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  1. RobertHouse

    There is a lot of Fallout 2 tiles and sprites that’s been converted. I’ll send you what I have soon.

    There is a lot of Fallout 2 tiles and sprites that’s been converted. I’ll send you what I have soon.
  2. RobertHouse

    Working on the Mod Manager and it’s website. Releasing resources from Project Safehouse.

    Working on the Mod Manager and it’s website. Releasing resources from Project Safehouse.
  3. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod (Old thread) ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed

    Mod has a new thread here:
  4. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod The Sum (1.8b)

    Absolutely rad Nadeauhugo!!! :D
  5. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout Tactics: Lost In The Wastelands Campaign

    Wow I will need to look at all this stuff. Had no idea all this was there! Thank you for replying!!
  6. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout Tactics: Lost In The Wastelands Campaign

    Not sure the version but you can get the mods “core” files from the old Mod Launcher page on Mod DB: I’ll download and see what version I have soon. If anyone knows where I can find this mod let me...
  7. RobertHouse

    Project Safehouse

    Thank you Nadeauhugo! I’ll definitely be keeping in contact with you about Project Safehouse. I admire your support and passion for your project, The Sum. It is truly an incredible mod my friend!!
  8. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Enclave (V3.3)

    Yes it was released years ago by Gunner of shi but the mod required you to change the language of your OS to chinese to run (it was do to chinese files and descriptions) he didn’t have the time to fix the problems and he couldn’t upload it to any of the “good sites” do to the internet...
  9. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod Fallout: Enclave (V3.3)

    ( Old thread: ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed ) Fallout: Enclave (V3.3) released (01-17-2019). Install instructions are in the comments! Download link: Comes with its own version of the Mod Manager...
  10. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod (Old thread) ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed

    It may take more time as the files need verified but Enclave is uploaded.
  11. RobertHouse

    Project Safehouse

    Huge story and plot update coming (possibly) soon as Fallout: Enclave and the Mod Manager are soon to be released. Fallout: Project Safehouse will re-enter development, SO excited to release details on the story of this mod after such a long development break. PLEASE STAND BY... FOR UPDATES! :grin:
  12. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod (Old thread) ENCLAVE mod downloads Full version with bugs fixed

    Re-release with bug fixes tomorrow! More info then.
  13. RobertHouse

    Trouble with saving Screenshots in windows 10

    Download 7-Zip and go to C:\\Users\ *You* \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\Program Files (x86)\ *Your Fallout Tactics folder* \core\screenshots - Your screenshots will be there, Windows 10 uses a virtual folder ( C:\\Users\ *You* \AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ ) to store temporary files. I'm not sure...
  14. RobertHouse

    Render Distance extremely low

    NPCs use sneak and they can disappear when they aren't in your line of site like when they take cover behind objects, some objects that cover NPCS even a little bit can sometimes be enough to make them "disappear".
  15. RobertHouse

    Broken animated tiles

    "Update Tiles Used" was EXACTLY what I was talking about. Happy you got it figured out Hugo!!
  16. RobertHouse

    Broken animated tiles

    Have you tried any of the editors "Tools" functions? I can't remember all of the options off the top of my head but I believe there is a couple options to rebuild the maps tile data, could possibly fix this. If you do try to play around with the tools to see if it helps, I'd backup the map(s)...
  17. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics mod Xkcon's ultimate rip off (0.895)

    Anyone else having a problem viewing xkcons website? Says "ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED" and says the website can't be reached - Might just be me... :/
  18. RobertHouse

    Hex patch for color character portraits

    Wow! Absolutely awesome Hex work Melindil! I’m not near as experienced as you are with editing in hex. I’ve had so many attempts at trying to create this exact hex edit (and so has many others) but without any luck, mostly game crashes or closing is the end results. I haven’t been super...
  19. RobertHouse

    Fallout Tactics utility Mod Manager

    The big update is being released tomorrow! :)
  20. RobertHouse

    NPC Highwayman sprite.

    You can try here. Site is old and dead.