new vegas

  1. D

    Any big upcoming mods to keep an eye out for?

    With Fallout: The Frontier being what it is, and Fallout: New California done, are there any big mods for New Vegas on the horizon? I know of 2, maybe. Rust City, which goes to San Fran. And The Star Wars mod, which takes the courier to...Star Wars. But is there anything else? That voice mod...
  2. Ediros

    Classic Fallout weapons in New Vegas

    As description says, I thought you would like it. Updated version.
  3. The_Proletarian

    Some lost New Vegas concept art?

    Saw this on twatter. Have they been seen by us before?
  4. The_Proletarian

    Fallout Revelation Blue: Van buren remake for New Vegas

    Just saw this newly announced total conversion for New Vegas that attempts to recreate Van Buren.
  5. Kaian Monte

    [FNV] A question about NMA Modders Post.

    Hello, pardon me for bothering for such a minor annoyance, but i'd like to ask sometime ago someone posted a list of Fallout New Vegas modders here from the NMA, but i couldn't find it someone can show me? Thanks in advance, and again sorry for the inconvenience.
  6. LuciusCorneliusSulla

    Made a satirical video set in New Vegas

    Somewhat racist and pretty poor quality though sorry! Rate my super mutant impression btw
  7. KingArthur

    Phineas Gage and the Canon Courier

    So, I don’t think anyone has made a thread like this, or if they did, I couldn’t find it by searching. What the thread IS is mainly two things: 1) my argument against a Good Karma Courier 2) Hopefully a discussion about what the canon ending (faction and karma) likely was, and I’ll give...
  8. S

    whatculture: Ranking Every Fallout Game From Worst To Best

    Fallout 76 worst than Fallout: Brotherhood of Steel
  9. AgentBJ09

    NMA Presents Lore-Based Loading Screens for Fallout: New Vegas?

    I did some searching and it seems the ability to change loading screen texts is an easy thing to do within the GECK, so I have a proposal. How about we of NMA make a mod for Fallout: New Vegas that mimics what the Lore-Based Loading Screens mod does for Skyrim? I'd wager some would get a kick...
  10. plasticsoda

    Let's discuss Dead Money. Was it that bad?

    I finished my 2nd playthtough of Dead Money and caught myself thinking it doens't really deserves all the hate it gets. Here's what I think of it: The Good: 1. The storylines are great, from the companions to the history of the Sierra Madre and the tragic tale of Frederick and Vera. 2. The...
  11. N

    Fallout 2 mod Looking for a modder to hire

    Hi I am looking for a modder who can draw and add the New Vegas desert ranger armor into Fallout 2. I can pay for the job using Paypal or Bitcoin. Example of what I want: The reason I want to do that is to get my brother to play this game as he loves the desert ranger from FNV. I would like...
  12. Ediros

    OpenMW, or why modders are incredible

    OpenMW is a scratch made engine made to run Morrowind. It's has been in development for the past 10 years, but recently they managed to read BSA files Fallout New Vegas and 3 use. What it means that in the next 2 years hopefully we will get bug free, stable New Vegas with COOP on top of that...
  13. Earth

    Voice Actor Appreciation!

    Thread for talkin' about all the great voice actors over the years. We talk about Tim Cain, and Leonard Boyarsky, and Sawyer and Avellone and the developers and writers a lot, but I'd like to open a thread cataloguing all the voice talent who brought all the great characters to life. So who's...
  14. The_Proletarian

    FPGE - Functional Post Game Ending

    Found a mod that allows you to continue to play NV after the ending. Also, the ending that you get will transform the gameworld accordingly.
  15. D

    The DLC should had been different.

    It's no secret that the DLC for New Vegas - Honest Hearts, Dead Money, Old World Blues, and Lonesome Road - were miles ahead and better than the DLC for Fallout 3 - Broken Steel, Point Lookout, The Pitt, Operation: Anchorage, and Mothership Zeta. However, with my own personal growth, evolution...
  16. I

    Missing two files!

    Well, this is my first post and I write this because I need help. I reciently downloaded the game Fallout New Vegas to play it in Playstation 3 and the problem comes when it told me there are two files missing, both from the data: BLUS30888-[Fallout New Vegas Ultimate...
  17. Ediros

    Fallout 3/New Vegas remaster

    Fallout 3 remaster it seems. No way in hell New Vegas. Besides they would butcher it anyway.
  18. Aurelius Of Phoenix

    New Vegas Cut content

    On youtube there is a series going through all the cut content and interviewing people who worked on the games I found it interesting so here it is.
  19. NMLevesque

    General Perk Discussion Thread

    I saw an old thread where people complained that there wasn't a general thread for perk related questions. Maybe that person was just being annoying, but I couldn't find one. Maybe I suck at searching. Either way, I thought I'd just go ahead and create one. Maybe sticky this and yell at people...
  20. NMLevesque

    Beyond the Beef Broke

    Feel free to share any of your own experiences that you thought were funny. I decided to try and solve Beyond the Beef differently than usual. I had set my reps to zero for Lonesome Road, because I wanted the "Yes-Man"/no-faction dialogue as per my Independent playthrough. So I couldn't join...