Hmm yes counter inteligence I have no trouble with. If they know their target.Tagaziel said:Didn't notice your reply.
The point of counter-terrorist intelligence is to prevent you from even getting your hands on the bomb and causing harm, because it's extremely hard to stop a terrorist attack already in progress. I'm not saying it's impossible, but stopping a person who has a bomb in his backpack and a detonator in hand is quite difficult.
But patroling the train stations feels more like a rather uncontroled "panic" reaction to make people feel more safe regardless that they are not. It seems just wasting money as I have the feeling the officers patroling the stations with the Machine Pistols could have done something more usefull. But that is only me.
I dont have problems with inteligence services in general. As long they are bound by our constiution of course.