10 Things I Hate About Bioshock

xdarkyrex said:
metalboss44 said:
The game already gave me plenty of reasons to hate it from the demo and the DRM issues, to avoid buying it.

Don't you love when your ethical battles deprive you of good art?

shame shame.
Why are you trying to damage the war effort? Are you a plant or something? Are you a DRM-loving infiltrator?
BioShock has more depth to it than Fallout 3 is likely to ever have and from what we've been told and have seen so far about FO3, a quality of design that isn't even comparable so I suggest you get it and do not mind much about the security issue. Just do not expect a perfect game or a true successor to SS2 and you'll be real pleased with Bioshock.
Actuaaly, 7/10 hate-things are crap.
And they don't link directly to the game itseft. But 5 things that cheers - seem to be right from the place/gameplay.

Was that article an attempt to highlight bioshock with some criticism? If that so, then only thing that autor has archieved is that he did a presentation of the game in more favorably way than all others previous reviews did - cause he just got nothing to point out and say "Die, bitch!"
Sorrow said:
xdarkyrex said:
metalboss44 said:
The game already gave me plenty of reasons to hate it from the demo and the DRM issues, to avoid buying it.

Don't you love when your ethical battles deprive you of good art?

shame shame.
Why are you trying to damage the war effort? Are you a plant or something? Are you a DRM-loving infiltrator?

:P you caught me.

no but I hate drm too.
But I take the lesser of two evils, and depriving myself of art isn't worth fighting a losing battle.
The battle can be lost only because of those that collaborate with the enemy. There's no victory without sacrifice.
I honestly feel that fighting this battle will only exacerbate the problem, by having less games made for the pc in lieu of more secure console games.

Like I said, it's the lesser of two evils.
There's only one option when it comes to dealing with DRM filth - it's absolute annihilation - there's no place for this abomination in the future.

There will not be a rebirth of PC gaming without a major cleansing, without a major change in approach to gamers.

Elimination of DRM will be the first step to the new Golden Age of PC gaming.
Sorrow said:
There's only one option when it comes to dealing with DRM filth - it's absolute annihilation - there's no place for this abomination in the future.

There will not be a rebirth of PC gaming without a major cleansing, without a major change in approach to gamers.

Elimination of DRM will be the first step to the new Golden Age of PC gaming.

Did I miss something?
what exactly is so horrible about DRM again?
I mean, I certainly don't like it, but it's a petty annoyance at most. (unless a rootkit was involved, which isn't true for bioshock, that was an unsubstantiated rumor)
Being petty annoyance is enough. You don't get a new Golden Age of PC gaming by adding petty annoyances to games. Actually, you achieve it by removing petty annoyances.
Just finished the game last night, wonderful experience. :clap:

Most of the things listed are trivial or not actually anything to do with playing the game. For me there are a couple of nitpicks, the hacking got old really fast. In the early part of the game I hacked everything but a third of a way through I stopped, saved my autohack tools for the safes and only hacked stuff if I really needed a bodyguard or to get something from a vending machine that wasn't available otherwise.

It was slightly annoying you'd still eat food even if you were at full health/eve. At least the game wouldn't allow you to waste first aid kits if you didn't need one. Though I don't think the game needed an inventory system. In fact I would of liked to see you limited as to how many weapons you could carry. Perhaps just the pistol and wrench as default weapons (since you presumably tuck them into your belt when not used) and which ever two handed weapon you could carry, dropping it to the ground if you wanted/needed to use up another.

The tracks for the upgrade slots were a bit of a waste, it would of been better to just have 20 upgrade slots to fill as you like. Certainly I only really used 2 or 3 plasmids, maybe that would be too overpowering but it was annoying to have a couple of spare plasmid slots going to waste with powers I very rarely used and loads of tonics I didn't have room for.

Spoiler: I agree becoming a big daddy was a disappointment, given it was such a major plot point you'd think they'd change the arm models/textures as well as the helmet view. It spoiled the immersion for me slightly to still see the same shirt sleeves. Plus it would of been nice to have a cutscene show via a tv screen or mirrored surface you as a big daddy to help get the feeling of being one.

