PainlessDocM said:
Well what if you go to a job interview for a job you really want and are qualified for. The boss tells you they already hired someone else but in reality he had a look at some info he could easily find online and decided not to hire you because you criticized his political party of choice years ago. (or simply because he hates monkeys
Lexx said:
Even if you think that this is bullshit and will never happen-- why are you so sure about this? What if it will happen? What if someone doesn't like you and uses the technic against you? How about police abuse, etc? That's pretty much a possibility and happened already
It's already happening. I have a criminal record for one crime I did six years ago as a teenager (a 'crime' that most kids that age commit, I was unlucky enough to get caught) and it's still affecting me to this day. I've had walmart tell me that they only hire the best of the best and that people with felonies are usually thieves and assholes to customers. I've lost my right to vote and be politically active. If I'm ever pulled over, or in a car when its pulled over, the cops have every right to search the car and me and who I'm with, and it's happened every time. As a "felon" I'm closer to an orwellian nightmare than most of you as my every move is recorded and accessible by employers and law enforcement agencies.
Even then, I don't care. Some of the employers are dickheads about it but a good majority of them have a "Well I was a dumbass kid once sorry you got caught" attitude and ignore it. Most cops are really nice about it and just go through the motions because it's their responsibility.
My point is, even with my entire past accessible, 99% of the people who see it don't care. Even with all my info out there it's irrelevant for the most part.