Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

When the fuel runs dry the commies will make brassieres from old oil barrels and cook the pets of the elites as an act of defiance.
Do people actually care, or is it just manufactured outrage over manufactured outrage?
Very useful, but requires ferrous cookware, and cooks too fast for some who are used to gas or electric burners; best for boiling. I like it for poaching eggs.

Have high end copper cookware, and you're out of luck.

Got one of these in the cabinet for the occasional wok recipe. Takes a bit to preheat but its fine.
Politics is cringe, especially with so many people becoming insufferable Social Justice dickwads that think they are or can "bash the fash" or adopting contrarian theocratic boomer views to "own the libs". Stop adopting the complete opposite views just to piss off the other side, you'll just be making things worse for everyone and making yourself look retarded.
Politics are great. Stinky nerds who think slinging poop at each other over media they consume (usually media for children) thinking that's political activism is cringe.
Politics is for politicians that make it a career choice. Revolution is for the disenfranchised masses. Voting is a con trick to keep the status quo.
When fucked up capitalist pig dog companies pay big dividends to investors while their tactics impoverish people, only imbeciles flag wave and bow down to the exploiters.
Vive la France, viva la revolucion.
All power to the workers and peasants committies.