Does anyone else (playing the 360 version) find it ironic that a console game that has pc style saving and loading didn't need it? The only time I reloaded was the last level before the end and that wasn't because I had died but just to see if I could do any better. Admittably I haven't played a lot of 360 games but this was the first one I'd played where I could save where and when I wanted.
Yeah, the whole saving where you want to thing was a bit of the waste. Apart from Oblivion, this is the only game, that comes to memory right now, that has it.

Given, I have yet to finish Bioshock. I started playing it before I had surgery on to get 4 wisdom teeth, and another badly growing one. Got a fair way through it, and I am already thinking of starting again...

Eh, anywho, I have yet to check these spoilers, somehow.

My gripes about the game so far are as follows, and might I say, they are minor-

1) Invisible bottomless backpacks irritate me, I want limited space and weight to really make me weigh my decisions (lol pun).

2) The plasmids should have been balanced a bit more.

3) The ending seemed a bit cheesy and sort of flew in the face of the rest of the games style, I would have preferred a different style of boss battle.

4) Being a big daddy felt like a hinderance instead of a perk.

5) I prefer checkpoint based auto-saves. Less exploitable and really makes you live with your choices.

6) Your character should have been a little more fragile, it felt ridiculous that I could shrug off repeated assaults by a big daddy. On the same note, enemies should be more fragile too, using sheer numbers and sneakiness to kill you (which they already do quite well).

7) When harvesting or saving a little girl I want a better animation as opposed to being temporarily blinded.

8) Telekenesis should do something to living combatants, maybe a 'force push' or 'force choke' or something.

9) Being able to view old photographs would be fun.

10) The DRM is shitty for those of you who want to play it on pc.

11) Some of the plasmids/guns in the game felt pretty useless.

12) It would have been nice if splicers picked up weapons and items they stumbled across and used them.

I could go on, but overall the game was incredibly satisfying.
xdarkyrex said:
1) Invisible bottomless backpacks irritate me, I want limited space and weight to really make me weigh my decisions (lol pun).
it's a simple FPS...
2) The plasmids should have been balanced a bit more.
that doesnt explain much... what do you mean?
4) Being **** felt like a hinderance instead of a perk.
SPOILER TAG FFS! and yes, it is supposed to be a pain in the ass? think for a moment!
5) I prefer checkpoint based auto-saves. Less exploitable and really makes you live with your choices.
the way it was handled completely works with the game and is consistent with the story (go listen to more audio diaries if you dont get why)
6) Your character should have been a little more fragile, it felt ridiculous that I could shrug off repeated assaults by a big daddy.
i cant explain why without spoilers, but ffs, it should be bloody obvious to you why that isnt that fucking case man...
7) When harvesting or saving a little girl I want a better animation as opposed to being temporarily blinded.
saving was fine, i never harvested so i can say. but freeing them was a good animation.
9) Being able to view old photographs would be fun.
but you probably take about 200 pictures before the game is over? and most are trash...
SuAside said:


I know how my character and the end story dictate my super human nature and that the game is just an fps, and while that explains why I can be resurrected endlessly, I didn't catch how that explains how I can save whenever I want. Why not just have a checkpoint at every one of those tanks that you come out of when you died?

Saying it is a standard fps is not a reasonable defense of how it is, I still want more. I realize I want more out of the game than it aspires to be, but that is perfectly okay and I am entitled to that opinion.

As for the details of how the plasmids and guns could be a little better balanced, I'd rather not go into it, it doesn't seem worth my time.

xdarkyrex said:
I know how my character and the end story dictate my super human nature and that the game is just an fps, and while that explains why I can be resurrected endlessly, I didn't catch how that explains how I can save whenever I want. Why not just have a checkpoint at every one of those tanks that you come out of when you died?
i was hinting at the ressurection stuff, that was calibrated for your father & hence yourself.
as to why not use checkpoint saves? because that's a stupid console idea and Ken Levine is an avid PC gamer not a console kiddie?

xdarkyrex said:
Saying it is a standard fps is not a reasonable defense of how it is, I still want more. I realize I want more out of the game than it aspires to be, but that is perfectly okay and I am entitled to that opinion.
games nowadays have the tendency to be overhyped as is, and now you're saying that you want more than what is promised to you? simply dont buy the game then?

games barely deliver what they promise, so asking for more than promised seems rather idiotic... it's like buying an normal steak and expecting for the butcher to give you the finest piece of tenderloin/chateaubriand... will almost never happen.
SuAside said:
as to why not use checkpoint saves? because that's a stupid console idea and Ken Levine is an avid PC gamer not a console kiddie?

