Damn. Level scaling is also enough of a reason for me not to want to buy this game.

It removes a lot of the game feeling of progression, "tension" and exploration. Not to mention it also removes the feeling of achievement when we manage to take out a high-level enemy/encounter with a low level character, or when we manage to go into some area with enemies that can kill us easily but we pick our brains thinking of ways to avoid dying and still explore it and reap the "rewards" that hide in that area.

It really shatters the enjoyment and sense of fulfilling of planning a character and see it grow. And makes no sense in terms of game world consistency, because it literally makes the world revolve around the main character (which in a game like this would be the opposite of what the game should do):
"Oh, all the rats seem to have gotten "super strong" in a month, for no reason except that the player's character got "super strong" too".

Perk trees are also not what a game like this should aim at. It should aim at character customization, and perk trees are restrictive. The old Fallout games were the first games to have perks and they still did it better. It is a letdown for sure.

I don't really care about the stronghold as long as it is not forced on the player. If it is optional (you only get it if you talk to that specific character on your own free will and accept it), then I have no problem with it. I might even like it, depending on how it is implemented and it's effects in the game.

These news really made me sad... :sad: :seriouslyno:
Will it be possible to change clothes? The ski sweater is nice, but it gets boring after a while.
The game feels like what Fallout 3 should had been like. I do like the soviet theme to it, time to experience post apocalypse from the other side of the curtain. Totally recommend it. I already have 84 hours on Steam on it, though much has been replay for every new version. Looking forward to the final release. And I do hope clothes change becomes a thing if possible.
You can already change your clothes: When you upgrade your base in Red Fighter there is a cabinet with a mirror for a few clothing choices.
I would like a "highlight all" feature
CTRL Highlights Living Targets (for Force Attack), ALT Highlights Items, Containers, etc.The Range of the effect is bound to the difficulty and I *think* to your perception (or at least the latter seemed so in 0.9).
Personally I would want the old outline highlight back (like when mouse-over an interactable).
My eyes are not getting better with age as they once where. ^^"
Thank you!

I played this for a couple of hours last night and it's impressive how closely it mimics Fallout. Had loads of fun.
How is the game in terms of bugs? Games at release are usually quite buggy these days, but I don't see people complaining about bugs.
How is the game in terms of bugs? Games at release are usually quite buggy these days, but I don't see people complaining about bugs.
I'd say the complains are rather minimal, since the game's been in EA for more than a year, and some people admitted this game is much more bug-free than Insomnia.
Just read the Codex thread for reference so it can be clearer for you.
Indeed. I'd say that in v 1.0 it has been bug free on my current playthrough.

It's a mix of Fallout gameplay with Wasteland setting (real life 80's armaggedon rather than retro future) with the big difference being that it takes place on the other side of the Iron Curtain and thus has not only a completely original story but also a completely new culture to explore. It is fun seeing NPCs showing communist culture rather than the 'murica one we are used to in the other games.
Some more New Vegas references (there's also a rumor about a certain "courier"):

