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  1. Walpknut

    Will we ever get to join the Enclave? Or otherwise explore their organization?

    You mean their leaders? Can you show me the dialogue interaction where Autum or another member of the Enclave tells you they are open to recruit outsiders and that the whole deal with them still trying the FEV to kill anyone who drinks the water is just a goof?
  2. Walpknut

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    Doctors are psychopaths, so I am inclined to believe it.
  3. Walpknut

    Will we ever get to join the Enclave? Or otherwise explore their organization?

    You my friend are engaging in head canon, while I am pointing out what the game itself shows and reinforces.
  4. Walpknut

    “TV Town”

    It was always just fanfiction interpretation mixed with behind the scenes info.
  5. Walpknut

    “TV Town”

    So apparently this is literally a very early draft that was mentioned in passing on a paragraph of the Fallout Bible and it never went beyond an idea on a storming session at the very begining. Probably with good reason, it would've been a dumb idea.
  6. Walpknut

    Will we ever get to join the Enclave? Or otherwise explore their organization?

    Uhm no they didn't. Only the stupid robot president offers you to work for him, even the General shoot you dead immediately if you tell him the password.
  7. Walpknut

    “TV Town”

    Sounds like something someone made up recently.
  8. Walpknut

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Politics are great. Stinky nerds who think slinging poop at each other over media they consume (usually media for children) thinking that's political activism is cringe.
  9. Walpknut

    Found the absolute best website, a repository of FREE 3D models of different cars categorized by...

    Found the absolute best website, a repository of FREE 3D models of different cars categorized by brand. I can't believe it.
  10. Walpknut

    Before I try going to Professional mode.

    Before I try going to Professional mode.
  11. Walpknut

    Going through RE4 Remake again on standard with all my upgraded shit just to spite all of thsoe...

    Going through RE4 Remake again on standard with all my upgraded shit just to spite all of thsoe fucking Ganado that killed me so much on HC
  12. Walpknut

    Good to see the site back

    Good to see the site back
  13. Walpknut

    Thoughts on The Outer Worlds?

    It's pretty good. The budget limitations show in a lot of things. The SKill system is good but the Perks are really bad on the player character, I like that you can choose and personalize your party members but the perks themselves are still too basic. Story, characters and setting is really...
  14. Walpknut

    Like Palpy created ships and armies with the force AFTER getting his body fucked up to hell...

    Like Palpy created ships and armies with the force AFTER getting his body fucked up to hell "SOMEHOW".
  15. Walpknut

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I just think it's funny lmao
  16. Walpknut

    I am glad I was right all along about the sequels. They called me a cringe hater, but who is...

    I am glad I was right all along about the sequels. They called me a cringe hater, but who is cringe now, huh?
  17. Walpknut

    THe first 3 movies are solid movies and for their time also did a lot of cool stuff. The world...

    THe first 3 movies are solid movies and for their time also did a lot of cool stuff. The world building was kinda basic but functional for the story it told. The Prequels are interesting in concept and goal but sloppy in excecution. The Sequels are just trash. All 3 of them, they don't even...
  18. Walpknut

    Fujimoto loves Star Wars.

    Fujimoto loves Star Wars.