What does that idea have to do with the platform?
It's a novel idea to make players take their decisions more seriously, as in Diablo 2. I also beat Half-life using only the autosaves because I prefer it that way.

SuAside said:
games nowadays have the tendency to be overhyped as is, and now you're saying that you want more than what is promised to you? simply dont buy the game then?

games barely deliver what they promise, so asking for more than promised seems rather idiotic... it's like buying an normal steak and expecting for the butcher to give you the finest piece of tenderloin/chateaubriand... will almost never happen.

Hey now, you seemed to have missed the point in my list post where I said all my complaints were trivial and that overall the game was superb :P

I give the game a 9/10, but I know, on a personal level, what would make the game a 9.9/10 to me, and I posted it.
It's not as if I am posting in this thread to try to change an already finished product :P
I'm just offering up commentary.
I hate checkpoint only saving, it's my biggest gripe against console games. It's one thing to have to replay an area again and again until you survive, that's bad enough, but to have to replay because you've had to stop for some reason and are no where near the next checkpoint that sucks.

Especially since the devs tend to put the checkpoints in the oddest places. Take GRAW, it tends to save when objectives are completed. On one of the latter levels I completed an objective (first killing those guarding it) and then got sniped on my way to the next objective. But when the game loaded the last checkpoint there were two extra guards waiting for me as I spawned, and it took several tries before I could take them out with enough life left to complete the mission. Or in Gears of War at the pumping station at the end of the third act the check point is way back before you get your first torque bow. And if you die you have to listen to one of the Gears witter on and go through the take the path speech, the zoom in on the locusts etc again and again.

With the vita chambers BioShock didn't need a save system, but it was sure nice to be able to save when and where I wanted if I needed to stop playing. And then just pickup from where I left off.
So I suppose you're not a big fan of playing games without dying?

Many modern games offer little to no punishment for dying, because you can simply load the game at any time. I hate that.

For sucking, I want to be punished, for preparing and using the proper amount of caution, I want to be rewarded.

And especially since games like bioshock are only pseudo-memorizable, so much of it is dynamic and off-the-cuff, so it really rewards players who are appropriately cautionary, and that level of focus really sucks a player into his game world. immershun :P

I suppose though that my gripe isn't with bioshock, but with the direction of mainstream forgivable gaming.

Consequences, I want poor choices and poor skills to allow for consequences, that is all, really.
I'm tired of games without a way to lose.
Now you are talking total and utter nonsense. Most pc games have had freedom to save at any time for as long as I can remember. Console games only had restrictive saving because of the hardware limits. Now they have hard drives checkpoints should hopefully go the way of the dinosaurs.

Checkpoint saving doesn't punish you for sucking, it penalises you for wanting to leave the game.

When I played Half Life I quicked saved like crazy but I only reloaded on dying or after leaving the game. The number of times I got through an area with only one or two points left in my health bar still amazes me today. Sure there are people who abuse that option but they're only cheating themselves out of an experience. On the other hand I can play games all day, but usually I need to stop what I'm doing at a moments notice. It really sucks to have to redo sections just because I had to leave the game before I could find the next checkpoint.

Checkpoint saving doesn't allow you to fail it just makes you do it all over again. That stops being fun very fast, no wonder console games have little replay value. Project IGI was like that with no in game saves, it was a great game otherwise but the lack of saving killed it for me. There's only so many times I can repeat a level before chucking it in. It makes you overly cautious not appropriately cautious, where's the fun it that? And nothing sucks worse than dying just before you reach the end of a map and having to it all or at least most of it again.

How can you lose at a game with checkpoints anyway? They usually just reload the last save for you.
The solution to the above has already been made: checkpoints + temporary saves. Make a temporary save anywhere, anytime, then resume where you left off later. If you die, you go back to the last checkpoint, though, so you can't cheeze your way through the game by quicksaving/loading every second so you come out of battles unharmed.