Matt Chandronait said:
the one thing that I noticed about the first two games is that it was kind of "rush to the power armor"
On Fallout 1, rushing to the Power Armor? Really? Because it seems to me that you would have been absolutely unable to get it by repairing the one in the Brotherhood, much less by rescuing their member on the Hub, at a low level. I would very much like to know how he accomplished such a feat, since even entering the Brotherhood requires going to The Glow.
Even in Fallout 2, though it was a lot easier, this rush was a deliberate and game-breaking exploit which wasn't all that easy to figure out. Maybe it shouldn't have been there at all, but this would have been fixed by simply having the folks at Navarro not handing it to you.
I definitely don't like the sound of an "armor proficiency" perk, though.