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    New animations 2

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    FOnline: 2238 announced

    In case some of your are still bored and waiting, I've been browsing their forums in google translate Its good...
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    FOnline: 2238 announced

    Sat Aug 15, 2009 3:09 [23:34:15] <cvet> Начало не раньше, чем через сутки с данной минуты. [23:34:15] <cvet> Start no earlier than one day to the minute. Пы.Сы. Py.Sy. Время по Москве. The time in Moscow. UTC/GMT Offset Standard time zone: UTC/GMT +3 hours Daylight saving time...
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    FOnline: 2238 announced

    what time will it be available for download? Im in eastern time zone, will it be up the at 12am officially august 15th or during the day at some time.. Let me know, ivebeen waiting SOOOO long for this!! WOOOHOO!!
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    FOnline: 2238 announced

    Approximately how many servers are there going to be? Is there going to be one server for russians and one english? I would prefer not making language specific servers, its more fun with international experience.. Feels more like a real wasteland
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    FOnline third test dated

    CANT WAIT.... OMG each day i count down!!!
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    FOnline third test dated

    SWEET!! Great news!!! great times were had last test.
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    So,.....Are you guys still waiting for FMF too?

    Who cares about that stuff... its all about FOnline, the online fallout 2 mod by Russians. thats what im waiting for.
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    How would you do SPECIAL?

    This post is great for so many reasons. Special Ed I'd max out Excellence.
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    Quickswitch / 2 Active Item Slots ?

    Forgive me if this has been covered or if i missed a shortcut key for a quickswitch,but i performed a search to no avail. Kind of bothersome in falllout 3 that there is only 1 item slot, are there any mods or console settings to have 2 items on quick switch a la FO1/2. Thanks
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    Fallout 3 reviews round-up #93

    This is the first line I read, and I nearly spat out my food. I actually like fallout 3.. but if this guy thinks the strengths are the script?? Man, that was the dryest, least artful writing in any game i've seen. Quests and secrets are too obviously hidden. Never played oblivion but If the...
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    Anyone playing Fallout 3 on a worse rig?

    good to know my irmao is in the same boat as me! soy KILLA de fonline :) i tweaked everything to the lowest settings and its running choppy still.. hard to fight lots of enemies in a big area thats for sure.. did u use any special settings?
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    Anyone playing Fallout 3 on a worse rig?

    Personally, i think my computer is massively powerful.. 2 gigs of ram, 2.3 ghz dual processor, its got a shiney flat screen, and my graphics card is Geforce 6150LE.. i dont doubt people have worse computers, hell i used to tweak games to work on my 66mhz computer.. i was just curious to see...
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    Evaluate your personality based on the "Fallout"-s

    St 8 i am 6'4 220, can bench my bw 12x Pe 6 not that perceptive since i smoke alot of weed En8 i am active everyday i can run 2 miles in under 12 minutes, despite my weed habits Ch 10 i get so many girls its not funny. Ag 9 i can dunk and crossover and i do some TMA In 5 i wont pretend im...
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    FOnline second open test started

    seriously.. People complaining about the russian, understand this is all community made.. theres no english because english people havent helped as much. respect the russians for giving us this dreamgame and we will work together to create the perfect balance.. i am FULLY against the...
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    FOnline second open test started

    Incorrect version of network report, update the client. Is there a new version now????
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    FOnline second open test started

    guys cheer up, i've already got 1 character to lever 4 and another to level 2. we can beat the russians if we organize ourselves. doctors are important and so are the other skills. i find walking around for random encounters builds exp quick. since we cant do quests due to lack of russian.
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    FOnline second open test started

    where is the cathedral. I REQUIRE ENGLISH COMPANIONSHIP!!!!
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    FOnline second open test started

    i managed to kill a russian guy who was trying to steal from me while i was AFK. LOL, he had spears and radios galore, but then in a random encounter i got killed by deathclaws. i still managed to get to level 2 after killing some geckos.
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    Awaken Mod Help Thread (possible spoilers)

    love this mod. but im a mainly fallout 1/2 player... i have no idea how to initiate combat? it seems like a noob question but the way ive been doin it is by stealing and getting caught lol. are there no targeted shots? im at level 5 or so, but i still cant figure out some basics. anyone?