
  1. TheKingofVault14

    Dang, I Didn't Know That's How Josh Sawyer Really Feels About Vegas!

    This is definitely one of the funniest & most ironic thing I've seen in awhile, I- I really don't know what else to say. Heh, and what a way to end the year too man! :shock: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: Also, here's the original Tweet/Twitter Thread: :ok: :-)
  2. TheKingofVault14

    Tim Cain's Thoughts & Vision On A Fallout 1 Remake.

    What are your guys thoughts on Tim Cain's vision of a Fallout 1 remake/remastered? For me at least from a story perspective, I agree with keeping things fateful to the original, no drastic changes to the story at all. On the other hand in regards to gameplay & whatnot, that's a different...
  3. TheKingofVault14

    Cain on Games (Tim Cain's YouTube Channel)

    Huge kudos to @Diggfinger! for sharing this on the General Fallout Discussion Forum, I wouldn't have known about this if it wasn't for his post. So thanks man! :clap: On April 27th, 2023 the creator of the Fallout series Tim Cain started making videos on his YouTube Channel simply called...
  4. TheKingofVault14

    Huh, Apparently This Was Some Kind of Inside Joke Between The Developers.

    So according to Fallout New Vegas Technical Producer Jason Fader, the picture of James & Catherine(The Lone Wanderer's parents from Fallout 3) that you can find in Sarah Weintraub's bedroom at Vault 21. Was apparently put there as some kind of inside joke between a select few people within the...
  5. TheKingofVault14

    A Tribute to Lead Fallout Tactics Concept Artist: Tariq Raheem.

    5 years ago on April 11th, 2018 it was announced on Social Media(primarily on Instagram) by his friends and family, that Fallout Tactics Lead Concept Artist Tariq Raheem had sadly passed away. So right now, I wanna take the time to share some of these pictures of his art and photography, in...
  6. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout 1 Designer Jesse Heinig Shares New Details of The Cut Raider Factions The Vipers & Jackals.

    Recently on Twitter, TriangleCity asked FO1 Designer Jesse Heinig if he remembered any details of the original plans for the scrapped raider factions The Vipers & Jackals, and this is what he had to say... Here's the transcript of the Twitter thread: TriangleCity: "I know this is a longshot...
  7. TheKingofVault14

    Fallout DEV'S Commemoration Thread.

    Hey everybody, as you may have already heard and know, it's been announced recently that a member of Bethesda's Development Team for Fallout 4 & 76 has passed away. With the recent news of that, I've decided to make a thread to pay tribute to not only him, but a few others as well that we've...
  8. Y

    Fallout 2 mod Beginner developer/modder

    Hello everyone, This is my first post to the site. I fondly remember reading this forum as a teenager when I bought Fallout 1 and 2. I have since rekindled my joy with Fallout 2 only a week or so after buying my first developer resource - a C++ book. "C++ Programming Fourth Edition" written in...
  9. Risewild

    S'Lanter and Burrows Development Documents 2018-12-05

    The S'Lanter are a race of intelligent FEV mutated raccoons that were cut from the final release of Fallout 1. The Burrow was S'Lanter's settlement. This file is a PDF version of the developer documents for this content that never made it into Fallout 1. It has a lot of backstory and lore...
  10. Negativity

    Who is the best Fallout developer?

    I made a video just now ranking the Fallout developers: However I was curious what NMA believe are the best developers. My guess is you'll pick either Interplay, Black Isle or Obsidian.