playing it until mods are out that fix the interface. I've gotten past Helgen into that first town the dude tells you to go to to meet up with his blacksmith uncle...and that's as...
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    A group of Legionaries run up to you...

    I don't have to say anything because Boone started sniping them before they were in view.
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    Tim Cain joins Obsidian Entertainment

    I'm probably biased because I have such a long history with FO2 (and when I first played it in 1998, I was 11, so I fell in love with it before I was capable of thinking critically about it), but I have almost nothing bad to say about it, "stupid crap" included. I think the difference between...
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    Rude awakening: Why Fallout: New Vegas felt incomplete

    It doesn't feel incomplete to me, just a little boring at the beginning. I strongly dislike the linear path of FO:NV's first 5 or so hours (assuming you stop and do side quests along the way, that is) not necessarily because it is linear, but because it isn't even that interesting. From the...
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    Bring Back Map Travel

    I like the idea of smaller, new-Fallout style maps connected by old-Fallout style maps. Bonus if random encounters come back -- I've always felt it was a mistake to drop random encounters while traveling and a missed opportunity not to have them while sleeping (you're sleeping on a bedroll in...
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    Chris Avellone interview

    I completely agree with Avellone's answer regarding Fallout is a lot of fun to explore. I love the music, as's a little amusing to me how nostalgic I feel whenever FO3 music starts playing in FO:NV (although, not nearly as nostalgic as in the very rare moments when the Modoc...
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    Help me understand why Dead Money was worth it.

    I just finished up my first playthrough of Dead Money, and I have to say I'm shocked by the poor reviews it got. Constant bugs were a problem, yes, but that's kind of par for the course for Bethesda and Obsidian. Other than that, this was highly atmospheric and challenging - two things I love...
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    Does Boone sound a bit like myron to any one else?

    Kind of a weird mishap in the credits of the game, but Jason Marsden WAS the voice of Boone, not James. He sounded so much like Myron to me that I was shocked it wasn't him...but it...
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    2nd playthrough, recomended mods?

    Great list! I just logged in to look for this exact sort of thing. Very helpful.