van buren

  1. Negativity

    The Fallout Demos.

    Hey, what do you guys think about the Fallout Demos? I've played them all as a part of my Fallout marathon, and found them quite interesting. The Fallout 1 demo is interesting in how it shows us what Fallout was like just after it switched from the GURPS engine, like having the initiating...
  2. Risewild

    Van Buren Tech Demo Trailer + Power Armor video 2018-10-20

    A .rar file with a short video showcasing Van Buren's Power Armor and the tech demo trailer. Van Buren was the code name for the unfinished Black Isle's Fallout 3.
  3. Risewild

    Van Buren Docs 2018-10-20

    This is a .rar archive containing several design documents and game text for the Van Buren game (Black Isle's unfinished Fallout 3).
  4. D

    Van Buren gets some publicity.

    What cha think? It won't spark a revolution but more publicity can't hurt, eh? Apparently Avellone and co are looking into a spiritual successor? That's news to me; but if nukes are involved it fits his lore-style.
  5. Hardboiled Wanderer

    Project Van Buren

    Project Van Buren It's been almost 3 years since this thread was founded and a lot of stuff has changes drastically since then. I know that a lot of people still refer to this page regarding my project, so I decided to remove all the content from the original post I made here in 2018, for it...
  6. C

    Fallout 2 (3D).

    3D-model of the Fallout 1-2 location (3d modeling software).
  7. Risewild

    Fallout Fonts 2017-10-23

    These are three fonts used in classic Fallout games (Fallout, Fallout 2, Fallout Tactics and Van Buren). I think one of the fonts was also used in Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas in the "passing time" videos (example: "9 years later"). Fonts: JH_Fallout Fallouty Gothic 821 All TrueType (.ttf)
  8. Risewild

    Van Buren's Technical Demo 2007-02-05

    Van Buren was the Codename given to Interplay's Fallout 3. Text from "": Featuring a fully 3D engine, that Black Isle had made for Baldur's Gate 3, commonly referred to as the Jefferson Engine. Black Isle Studios planned to include a dual combat system in...
  9. Tiny Tim

    Van Buren vs Troika's untitled post-apocalypric project

    Edit because i accidentally posted before i had finished So i recently played Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura and Vampire: The Masquerade – Bloodlines by Troika Games and i found them to be intelligent, innovative and brilliant. And though i don't know as much about Fallout and the...
  10. Morrigan98

    Troika vs Black Isle for the third fallout game

    Who would've made a better Fallout 3 Troika or Black Isle studios? Considering that Troika had the creators of the fallout universe and the original fallout (Tim Cain,Leonard Boyarsky etc) whereas Black Isle studios was the team which worked on Fallout 2 (Chris Avellone, J.E sawyer etc) they...
  11. Van_Buren

    Results of the Van Buren Power Armour Vote!

    Original thread and info about the mod/project can be found here for context. The winner of the vote was the T-40 closely followed by the T-44 so the Vault Tec Power Armour will be the T-40, designed to be happy and cloy concealing Vault Tec’s (as you already know from the Vault experiments)...
  12. Van_Buren

    The Van Buren Project Wants Your Vote!

    Hey everyone, If you're not familiar with it already, Van Buren: A Fallout RPG is a mod that hopes to recreate what might have become of Black Isle Studio's Fallout 3, using the FOnline Engine. We have been working on this project for several years now, using the numerous design documents that...
  13. Kiryans5

    Need van buren grp manager

    Soooo... Nobody have wanted to move my thread from help to here, so I'll ask again: I need van buren .grp manager, but it seems that it was deleted from every resource available (including nma archive)
  14. Kiryans5

    Need van buren GRP manager

    Title says it all...Looks like it was deleted from everywhere (inlcuding nma arcive)
  15. hexer

    Fallout 3: Van Buren (Spoilers!)

    Hello NMA! As some of you might know ( ), I've been modding Fallout 2. Lately, I've been busy with modding Van Buren into Fallout 2 (yaaay). I'll post short updates here from time to time. All of the...