10 Things I Hate About Bioshock

EuphoricOneTriesAgain said:
What would you propose? No longer giving games a "perfect score?"

Yes. You have to adapt to the perception people have in their minds. If you're going to work on a 10-point scale and people can't wrap their minds around the fact that you're grading on the curve, then adapt to your readers and grade it 1-9 instead.

This slow erosion of points has made it so that 7/10 is a horrible score and that's ridiculous. There should be no question that the scoring system is broken and could do with a reset, which would be easier to do than you'd think (presuming everyone was agreed on it)
Not a bad idea. Since I don't see it happening anytime soon though, you should start your own review mag or site.

Brother None's Review, By Brother None...ain't None better. :lol:

Seriously though, damn good write up on the FO3 preview.
I loathe the game industry and everything involved with it from game-making to game-media. As much as I may enjoy playing Robin Hood on the sidelines with my free time, the thought of getting any deeper into it makes me shudder.