new vegas

  1. The_Proletarian

    Fallout: New California - BETA is out!

    After years of development the beta of anticipated New Vegas mod Fallout: New Californa (previously Project Brazil) is finally out! You can read all about it in this post. Could it be as good as other recent TC:s like the great Fallout 1.5: Resurrection and Fallout Nevada? What's great is that...
  2. D

    Lowering Companion Damage in New Vegas?

    They are WAY too OP, I need to drop that before I can enjoy the game. And seeing as how I've been looking, I'm hoping someone here knows the solution. I can use the GECK if need be. (Kinda new to using the GECK though, so the simpler the better.)
  3. GonZo_626

    Fallout 4 New Vegas Mod, and what you would want to keep from Fall of Duty 4

    So I have been watching some of the release videos of the New Vegas overhaul for Fall of Duty 4 - Minecraft edition. I have to say it is looking pretty sweet. But as I sometimes do I started reading some of the comments and it had me start thinking about what parts of 4 I would actually want...
  4. The_Proletarian

    Fallout 4: New Vegas

    So this is an attempt to recreate Fallout New Vegas in the "Fallout" 4 engine. As demonstrated in the video they have brought back skills and traits. If they manage to get this done within a short enough time span it will be a huge achievement. The benefit over good ol' New Vegas would be the...
  5. The_Proletarian

    Josh Sawyer talks New Vegas on IGN unfiltered

    Josh Sayer was recently interviewed on IGN unfiltered. In the extract below he talks a little about the development of Fallout: New Vegas. He underscores that the intended audience for New Vegas was the more casual audience of Bethesda's Fallout 3. Had Van Buren been developed as intended the...
  6. KingArthur

    Yet Another Thread About Robert Edwin House

    So playing through New Vegas for the hundredth time, I came across a conundrum: when you kill House, you lose karma, but winning the game through his route causes the ending slides to essentially label him a tyrant ("...a despotic vision of Pre-War glory..."). I guess my question is what does...
  7. MPPlantOfficial

    Who are the Van Graffs???

    This is an odd faction/family in New Vegas. We know a few things about them: - they deal in energy weapons - they're rivals of the Gun Runners - they're from Redding and there a lot of them, most of whom are half siblings from their mother, Tiaret Van Graff's many husbands. The thing is...
  8. J


    This is a problem because I believe it has something to do with a crash that I experience at the beginning of a new game, but I can't find an answer for this. I deleted MCM (conflicting mod) and both NMM and FOMM say there aren't any other conflicts (I had UI editors, but I got rid of them too.)...
  9. Lancerlot

    Oxhorn: a solid Reference for Fallout Lore.

    Oxhorn is a Youtuber who does a long video lores for the Fallout series including 1,3, New vegas and 4. What i like in his videos that they are detailed and thorough. Samples:- To me it's a great alternative for ShoddyCast, your thoughts?.
  10. C

    New Vegas art.

  11. achaven

    Am I the only one that has to listen to like GNR on youtube while playing the classic fallouts?

    Im talking about Fallout, Fallout 2, and Fallout Tactics. Personally I just have to listen to GNR or Diamond City Radio or Radio New Vegas while playing them, it makes the experience feel a bit more authentic for me at least. Is there anyone else like that out there?
  12. Prone Squanderer

    Things you don't like

    Seeing as we've flogged the death out of how much Fallout 4 is terrible, what things in New Vegas do you not like? It can be something big or a nit-pick about the lore etc. Playing the game recently I've gone for a character who carries a flamethrower. I don't mind the design of it, however I...
  13. NMLevesque

    NCR population or % of population in the military

    I did find a couple posts on Reddit trying to estimate the sizes of the NCR and Legion militaries, but I am curious as to what the overall populations might be for each. In Fo2 they say the NCR is 700k (kilo = thousand), with most of the people presumably living outside of the major towns as...
  14. GeorgeCostanzaTheMovie

    It's been 6-7 years, and I actually feel bad for still preferring this game.

    Ok, I'm really not that guy to just lay my hand flat on the table and spew in other's faces, hating on anything new because if it's old, it's automatically better. I hate that crap, I hated it when people did that with NV and F3 when NV was new. But now that Fallout 4 is out, I just can't get...
  15. S

    Question about Ed-E's upgrades in Lonesome Road.

    Long time lurker, first time poster. I am currently doing a hardcore playthrough of New Vegas, and I was wondering if Ed-E's upgrades transfer to the Mojave Ed-E BEFORE you finish the DLC. I'm level 16, just finished Honest Hearts, and I want to start LR, but only for the first couple Ed-E...
  16. NVMPCaesar

    New Vegas Multiplayer: Groups System (UPDATED)

    You may have heard about the New Vegas Multiplayer mod being developed, right? Well since then the multiplayer has continuously developed, factions have sprung up, including Caesar’s Legion; the faction I currently lead at the moment. The largest and most popular faction on so...
  17. MojaveMoproblems

    The Couriers path makes no sense to me.

    Okay maybe I'm just stupid or forgetting something but explain this to me. First, if the Courier got the package in Primm why did he go North to Goodsprings? Did he not know about the Deathclaws in Quarry Junction, therefore barring him from continuing North to New Vegas, and getting him...
  18. MojaveMoproblems

    What's your favorite moment from New Vegas?

    Ay. Put em below. Great game with great memories for everyone.:smug:
  19. F

    Does anyone have Classic Fallout Style Mutant by Zenl?

    It appears in these videos but now has been lost forever. I actually found a version 1.2 of it on a french website but the model for supermutant02.nif has messed up textures on the hands and waist. I was looking for an updated...
  20. S

    Completely lost regarding New Vegas modding

    I am a long-time F fan. I didn't really like F3 all that much and got excited about NV a lot more. I've played it only a little and promised myself I'd postpone a couple of years until the game is fully patched, gets packed with DLCs and gets along quite a bit of mods that further fix up the...