Personally I was introduced to the Fallout series by playing Fallout 3. But one day after I picked up a copy of the original Fallout collection I realized just how good the first two games were and I never touched 3 again.
But very few of the other people I know that played Fallout 3 bothered to try the originals. Most of them just dismiss it as an old game or say how they refused to play any video game with 'bad' graphics. And every time you look at any New Vegas videos posted on YouTube, GameTrailers, or other video websites you will see that almost all the comments are from people that only played Fallout 3 and think that it is the 'real' Fallout! Most of them don't even know what the NCR is and think that the ranger in the trailer is a BOS solider or even the Lone Wanderer! (Worst of all, many of them think the BOS is the main focus of the series)
Here is my biggest concern, Obsidian is a company and their main objective is to earn profits. And since such a large majority of new Fallout fans are only interested in having another Fallout 3 style game (bad 'story' unrealistic background information, BOS being the good guys, etc), I am worried that Obsidian might be forced to abandon a lot of the things that made the original Fallout a masterpiece and keep most of the things that made FO3 bad in order to fit the need of the market.
I do realized that there are many hardcore Fallout fans like us out there, but to be honest, we are still outnumbered by the the 'noobs' of the series (No offense to anyone that enjoy Fallout 3 like I used to. I am only referring to those that know nothing about the older Fallout games). And it really worries me that New Vegas will ended up being another FO3 due to 'popular demand'.
What do you guys think?
But very few of the other people I know that played Fallout 3 bothered to try the originals. Most of them just dismiss it as an old game or say how they refused to play any video game with 'bad' graphics. And every time you look at any New Vegas videos posted on YouTube, GameTrailers, or other video websites you will see that almost all the comments are from people that only played Fallout 3 and think that it is the 'real' Fallout! Most of them don't even know what the NCR is and think that the ranger in the trailer is a BOS solider or even the Lone Wanderer! (Worst of all, many of them think the BOS is the main focus of the series)
Here is my biggest concern, Obsidian is a company and their main objective is to earn profits. And since such a large majority of new Fallout fans are only interested in having another Fallout 3 style game (bad 'story' unrealistic background information, BOS being the good guys, etc), I am worried that Obsidian might be forced to abandon a lot of the things that made the original Fallout a masterpiece and keep most of the things that made FO3 bad in order to fit the need of the market.
I do realized that there are many hardcore Fallout fans like us out there, but to be honest, we are still outnumbered by the the 'noobs' of the series (No offense to anyone that enjoy Fallout 3 like I used to. I am only referring to those that know nothing about the older Fallout games). And it really worries me that New Vegas will ended up being another FO3 due to 'popular demand'.
What do you guys think?