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  1. Romanophile

    Good point. You really showed me how wrong I was. I wish that I were as smart as you.

    Good point. You really showed me how wrong I was. I wish that I were as smart as you.
  2. Romanophile

    Leading to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind.

    Leading to the disappearance of all order that is conceivable to the human mind.
  3. Romanophile

    Official NMA General Shitposting Thread

    I finally replayed Fallout 2 for the first time in almost a decade. I know that it’s deeply flawed compared to the original, but damn I still really enjoy it and it felt great returning to it after so long. Then I remembered that we’ll (probably) never get another good sequel and I have to...
  4. Romanophile

    You have given me reasons to doubt that, unfortunately.

    You have given me reasons to doubt that, unfortunately.
  5. Romanophile

    references to China in Fallout 1 and 2?

    ZAX from the Glow mentions China and their increasingly aggressive use of biological weapons, and holodisks in the Sierra Army Depot mention accidents that befell a drilling platform projection, in addition to the invasion of Alaska. Fallout 2 also has a hidden dialogue file for Chinese...
  6. Romanophile

    I would have suggested some books to read if I knew that you cared about anything that I think...

    I would have suggested some books to read if I knew that you cared about anything that I think. NARF!
  7. Romanophile

    I do not really understand ancoms politically.

    lel Judas Priest, ResetRPG replies to me with a drive‐by post and somehow you people are still bigger dumbasses than he is. See, if you really wanted evidence in favor of socialism (which you obviously don’t, but let’s just pretend), you could easily just find it and properly evaluate it for...
  8. Romanophile

    I had more fun watching the casual players bash Bethesda. My friend played Fallout 4 repeatedly...

    I had more fun watching the casual players bash Bethesda. My friend played Fallout 4 repeatedly and even he couldn’t resist the urge to bash Bethesda every time we ran into a glitch or some other annoyance.
  9. Romanophile

    Fallout is now a fighting game!

    Nice clickbait title. To echo what the others said: kind of pathetic, but it is just a cameo, so I don’t care about it much. We already knew that the series was going to deteriorate into mainstream crap well over a decade ago; a single unnecessary cameo would be meaningless even if the series...
  10. Romanophile

    Unpopular Opinion and Discussion thread

    I think that I see now why Roshambo ragequit this super secret clubhouse years ago. :lol:
  11. Romanophile

    I do not really understand ancoms politically.

    ayy lmao The obvious answer with regards to self‐defence would be looking at historic examples like the Paris Commune or Free Territory, or something more contemporary like Freetown Christiania or Cheran. You shouldn’t ask breast rippers anything about socialism, since oftentimes you can just...
  12. Romanophile

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Check again, gringlet. Not every enemy of my enemy is my friend.
  13. Romanophile

    Political Spergatory or How I Learned To Love /pol

    Lel, thinking that Lincoln ‘emancipated’ anybody. That sucker was a white supremacist whose government only partially abolished slavery. It’s okay as long as it’s done ‘as punishment for a crime’. Normally I would post citations (even in ridiculously easy cases like this one), but considering...
  14. Romanophile

    General Discussion Thread of DOOM

    Shocking update: corporation doesn’t actually give a shit about gay folks or their suffering. Who would have guessed…? Oh yeah, that’s right: everybody.
  15. Romanophile

    Climate Change is not real!

    What a trash thread. You can argue that everybody is exaggerating the consequences of climate change but arguing that it’s a hoax based on this paltry snapshot is fucking ridiculous. Crops are growing in Greenland that have never been able to grow there before. The harvests of tomatoes and other...
  16. Romanophile

    >Google Ah, there’s your problem.

    >Google Ah, there’s your problem.
  17. Romanophile

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    I love the irony that these two posts are right next to each other. And you make fun of me for reminding you that socialism is a lower‐class movement? They already can. Most large companies today, such as Amazon, already use some form of central planning. They allocate their warehouses...
  18. Romanophile

    Why don't we have a communist society yet? I mean we could.

    To the original poster: the question is not whether world socialism is technologically feasible or not. The East managed to create largely self‐sustaining planned economies despite their relatively simplistic technology and agriculturally inappropriate geographies. The question is when are the...