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  1. D

    Where will the next Fallout take place?

    It wouldn't since you would make that distance in 20 mins or so. Typical sandbox maps are tiny, and we can't expect anything other than "typical" from Bethesda.
  2. D

    Manual NPC control questions

    1. Do NPCs gain your Traits, as well? Since they get the perks you have when you manually control them 2. Do they get your increases in skill points? or just the tag bonus?
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    DForge's Encounter Mod

    Nice to see someone liked it after all ;) I left the mod because I felt totally disheartened after the game practically ignored the encounter rules I set and threw stuff at me randomly. For example I coded the enclave encounters to pop up 1. after enclave defeat 2. in succession 3. after a...
  4. D

    FO3 or FO: NV?

    FNV, definitely. It was definitively closer to classic Fallouts. But... it too had some lame points. I know this is 200 years after the war and the world isn't supposed to feel as desolated as before, but... don't you all agree it was more FUN to see it in the state Fallout 1 shown...
  5. D

    DForge's Encounter Mod

    In the latest version it's 762 - but still doesn't work :)
  6. D

    DForge's Encounter Mod

    that's weird. The vanilla mutant encounters use the same Script:762 but they work. Ah, nvm. I fixed what I can, and the rest, well, if someone wishes to expand upon this, feel free to do so. The mod is finished so far, I don't have more time to work on it :) Final version: here. Also...
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    DForge's Encounter Mod

    I'll boost the exp for legendary deathclaw then:) So far I fixed a couple bugs, however I noticed that using generic scripts doesn't always work. Even though the mutants have the same script as "remnants of master's army", they refuse to attack on sight. Mutant marauders don't use their...
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    DForge's Encounter Mod

    I just did. So far so good - one thing is certain, >= and <= don't work.
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    DForge's Encounter Mod

    right now I need to figure out what's wrong with the syntax and why does the if(player(level)) doesn't work. :P What you ask for is obviously way beyond that. Although, sure! with Timeslip fixing the 40+ encounters crash, we have 10 extra spaces (at least, most tables aren't that crowded) to...
  10. D

    DForge's Encounter Mod

    sorry for another post but I realize that without a bump like that nobody will read this. "enc_39=chance:2%,Enc:(22-24) Raider_Horde AMBUSH Player,If(Player(Level) >= 21)" is anything wrong here? I get encounters like these below the set level. Is there an extra space again or something?
  11. D

    No movies and no pip boy

    I don't know much about mechanics, but that happens if you flag something you shouldn't read-only, or at least, it happened to me like that. Reinstalling might be a good idea.
  12. D

    Fallout 2 mod FO2 Engine Tweaks (Sfall)

    Could we somehow go around the 40 encounters per table limit? Because if you type in more than 40, it will result in a critical error of fallout2.exe while trying to run the game no exceptions, too
  13. D

    DForge's Encounter Mod

    it's up, and it works. Indeed, with Space, it just refuses to work! There might be some bugs and typos inside, but from what I tested so far, it's good.
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    DForge's Encounter Mod

    oh. Gee, I'm dumb. Will do. Hope that will help...
  15. D

    DForge's Encounter Mod

    How about the alien encounters, for example? I look at them, they seem fine, yet, I still get nothing on the map :(
  16. D

    DForge's Encounter Mod

    THIS IS FOR KILLAP's RP 2.1.2. Won't work on regular Fallout 2 of any version. DForge's Encounter Mod This brings more challenge and fun to random encounters. On higher levels, most of them will grow in size, replacing the easier ones for the "tough" places (like San Fran, EPA...
  17. D

    Need help with a script

    I finished it. it doesn't work anymore. Whee. Started a new thread, if nobody can help with this the idea will be abandoned, I have no clue what went wrong.
  18. D

    Need help with a script

    Does that mean I should numerate things normally, but add that easter egg description in the end of each table? (in tables where it can occur, ofc)
  19. D

    Need help with a script

    One more problem... there's this encounter in RP: {5320}{}{A gathering of important looking individuals.} referring to the endgame easter egg However, there's no enc_20 corresponding... should I leave enc_20 empty and get enc_19 and then enc_21? OR should I send that "a...
  20. D

    Need help with a script

    yes, there are no other changes, I just added that line. Thanks a lot for all your help. :) I'm kinda curious what's that "op_" you mentioned for. Either way, thanks again :) With the scripts done, the mod will be ready really soon, all it takes now for me is to finish up the encounter...