As of today, a new update is up and the highlight this time are reworked aimed shots, key bindings, and combat speed slider! Oh, and they're nearing final stages of dealing with GOG releases, too!
Hoooonk! Hooooonk! Woooo!
Here's Atomboy driving the Patch Train!

Wanted aimed shots to do something? You got it! Wanted to rebind those keys? You got it! Wanted minor bugs fixed? You got it!

Here's the full list:

  • Reworked the aimed shot system;
  • Reworked random encounter balance;
  • You can now refuel at the caravaneers and in Red Fighter;
  • Stalkers now visit Red Fighter on a certain stage of development;
  • Battle speed can now be changed in the menu;
  • Better optimization for ATI and GeForce cards;
  • An ability to switch and rebind keys in any way you prefer;
  • Better criticals!
  • Typos our community found are now fixed;
  • Reworked skill and attribute checks some NPCs have;
  • Fixed Hexogen;
  • Master of Unlocking now grants XP;
  • Shadow errors in Dead City fixed;
  • Livened up trade in Peregon;
  • Lone Wolf perk does not punish you for having Dzhulbars in the party;
  • Modified weight of some items, work is in progress;
  • Characters no longer get stuck on the Factory level;
  • Some car bugs fixed;
  • A new map for random encounters added;
  • Around ten lesser bugs fixed;
Haven't tested the new features myself yet, so here's hoping I didn't embarrass myself too much with that super sure attitude towards the fix, but it seems like it genuinely made things better. Try it out!

Next on the bucket list: Better tutorial, further tweaks to AI, perks and combat.

Also in the news, someone asked me long ago whether the Mountain Pass of Woes was based on Ronja robber's daughter. I said no, but it turned out that my better half actually based most of the stuff there on that book... And I knew it too poorly to recognize the allusions... So there goes my credibility, straight out the window! Now I have to do some testing and some writing, but I will return to answer the last 5 pages. Looks like some very juicy stuff after a glance!

Best wishes to everyone! See you later!

Oh, and P.S.: We are on stage 4 out of 5 with GOG. But we wanna do some more fixing and user suggestions adding before we seal the deal. Patching GOG every minute is not as easy as patching Steam, you know!
I booted up the game for a bit just to see key bindings and how combat speed slider works in actual gameplay. Haven't actually fiddled with key bindings but it's cool they finally allows us to see the hotkeys. Sadly, my laptop is dying and I can't get stable framerate so characters move in funny animation while the combat speed is slided to the max, but at least it works.

Also, aimed shot finally do something. Just poked a guy in the eye, and he's got knocked down. Very nice.
I havent finished the game and I have 127 hours logged on steam. Mind you it includes old playthroughs from older builds. Really enjoying the new content. I just got the car.
Caving in right now and i am going to buy it once i get back from the store just because if the latest update!
Around 10 hours and i'm enjoying the game. I honestly couldn't care less if it's "Soviet Fallout", as long the writing, characters, story, world building, combat and atmosphere are good, i'm all good. This "this game is nigh similar to this other game and that's a major negative" is a mentality that i'll never understand and never get behind.

It is surprisingly difficult at the start, but the difficulty seems to even out when you get better stuff and more companions.
Yeah I can't understand people who first hate on Bethesda for abandoning the gameplay of Fallout 1&2 and then the same people hate on another game for being to similar gameplay wise to Fallout 1&2. Also, this is a community for people who like Fallout 1&2.
Apparently you can issue orders to companions in combat. Left click on the companion during combat and you can ask him/her to target a specific enemy, go to specific spot on the battlefield or change his/her stance (aggressive or defensive).

This has made the gameplay considerably better because i can actually tell what each companion should do instead of them wondering around doing whatever.
has anybody purchased it? i wanna get it but im 1 step away from living in a mud-house and 15 bucks is steep
Yeah I can't understand people who first hate on Bethesda for abandoning the gameplay of Fallout 1&2 and then the same people hate on another game for being to similar gameplay wise to Fallout 1&2. Also, this is a community for people who like Fallout 1&2.

How can you tell those are the very same persons ?
While I'm not exactly gonna tell if the exact same persons shit on Bethesda for not keep on faithfully adapt Fallout 1&2's gameplay, only to hate another game for being similar, I can tell NMA's REALLY quiet on this game, whereas the Codex thread keep on having new posts, whether praising the game for what it achieved, criticizing it for what it done wrong and suggest what can be fixed, or even regular shitposts and memes.

