
  1. Mr muggyman 3000

    Am i a horrible human being?

    I was babysitting my 13 year old cousin a couple of weeks ago . He's a good kid, polite, smart, likes video games etc. so where sitting on the couch doing nothing( it was raining hard so we couldn't really go anywhere). So I Go to my blue ray collection and pick out a couple of classics of my...
  2. R.Graves

    Science Fiction Reccomendation & Discussion Thread

    I really like sci-fi and I'd love some recommendations for books, movies, comics, games, or even music. I've read/seen/played - Futurama (tv show) - Rick and Morty (tv show) - Dead Space (video game) - Star Trek: TOS (tv show) I'm stretching it here: - Star Wars(movie) - Tremors(movie) All...
  3. NotAcasul

    How do you feel about Far Harbor?

    Do you like it? Do you dislike it? Why so? Is it a step up from Fallout 4? How does it compare to different the other DLC's like Wasteland Workshop? Do you think that there's hope? I'd love to hear what this site thinks of it.
  4. TheWastelander121

    Discussion of FanFics that are out there and Favorites

    Hello, as you might not know I've been on NMA for a short time and have already created two Fanfics and I'd like to discuss with anyone and everyone about favorite fanfictions or ones you've created yourself, I myself have created one that is a standalone Fanfic and another that'll be a series...
  5. TheWastelander121

    Discussion of FanFics that are out there and Favorites

    Hello, as you might not know I've been on NMA for a short time and have already created two Fanfics and I'd like to discuss with anyone and everyone about favorite fanfictions or ones you've created yourself, I myself have created one that is a standalone Fanfic and another that'll be a series...
  6. AccountNameM

    Dog Thread

    This thread is for disussion about man's best friend, and why they're so amazing. Anyway, to start, here are some details on my dog. Name: Toby Breed: Groodle (Golden Doodle) How much of a good boy he is: 10/10 Cuteness: To high to rate.