First time out of the vault

# Update 6 (from Kickstarter)
Hey guys!
It's time for another update, and we'd just like to start off with how grateful we are for all the amazing support you have given to our project. Youtubers making first look videos, backers and fans helping us out on forums and social networks. We have strong belief that we will get what we need to finish the game quickly and without any setbacks.
Thank you for caring about our game, and spreading the word!
The last update was about our strech goals, but what about something that 100% will be in the final game? Well, the update we're going to share with you this week concerns the Battle System.
Here it goes!
Duck and cover! A shoot-out in the Wasteland is no fun, unless you can hide behind a derelict wall, or some general rubble. There will be two main types of cover (those you crouch behind, and full body coverage, like the aforementioned wall) each one with a special set of animations.
Now critical hits are sure to sting for a long time… Both NPC and Player alike will now sustain long-term injuries under various conditions. Unhealed injuries will hinder your abilities according to their type. But isn't that a fair price to pay for maiming your enemies in all the creative ways you can possibly imagine?!
We are finally working on various animations we planned from the start. More realistic attacks, no more holding guns wrong, cover animations, general body language improvements and many more.
…And yes, for all you gore-hounds out there. ATOM will finally feature maiming. In the most explosive ways possible…
These three improvements to the game are our main concern for the following weeks.
Follow us in our accounts on social media, to watch these long awaited improvements come to life before your very eyes!
Thank you again for the support. Yours, ATOM TEAM!