10 Things I Hate About Bioshock

Brother None

This ghoul has seen it all
The GameSanity blog has an interesting piece up, which'll do well as a counter point to the hype Bioshock has been straining under:<blockquote>You might not believe this based on reviews and the general hype in the media, but Bioshock is *not* perfect. “Game of the Year” material to be sure, but not perfect. While I do not expect that Bioshock will become like Oblivion and be oft-quoted in articles using it as a whipping-boy for the latest and greatest features of upcoming games (for example, the game has level-scaling, but it isn’t idiotic like it was in Oblivion), I do envision some form of ‘backlash’. It is almost inevitable due to how high the scores are that people will begin to get overly negative about the game. Indeed, while I love the game the more I think about it the more little things bug me. I have seen articles about this sort of thing starting to crop up, but I’m going to give it a bit of a twist - rather than just bitching about things, I’m going to highlight a few things I love and give you the drop on a couple of extra special treats for Bioshock lovers. Needless to say this is chock full of the biggest sorts of spoilers. Avoid clicking until you’ve finished the game.</blockquote>Link: 10 Things I Hate About Bioshock.

Spotted on RPGWatch.
What good is it if it is full of spoilers? :( Sigh, and I thought I finally had some material for some article... :cry:
It's pretty hard to do a good criticism or praise of any product without spoilers. It gets generic and vague, like game industry reviews
Some of the points made are true. I will avoid saying some of them here for the sake of not spoiling anything.

But I do think an inventory like system, maybe one like SS2 improved would have been kind of nice, but that's just me personally.

My own personal gripe was with hacking, I usually just ended up buying out or auto-tools.

I am not personally a fan of shooters in the first place, so the draw being the atmospere and the art deco look of the game. The music and everything else added to that. I never found the story to be real murky actually.

In short, good stuff.
I haven't seen or heard anything about Bioshock other than the title, and the relation to System Shock. I plan to buy it this weekend, so my hype meter on it is 0%.

I have only played the demo, and I'm waiting after the 15th of September to get the game because of the exams :)

But without going into much detail I have to agree with people that this game needs inventory system really bad. And the hacking game should be based on your hack skill like in system shock. Also the thing that really annoyed me is that I can't use Eve hypos anytime I want! I have to wait to empty my "mana" and then it's done automatically. That's just lame.
Cold Zer0 said:
Also the thing that really annoyed me is that I can't use Eve hypos anytime I want! I have to wait to empty my "mana" and then it's done automatically. That's just lame.

Have you tried hitting reload when you have your Plasmids equipped? :D
I_eat_supermutants said:
Cold Zer0 said:
Also the thing that really annoyed me is that I can't use Eve hypos anytime I want! I have to wait to empty my "mana" and then it's done automatically. That's just lame.

Have you tried hitting reload when you have your Plasmids equipped? :D

That thing never crossed my mind. I mean come on :) You can reload a gun but can't reload a body (well ok obviously you can :) ) but that's just stupid. I expected a different key for a hypo. Just like in System Shock :)

Edit: Another thing that tells you it was made primarily for consoles. Less buttons to press.
I_eat_supermutants said:
But I do think an inventory like system, maybe one like SS2 improved would have been kind of nice, but that's just me personally.

Aye, a real inventar like the one in SS2 would be great.
No game is perfect. End

Damn this game is costing me 1/5 of my salary...but it's worth it! *back to eating termites and drinking rainwater* :crazy:
zioburosky13 said:
No game is perfect. End

Damn this game is costing me 1/5 of my salary...but it's worth it! *back to eating termites and drinking rainwater* :crazy:

True! And yet hype machine gave it 99/100 or 100/100. No product of humanity will ever be perfect.
Cold Zer0 said:
zioburosky13 said:
No game is perfect. End

Damn this game is costing me 1/5 of my salary...but it's worth it! *back to eating termites and drinking rainwater* :crazy:

True! And yet hype machine gave it 99/100 or 100/100. No product of humanity will ever be perfect.
Except me, OC.
Cold Zer0 said:
True! And yet hype machine gave it 99/100 or 100/100. No product of humanity will ever be perfect.
And considering that, could it be that 100/100 does not, in fact, stand for a "perfect game"? If you were to disallow rating the games for the highest possible score, it'd only mean that the highest score just became one less, and you'd had to stop using that one, too, eventually removing the entirety of the scale. :P

That's not to say Bioshock deserved the high ratings it got, just that dismissing them on the above principle seems rather foolish to me.

More relevant: Only ten things about Bioshock suck? OMG BEST GAME EVAR! [/hype]
Guys, I will NEVER EVER again play pipe dream after I finish Bioshock. EVER. Playing on medium difficulty. I use autohack and buyout every time I can, but I still have to play it very often, which sucks.
The game already gave me plenty of reasons to hate it from the demo and the DRM issues, to avoid buying it.
metalboss44 said:
The game already gave me plenty of reasons to hate it from the demo and the DRM issues, to avoid buying it.

Don't you love when your ethical battles deprive you of good art?

shame shame.
A lot of those things he hates are... Pretty minor. I'll use black text so only people who don't mind spoilers can read it with their incredible color changing vision.

"A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words" There's little you learn about the "System", but I don't remember it ever being explained in SS2 how you research things either. Presumably it has to do with your cybernetic upgrades, so your guy crams some mutant meat in to his head and eats some chemicals once in a while and the computer poops out information for you? Research camera didn't seem any worse to me than that.

"The ‘Special Edition’ screw-job" Making of DVDs are pretty worthless for almost all games in my experience. The soundtrack was disappointing, and though the big daddy figure is broken, it does seem pretty hefty and cool. Overall, for $10 more it doesn't seem bad, especially considering how expensive some other special editions get.

"The Ending Part 1" A little worse maybe, such as why would Tenenbaum save you after you'd been killing the little sisters? Presumably because you were the best choice to stop Fontaine. Other than that, it didn't seem any worse to me. Though Fontaine is more of a mustache twirler villain and not nearly as good as Andrew Ryan.

"The Ending Part 2" I agree on this one pretty much entirely. The end boss battle was a bit lame. Not game ruining but sorta annoying considering how cool everything else is.

"The Ending Part 3" He HATES the fact it doesn't roll in to credits? WTF?

"Interface Annoyances #1" Didn't really bother me. If he was playing on PC, he could check all his ammo levels pretty quickly by holding shift and mousing over ammo. Research camera bonuses I don't really mind as they seemed kind of fire and forget for me. Once you try to take a picture of something and it says all research complete then you're done. Power to the people upgrades are pretty easy to remember as most of them change the look of a weapon fairly significantly, and it should be easy to tell which weapons you've modded or not. If he wanted specific numbers then I definately wouldn't care. Do I need to know if the damage increase mod for the tommygun increases bullet damage 15% or 30%? Not really in an FPS. If I use the tommygun and want more damage I'd get it anyway.

"Interface Annoyances #2" I agree that being able to invent more than you can carry was annoying, I'll go with that. I didn't mind buying off security though, this was supposed to be an ultra-capitalist insane utopia, I can live with being able to disable security for money.

"Who’s Your Daddy?" That was kind of disappointing. Fishbowl camera, stompy feet sounds and 25% damage reduction. I did like the role reversal of the player being a big daddy and having to protect a little sister though, but I gotta agree it was a shame you didn't get a rivet gun or anything.

9 and 10 are really annoying. The copy protection almost ruins the game for me. Had it been less awesome and I wasn't looking for a day 1 purchase, I probably would've held off. Now that I already have it I don't really regret it, but I sure as hell won't trust any new games from 2K until I read about them now.