1UP's Fallout 3 Gameplay Video and Interview


Water Chip? Been There, Done That
1Up has put up their video of another demo walkthrough. While Todd shows the gameplay, 1Up's staff ask him some questions about the game. As expected, the demo shows off the same area and nearly the same walktrough. There is some new stuff, though. For example, there's a new loading screen and info on getting a bottle cap each time you drink a bottle of Nuka Cola.
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Thanks to Anani Masu and Jabu for heads up.
Wow, that was actually quite informative :clap: .I even didn't hate Todd in this - what an acomplishment.And that guy who played Fallouts and criticised Oblivion for the shitty characters positively surprised me.
CStalin said:
I like how the guy in the green shirt found a way to break their scaling system already.

Yeah it was that moment when they laughed? I had a hard time understanding him - what did he say?
I liked this.

Todd came across well. And did anyone else catch the fact that they haven't shown any dialogue yet is because they haven't got it polished and ready to the extent they want yet?

This is good.
I didn't quite get a bit about a perk needed to wear Power Armor. Is this perk needed to wear it actually or for it being just more efficient?

Mr. Teatime said:
I liked this.

Todd came across well. And did anyone else catch the fact that they haven't shown any dialogue yet is because they haven't got it polished and ready to the extent they want yet?

This is good.

Do you really believe this? Why then they gave the journalists the opportunity to experience the dialogues? I mean 3 hours long hands-ons.
OK, things I liked:

1. The karma thing. I dunno how they will actually make it, but it SOUNDED right. I kinda hate it when the games told me "Ok, you are this much good. if you get this many points more good, you will become a lot better." It was annoying.
2. Nuka cola and bottle caps. Did the character keep the caps from the drinks he had in the first Fallout? Also, I'm glad they are not gonna use the Fallout 2 coins.
3. The music and the sounds. Yeah, you don't get that monotone music that fallout had, but there were still a few tunes I liked, and a lot of the sounds felt Fallout-ish.

Things I didn't like so much:
1. Rock-It Launcher (again). - No. Just NO. The idea is cool, the name is cheesy as it gets.
2. The Enclave guys...What the fuck were they wearing? Where's the huge slick black power armor?

edit: Gray areas:
1. The power armor bit. I HATED it when in Fallout 2 you could rush off to the enclave, get a suit of power armor and from then on just pretty much break the game. But I am not sure how good it will be to make it require a perk to use (although in a way it does make sense to not be able to use a technological armor off the bat)
2. (This is not related to the actual content in any way) Why do these websites give me the option of saying I'm one year old? Are they stupid or something?
13pm said:
I didn't quite get a bit about a perk needed to wear Power Armor. Is this perk needed to wear it actually or for it being just more efficient?

Mr. Teatime said:
I liked this.

Todd came across well. And did anyone else catch the fact that they haven't shown any dialogue yet is because they haven't got it polished and ready to the extent they want yet?

This is good.

Do you really believe this? Why then they gave the journalists the opportunity to experience the dialogues? I mean 3 hours long hands-ons.

You've seen screens and videos of the dialogue, then?
Mr. Teatime said:
You've seen screens and videos of the dialogue, then?

Nope. I mean that I don't really believe that this is the main reason. They shouldn't have shown it to anyone then. But they've gave those guys an opportunity even to play the game, so they must've seen the dialogues.

But everything is possible. Maybe he's telling the truth.
Paul_cz said:
CStalin said:
I like how the guy in the green shirt found a way to break their scaling system already.

Yeah it was that moment when they laughed? I had a hard time understanding him - what did he say?

When you see something the scaling system will assign them a level and they will stay at that level for the rest of the game. The guy basically said that you could just run around the whole map at the beginning and everything would have a low level for the rest of the game. After he said this Todd nervously laughed.
CStalin said:
When you see something the scaling system will assign them a level and they will stay at that level for the rest of the game. The guy basically said that you could just run around the whole map at the beginning and everything would have a low level for the rest of the game. After he said this Todd nervously laughed.

