I do not really understand ancoms politically.

there we go again. It wasn't real communism because I said so even though they called themselves communists
The USSR stands for United Soviet Socialist Republic. So they called themselves socialist kek.

Also, if that's your entire argument then you'll be horrified at what's in baby oil! Or you'll love the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!!

Just because I call myself a dancer, does not mean I'm a dancer, is that too hard for your dumb ass to understand?


Go back to WoW fruitcake.
think you might be on the wrong forum lmao
wait, are you saying you liked Fallout 3's graphics?
https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1847/11/prin-com.htm#18 "Finally, when all capital, all production, all exchange have been brought together in the hands of the nation, private property will disappear of its own accord, money will become superfluous, and production will so expand and man so change that society will be able to slough off whatever of its old economic habits may remain."
So it other words it is only communism if it works.
It only works if it's got good music at the party so that everyone can go to the theater and see glory, glory, hallelujah.

It's Communism, if it becomes communism.
So, never.
I find Rojava quite interesting, but I think that even without outside interference it would collapse at some point. There are a lot of Syrians living there, and like pretty much everyone else, they don't particularly like the Kurds, especially since they brokered a deal with Assad to get Rojava. And since the Kurds are doing their usual thing of treating every piece of land as the new Kurdistan and immediately kurdifying it with their language, culture, and brand of communism, the local Syrians might not be happy for too long.
If anyone needs to buy sealand and a few offshore oil platforms it's the Kurds.
since the Kurds are doing their usual thing of treating every piece of land as the new Kurdistan and immediately kurdifying it with their language, culture, and brand of communism

Only groups like the PKK and their "sister organizations" are really the only ones that are within the realm of Leftism. The KDP in Iraq for example are essentially a center-right mafia clan built around the Barzani family.
Well good to know. that way you get to discard all the countless failures until you get that first success. which you admitted to being as unobtainable, which makes all this pointless, pointlessness being something you are quite familiar with.
I don't discard any of the failures, you're literally just making shit up dude, all I fucking said was "We have never reached communism, because socialism has failed" It's not discarding, it's correcting your fallacious ideological assumptions. But considering how bad faith this entire argument is, I assume you'll let that all fly out the other ear.

Maybe you shouldn't get so worked up over labels.
lel Judas Priest, ResetRPG replies to me with a drive‐by post and somehow you people are still bigger dumbasses than he is. See, if you really wanted evidence in favor of socialism (which you obviously don’t, but let’s just pretend), you could easily just find it and properly evaluate it for yourselves (I have a stockpile of it). But you don’t do that. Instead, you latch onto whatever blemishes that your decayed shitbrains can find and then work as quickly as possible to return the thread to its normal levels of boringness. It would be less dishonest if you just admitted that you don’t care and have better things to do, but that would take too much work, wouldn’t it?
lel Judas Priest, ResetRPG replies to me with a drive‐by post and somehow you people are still bigger dumbasses than he is. See, if you really wanted evidence in favor of socialism (which you obviously don’t, but let’s just pretend), you could easily just find it and properly evaluate it for yourselves (I have a stockpile of it). But you don’t do that. Instead, you latch onto whatever blemishes that your decayed shitbrains can find and then work as quickly as possible to return the thread to its normal levels of boringness. It would be less dishonest if you just admitted that you don’t care and have better things to do, but that would take too much work, wouldn’t it?

So you whine about someone saying faggot (to chunglord of all people) then you start calling everyone shitbrains and dumbasses. This is the problem with morons like you. One word is off limits but all of your other favorite insults are always on call when you get butthurt about your politics.
Shitbrains. Shitbrains everywhere. Shitbrain faggot pussies. Why do you feel it is ok to mock someone for their intelligence? They can't help the way they are born. Never say mean words that might offend another living creature or you lose your moral high ground.

Don't hide your message Reset. That is something a pussy would do.