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  1. C

    Plot-holes and logical inconsistencies of FO3?

    Because any game designer worth their salt has to emphasize fun over realism sometimes. A completely flat piece of bed rock would not be a fun place to explore.
  2. C

    Plot-holes and logical inconsistencies of FO3?

    I've been playing F3 again recently and really enjoying it. Even though New Vegas makes this games flaws MUCH more apparent. However, i've come up with a mental little work around that helps me enjoy Fallout 3 MUCH more when it comes to the story: The Capital was obviously bombed MUCH more...
  3. C

    A major worry that I have about New Vegas

    I agree with you 100%. I like all the Fallout games i've played, old and new. Each does something a bit better and a bit worse than the other. I have high hopes that New Vegas will marry the awesome of F1+F2 and F3.
  4. C

    *sigh* re-installing Failout 3...

    I'll need to also give my endorsement to FWE. It does wonders for realism in the game. And believe it or not, it actually helps the story by being more brutal. Believe me, when a bum asks you for a purified water, you're gonna be a selfish bastard and ignore the karma boost, because you need...
  5. C


    I have to disagree. The ending to F3 was certainly crappy, but not broken. It was done that way on purpose. It's definitely a thin line though.
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    I probably should have specified. I'm aware of the documented bugs and complaints of Bethesda's games, however I have not experienced anything personally in all three games that I would consider game breaking or even out of the norm. Obsidian's games on the other hand aren't just buggy, they...
  7. C

    Fallout: The Movie

    I was playing Fallout 1 last night, and had the discussion with Harold when he talks about Richard Grey and their expedition to Mariposa. And I thought: holy shit! THAT should be the Fallout movie! That's a great story to tell right there!
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    Personally, I have no problem with any of Bethesda's games. Obsidian scares me a bit. The writing talent is there in spades, but so far they have released nothing but broken and buggy games. You can say the same about Bethesda, but i've never had any problems with their games going back to...
  9. C

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    Not quite what I meant. by justified, I meant that there reason for being there was explained. As to whether they needed to be there or not, is opinion. I didn't mind them. If they weren't there, I wouldn't have minded either
  10. C

    So in the end, did the Super Mutants add to anything?

    Actually, that's not correct at all. The super mutants in F3 are an entirely separate group from the ones in F1 and F2. They were citizens in a vault exposed to another (different) FEV test by Vault-Tec/Enclave. Overall, I enjoyed them in all three games. The problem is, if you don't...
  11. C

    modded f3 opinions?

    While I don't necessarily find F3 or Oblivion shitty, I do think there are some trends forming. Morrowind had an amazing storyline and background lore, locations, and even a handful of cool characters (dagoth-ur himself, yagrum, divayth fyr, vivec, etc.) The mods for Morrowind added the things...
  12. C

    Impressions thread for positive impressions

    I actually sat at my desk for the past two days at work, and read this entire thread before posting my own impressions. For reference, I played F1 and F2 the summer before F3 was released, to "prepare" myself for it. I'm upset with myself for missing those two brilliant games when they came...
  13. C

    modded f3 opinions?

    I do agree with above poster. The idea isn't that mods can fix what the writing, just if they make it more enjoyable. The game now feels more like a game of survival. The early levels with FWE, without exploiting anything, are brutal. Just finding water and keeping my purifier up and running...
  14. C

    modded f3 opinions?

    I know that as a whole, the majority of members on these forums are not fond of F3, to say the least. I'm in the minority there, but I do enjoy the more intelligent debates on these forums as opposed to the official ones. And I can get to these forums at work, so that helps. Anywho, now...
  15. C

    Stuck w/ Angela Bishop

    I'm sure others have had this problem before. I made the mistake of sleeping with Angela Bishop before getting approval to see Mr. Bishop. Now, no matter what I do I can't leave without getting attacked. I'm playing an unarmed character, and keep getting gunned down. And my sneak skill isn't...
  16. C

    Diplomatic Character

    Turns out, it's not really viable! I am still making my character expand on all his non weapon skills, and not touching my guns skills, but it still requires combat. Biscuit feet!
  17. C

    Trouble on the Homefront

    I just finished this quest, and it left me bitter. Because I had already killed the overseer, and overseer "mack" was in charge, he wouldn't let me talk him into anythign peaceful. So then Amata kicks me out. Bitch!
  18. C

    Super Mutants... Eat... People?

    When it comes to all the random gore in the game, I look at it like this: Raiders string up entrails and bodies to scare off other would-be raiders and wastelanders, and possibly slavers and talon company. Even Enclave maybe. It's also quite possible that they are descendant of the vaults...
  19. C

    Trouble on the Homefront

    Turns out, I've had the signal marked as "unread" in my Pip-boy for ages, and never even noticed it. Thanks for the help!
  20. C

    Trouble on the Homefront

    How do you get this quest? I know it's radio broadcast or what not, but I'm 90 some hours into my main char and haven't received a transmission. Granted, I kill the Overseer when he was being mean to Amata. Karma be damned; seemed like the right thing to do.