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  1. M

    A tough job

    it depends on how you look on it, this easily can be the dream job of someone who likes rock climbing :mrgreen:
  2. M

    Cooperative Gaming

    because most dont enjoy coop? since coop suggest that you need to have pp-l who actually cooperate! and unless you play hardcore with invites you will most likely to tear your hair off in frustration, because 99% of all FPS MP are 30 person deathmatch. the only exception i know of is L4d...
  3. M

    Favorite books / What are you reading?

    still no time for proper reading, which in my case means being sprawled in bed with that huge old pillow i keep rescuing from the garbage bin or chill out on the balcony during the weekend morning just before the sun gets to me. so i decided to give a try to audiobook's, to pass the time while...
  4. M

    My Views on The Role of the NCR in New Vegas

    they might be personal but since we are not individuals but part of a society, its not applicable. also its always was, from the early days up untill recent times, most of the the greatest empires and projects and monuments was built upon slaves, which is basically cheap labor without rights...
  5. M

    Mafia 2

    anyway, what was your favorite part so far?
  6. M

    Mafia 2

    i dont see any point of arguing about it any more, if you think that the story of mafia or more specifically Italian mafia, played through 1940s, with many religious nuts, roller coaster ride to fame(ups/downs) bachelors life between the mob meeting and the strip club should have more strong...
  7. M

    Mafia 2

    its also not a discovery channel, its a game, plot driven and with greater emphasis on cinematic and immersion than the usual. so i dont understand how such a common technical as exaggeration and how many perceive and most likely to relate to that time popular cult is such hard to understand...
  8. M

    Mafia 2

    a game trying to portray the 50's without some racism will be a huge FAIL or "politically correct". nevertheless i seen no racism at all, the only scene that stood up was the docks barber shakedown, probably because the third closest person is black after which you get a kinda abrupt cut scene...
  9. M

    fixing a mirror

    no frame, just nicely cut edges :( well at least now i know what causing it and how to prevent it thanks !!
  10. M

    DNS problem

    it can get many things from the pool within the range you assigned to it(in those dsl/routers its usually and higher) but whatever it may be even failing to assign and getting apipa will not change the DNS setting in his win 7 as reported.
  11. M

    DNS problem

    this has nothing to do with ISP, router setting or anything else but your OS, its probably some wireless utility that comes from the manufacturer - uninstall it. something network access manage or wireless manger in WIN7 you dont need any of that and if you do work only with it, manual...
  12. M

    Laptops, durability and warranty

    i had a laptop for 3 years and never had problems with it. what i do know on the subject is that most companies gives only one year warranty and you can extend it to 3 years but here is the catch many stores that sells you laptops in barging price doesnt gives you full 3 years warranty but...
  13. M

    fixing a mirror

    we got a huge bathroom mirror i had specially made few years back and now its starts to show black areas at the sides. after a quick check it looks like the back cover starts to peal off, any ideas how to fix it or at least avoid any further degradation? maybe to paint over it? unless this...
  14. M

    Skynet Tests Its Limits

    the full quote will be now(today) propaganda rarely works at least outside of third world country's and was in the context of warfare and fighting guerrilla as opposed to the 'good old one' also this bottomless bag extends to many other professions that never mentioned during the "you can be...
  15. M

    Skynet Tests Its Limits

    we are speaking about wars and invading force and not civil movements right? besides the above is usually the long term goal but its a long way there... especially in lawless rural areas or in institutionalized propaganda heavens controlled by religious zealots. how else wars was fought up...
  16. M

    Skynet Tests Its Limits

    those are great for rural or open areas reconnaissance, support and engagement but no toy can replace a soldier, unless you teach them nifty little tricks like knocking on a doors, asking for ID's or inspecting a car content for starters. besides it takes 50million for a control units and...
  17. M

    Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War II: Retribution [WAAAGH!]

    i too dislike hero centric games but i never commented on any of that(especially as i never played DOW1), only pointed out that my experience of DOW2 was very positive since its really hard to find good simple "linear" RTS games for 60+ year old's.
  18. M

    Warhammer 40.000 - Dawn of War II: Retribution [WAAAGH!]

    i like to call this standard RTS focused on around heros, which was perfect DOW2 40000 was simple enough so even my father could play it.
  19. M

    Victoria 2 Beta AAR: Brazil

    its not about how smooth it is, its about colossal time waste, in those games i tend to put a lot of thought and delicate planing, only to bump at game braking bugs time after time. or in other words: qft. SF for HOI3 is really good and adds many little things to the gameplay. vicky...