Could be that it's due to the devs not actively participating in this forum, but I kind of feel sad that a proper Fallout spiritual successor made by another developers that *arguably* surpass even Underrail and Age of Decadence is finally out, and yet here it is only talked about by few NMA regulars... maybe the game is talked about more at Discord?
I think it comes down to the fact that there many underfunded and underachieving and unconvincing eastern Fallout spiritual successors that Atom rpg kind of suffered from a lack of interest. People need to be convinced to take a look. And that take people willing to spread the word, make articles or videos about it, and make sure words reach the right person. That's some hardship that few are willing to go through and those who can not always have time to do it.

Personnally, i am doing it for the french community with the little time i have. (we even have a small team starting the french translation of atom) I rarelly do stuff for NMA, considering there is more people here willing to do stuff. (even if it is mostly outside the staff)

If were making the editorial choices here, i would greatly reduce the coverage of official release to focus on mods and spiritual successors. Those people making them actually need our help to spread the word, and have their games played. while we only are a footnote for Bethesda. That we mention their game or not won't change a thing for either the company or their fanbase.
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I think it comes down to the fact that there many underfunded and underachieving and unconvincing eastern Fallout spiritual successors that Atom rpg kind of suffered from a lack of interest. People need to be convinced to take a look. And that take people willing to spread the word, make articles or videos about it, and make sure words reach the right person. That's some hardship that few are willing to go through and those who can not always have time to do it.
Eh, I wouldn't say there's lack of interest in case of ATOM RPG specifically. Ever since official release, in just more than 2 weeks it has more than 600 reviews on Steam, to a grand total of over 1200 reviews (positive and negative) from its period in EA. Compare it to AoD that has a little less than 1800 reviews and Underrail that has 1300 reviews. On the circle of audience that *matters*, ATOM RPG succeeded. Also, while not exactly a Fallout spiritual successor, Underrail was touted as such at the time it came out, and it garnered enough attention and hope that Fallout at least lives on this way, spiritually, so I think Underrail has a part in making that flame of hope keep on burning.

And like I mentioned in my previous post, the Codex thread for the game is VERY MUCH lively. I couldn't care less what mainstream gaming media thinks of ATOM, since I couldn't remember if they ever talked about AoD and Underrail. But the attention that ATOM is getting, at least on Steam, is enough for me to say that the game succeed where it matters, and for the audience who can truly appreciate it and love it, and even at this very second there are ~2000 players playing it on Steam. And the ATOM team on final phase of making a deal for GOG release, so I can only imagine the game getting even more love that it deserves in the near future. Hence, I think it makes the lack of attention and interest on the game in NMA more than jarring.

Personnally, i am doing it for the french community with the little time i have. (we even have a small team starting the french translation of atom) I rarelly do stuff for NMA, considering there is more people here willing to do stuff. (even if it is mostly outside the staff)
thank you for doing your part.

If were making the editorial choices here, i would greatly reduce the coverage of official release to focus on mods and spiritual successors. Those people making them actually need our help to spread the word, and have their games played. while we only are a footnote for Bethesda. That we mention their game or not won't change a thing for either the company or their fanbase.

Thankfully, we can already assured of one person doing their part like this. Thank you, comrade @Proletären
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If someone gifts me the game, I will be happy to talk about it. :wiggle::lmao:

I do go to Discord and ask questions there about the game. I think at least a couple of people in there are playing this game.

Unfortunately, last year I didn't get a single Steam gift card, neither for my Bday or Christmas so I can't buy any games :irked:. If only humans didn't need to eat...
Sadly I'm all out of money at the moment. Game looks really great and it's pretty cheap when compared to amount of content. I'll be buying around the end of February.
What this tells me is that the Codex is full of people with money and time to spare, while NMA is full of people with problems and actual lives/responsibilities :lmao:.
What this tells me is that the Codex is full of people with money and time to spare, while NMA is full of people with problems and actual lives/responsibilities :lmao:.
That could be it, but most of the Codexers actually admitted they can only boot up the game during the weekends. So, at this point it's been 3 weekends since official release, not to mention we're fresh from holiday season, or it might even still be holiday season in some place :hatersgonnahate:
That could be it, but most of the Codexers actually admitted they can only boot up the game during the weekends. So, at this point it's been 3 weekends since official release, not to mention we're fresh from holiday season, or it might even still be holiday season in some place :hatersgonnahate:

Also it seems like a lot of NMA people are poor hehe, But yeah i am currently doing some studying to get a better job and for the first time in like 12 years i have christmas break untill the 9th. I was not ready for it after all the years of working! But also i was dumb enough to bring work home so.. Yeah i fucked myself over.
It is not about the bucks needed to buy the games, but the bucks needed to buy a computer to run it. (and i have yet to finish fallout of nevada)