Ah, okay that sounds...bad.Thanks for info, am gonna watch it again and see that nervous laugh : ).
13pm said:
I didn't quite get a bit about a perk needed to wear Power Armor. Is this perk needed to wear it actually or for it being just more efficient?

I think that both movement and AC will be decreased or "lost" if you wear PA without the perk/s. Anything to keep you from using it at low levels. It's an okay idea, I think, since you gain a new perk every level anyway.

13pm said:
Nope. I mean that I don't really believe that this is the main reason. They shouldn't have shown it to anyone then. But they've gave those guys an opportunity even to play the game, so they must've seen the dialogues.

But everything is possible. Maybe he's telling the truth.

I hope there's at least some truth in what he says. Time to just wait and see, I guess.

CStalin said:
When you see something the scaling system will assign them a level and they will stay at that level for the rest of the game. The guy basically said that you could just run around the whole map at the beginning and everything would have a low level for the rest of the game. After he said this Todd nervously laughed.

He also said that they won't do this everywhere. So I think it's rather safe to assume you'd end up dead before you even get to the second scaling-spot.

All in all that was definitely one of the better interviews.
13pm said:
Mr. Teatime said:
You've seen screens and videos of the dialogue, then?

Nope. I mean that I don't really believe that this is the main reason. They shouldn't have shown it to anyone then. But they've gave those guys an opportunity even to play the game, so they must've seen the dialogues.

But everything is possible. Maybe he's telling the truth.

Nah, Todd was defensive and shady with that, plus he said it was one of the reasons. I wonder what the others were?
Interesting to note though that some previews have said that the dialouge system is exactly the same as Oblivion's.

I never considered rushing to get the power armour other than for a hypothetical speed run, because they appear so late ('round mid-point I guess), and doing so would break the game anyway. But I guess there's no right way to play.
Jabu said:
Interesting to note though that some previews have said that the dialouge system is exactly the same as Oblivion's.

Maybe they just mean the "camera zoomz to head and dialog options are shown"-thing.
Ausir said:
2. The Enclave guys...What the fuck were they wearing? Where's the huge slick black power armor?


My picture scanning-skills tell me, that the armor is not horned. It could be possible, that the tubes are just to close to the head.


I liked in FO1 that there was, for me at least, a lot of anticipation to get a hold of the power armor. Like, once you've found the BOS you want to get a hold of their armor, and the game puts you through a variety of quests until you finally get it.

Does everyone remember the old FF style RPGs? Where as you progressed to more advanced places, the towns ended up having more upgraded armor and weapons? Even though Fallout was a non-linear game, I thought it had a nice progression of armors and weapons from beginning to end.

Though, I liked exploring and digging to find the special stuff. Like, you get a quest and accomplish it only going half way through a 'dungeon.' However, going all the way to the end might be some really kickass item you wouldn't normally find at your stage in the game. A reward system if you will.

In my opinion, if getting the power armor is that easy to get in the beginning of FO3, then it seems like a broken game design choice.

Also, I love that that dude broke the level scaling thing as well. I don't know, maybe they've done play testing and found that people tend to give up on higher level places. Seems that they're making the game for a casual gamer, some one that doesn't really want to devote a lot of time into the game yet see everything.

Stimpacks are hotkeyed? They might as well just make a god damned multiplayer deathmatch version of this game.

Not that this is a big deal, but where are all the 'held at the hip' style guns? Besides the minigun.
Ausir said:
2. The Enclave guys...What the fuck were they wearing? Where's the huge slick black power armor?


Comprehensive coverage as always. I assume, though, that's a placeholder name by you, not Bethesda's actual naming.

@ Lexx: Yeah, I guess you're right. Though I seem to remember one specificly noting the artificial-zombie like syncing of voices, and awkard body movement (in dialouge).

EDIT:A screen grab from the above video. From this angle it almost certainly isn't tubing (or at least doesn't look like it at all).

ReEDIT: Okay your zoomed pic looks pretty convincing, what are these two different models?
